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**Blaze Boat Buddies Veggie P* * Never forget

Laurie Rose is awesome.

20k points anniversary mark 1/29/11

Games none of you will ever click on:

Great game. Saved partner and ultimately pulled the win. ~1 hour

Heartbreaking 3+ hour game.

Shortest and luckiest game ever (literally 5 seconds long).

Fun game, best postgame

Got to be uncc'd BP as mafia, got gun, had cop claim and shot him, still won lmao



1 / 20On the Trail
1 / 10I'm Batman.
1 / 15New Sheriff in Town
1 / 35Boozin'
over 13 years
Fuck Golt, wins gotten by trolls throwing games are not earned wins. He is just mad he didnt get the free points
deletedover 13 years
Suiciding was not an admirable thing. Even your co-villagers didn't like it. It was stupid. Trolls are in most games. We have to make the best of that. I would NOT suicide and cause people points because I was dumb enough to lynch a troll. You were all stupid to even lynch at that point, which I said. And I was mafia and adamantly fighting that. You made a fuck up lynching on mylo. That right there gave us the win. Not the troll, because if it wasn't the troll, it was going to be that other guy (who wasn't mafia).
deletedover 13 years
Could have just let us have it. I would have given it to you. Not my fault somebody trolled. Regardless of troll, you would have lost because Gryffindor was retarded and wanted to lynch on mylo.
deletedover 13 years
Would +K you if I could. Obscenity is an ass.
deletedover 13 years
I vegged out? When? Can you please give me the link... I don't remember ever vegging out. :( I think my brother might've done it when I was gone.
over 13 years
returned the favor. thanks
over 13 years
+k for bein a brotha
over 13 years
+k for a good 3 way lylo. good game
over 13 years
+k for that game :)
over 13 years
LOL i think you plussed me a few months ago haha (i have you as plussed too) thanks for the thought though! fun game. i've never played with you on lylo (always watched from the GY). it was fun while it lasted!
over 13 years
-K for telling the maf who the doc was
over 13 years
gg, i like you... +k please return, oh and if you wanna friend request i will accept:P
deletedover 13 years
i'll return when i can
over 13 years
Negged for your own stupidity.

If you don't know the cop report you shouldn't cc it. At least load up the wiki before you do..
deletedover 13 years
Nice job fighting to the end as Mafia. +k
deletedover 13 years
+k returned <3
over 13 years
+k please return :3
over 13 years
in the court of the crimson....
deletedover 13 years
aww lol thanks dude. I'll return ASAP!
over 13 years
I have you at +K too. :P