Like A Boss


There's no denying our badassery

about 7 years
Laurieeeee :(
about 8 years
over 8 years
n00b fam <3
almost 9 years
a wild Callee appeared!
about 9 years
Just spotted Jakio in a game lol
about 9 years
Oh hi
about 9 years
wowie It's been a long time
over 9 years

I challenge you to a duel!
about 10 years
You guys still alive?
about 10 years
I deny your badassery UNLESS you can get FlyBriGuy to come back.
about 11 years
vvv INVITE HIM!!! =D vvv
about 11 years
It's a shame I was never invited to this family.
about 11 years
I love everyone here and miss you.
deletedabout 11 years
Hey guys. love you all, but no one in this family is really around. :( I love you all but since I am in and out of EM a little more, I'm probably going to start my own or join one. PM me with your skype addresses since msn no longer i dont have contact with many of you.
over 11 years
Came back for a couple games....and gone for another month with math finals yay :P
deletedover 11 years
Yawn I miss everyone here.
deletedover 11 years
Gonna be gone for 8 days, not that anyone here has been here lately lol. Going to a resort on a lake for 8 days, will prob not even turn on my pc :P CIAO
over 11 years
Can i join your family even though i suck? :D i suck like a boss if that helps :P
deletedover 11 years
1118 lol hi everybody
over 11 years
1111th visitor as well :P
over 11 years
1000th visitor
almost 12 years
Disregard i was hammered
almost 12 years
Or has shield been here...? Sorry im drunk at the moment haha
almost 12 years
Oh shit shield is here haha who did we kick??
deletedalmost 12 years