
everywhere at once.
part of  family

Stand up comedy is the greatest.

Norm macdonald is a boss.



14 / 20Super Sleuth!
8 / 10Scumhunter
3 / 20Do No Harm
3 / 20He's Batman
2 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
over 8 years
Norm is the best comedian left bro
over 10 years
deletedover 11 years
please come back, i miss my buddy
about 12 years
I miss ya bud
deletedabout 12 years
Got kicked and ccouldnt come back. Sorry spin.
deletedover 12 years
Hey dude you did well that last game :D Could you pls give me a kudo here: http://www.epicmafia.com/game/1372090/review. You're a pal! :D

I +k'd you too ;)
about 13 years
Nice job getting me killed earlier :)
about 13 years
Well that was rude. D:
about 13 years
Uh spin. I asked first. And you said yes. Get the hell back! You owe me. Don't make a liar and fool of yourself. We made room for you.
about 13 years
Well they do and to be honest i didnt want to say anything but i think they would look alot sexier in me and bamfs family ;D
about 13 years
about 13 years
Has anybody told you how sexy your points were lately?
about 13 years
I sorry for that. You waz da bomb (literally and figuatively) and I blew it (too many punzzz)
over 13 years
How is everything with you?
deletedover 13 years
Hai. You're the best player. Can I have karma? :D
over 13 years
wsup bro if you leave that fam, i can send you an invite. you're pretty much the only active player in there right now. not to mention that the rest of them just look like place holders. with you and ~14 other active players, we'll pass 600k soon anyway so let's make it happen like bawses
over 13 years
No, seriously. You and Kana are the only active members of your family. Come join One to make One number One.
deletedover 13 years
I believe I reported a player for a game which had just finished and I was in the next game with that player. I did not intend to influence that game, though I appreciate you not suspending me. The player was causing problems for everyone and nobody deserves to lose hearts because one person doesn't want to participate.
over 13 years
apparently you reported me for outside influences? yea I've said something similar twice, one was another play OFFERED to or TRIED to send information outside of a game but I told them not to, the other time I said it was happening as a wifom to so I wouldnt get lynched but nothing like that occured - dont report people falsely
over 13 years