
the stolen generation was a jewish conspiracy
part of  family

The StimNet™ - Dedicated to Devon Arthurs This is a collection of most of the classic StimNet™ posts. Be aware of two things:

  1. Most, if not all of these were written by Devon Arthurs, notorious Islamic convert and murderer
  2. The StimNet™ is definitely not a real and valid social critique, contextualise it at your own peril

If you would like to have something added to the StimNet™, please contact Mossad directly.

Certified by the ADL™

Enter the StimNet™:

Are you ready to enter the StimNet™?

It's time to jack my brain into the CIA StimNet™ so that the super AI can control my body at the human neural testing ZuccBook™ facility and I can just watch the latest series of Rick and Morty and the hottest Marvel movies in my brain for eight hours, no conscious thought required!

Nothing to complain about, I literally get paid watch movies and the HateThought suppression algorithms help me to acheive a new level of zen!

It's like I'm doing a brain workout and enjoying a grey matter massage at the same time. Sometimes I'll visit the stimnet library and download some Marx directly into my brain.

WARNING: Downloading Marx may overwrite fond memories of loved ones!

Do you wish to proceed? Y/N


DAILY REMINDER:Stimnet™ brand SSRIs are a valid form of medication that are definitely effective and definitely based in proper science! Don’t listen to the sneaky doctors telling you they aren’t!

Direct neural interface with complimentary Estradiol injections are just some of the benefits of StimNet™

Please join the mandatory StimNet™ Worker's Party today!

All emotions besides pleasure and cummies are banned in the StimNet. Our new Enema Technology™ allows for removal of your pesky higher emotions in Realtime!

Enema Technology™, now with high precision waterjets allows for rapid activation of the prostate gland for instant satisfaction of the homosexuality receptors in your recently installed NeoCortex™

Now with IV Soy Bolus Technology™ (SBT™) you can experience precise and immediate relief from pesky higher emotions! SBT™ targets your hypocampus in order to induce instant abolition of grief, sadness, hunger, sleepiness, dizziness, diarrhea, and conscious thought! Try SBT™ today!

Enema Technology™ comes complementary with the installation of your SBT Cranial Injection Port™. Enema Technology™ and SBT™ synergise to create extensive and long lasting cummies while suppressing harmful thoughts and emotions! For a limited time only, SBT and Enema Technology™ will come with free Internet of Things integration, so your prostate stimulation cycle and soy bolus injections can be optimised by our cloud server to give you the best StimNet™ experience!

Contact our Human Interactions™ department for an extensive breifing on our bulk order soy plans!

Upload your family memories to the StimNet™ today for free virtual reality Holocaust history lessons!

Learn about the story of Anne Frank and other notable chosen folk like never before with our patented Flesh Hologram Technology™! Inquire today with our memory acquisition division!

ATTENTION ALL CERTIFIED StimNet™ RESIDENTS: Any virtual individuals found to be engaging in unlawful use of trademarked terms or intellectual property will be subject to removal of vital life functions. Report to the Ministry of Trademarks and Gender Equality for further information. Complementary soy capsules will be provided to StimNet™ denizens who inform on violators of trademark.

Best wishes,

StimNet™ Customer Sentencing Committee

Install the Holocaust Memorial Module today for the chance to have a conversation with our new Mark Zuckerberg Flesh Hologram! Although the original Mark Zuckerberg died decades ago in the great Soy War of 2027, our latest hologram is the best approximation of his likeness ever created! All new Algorithms developed in the Eurasian Soy province have allowed for an acceptable likeness of Mark himself to be holographically projected on your StimNet™ Neural Interface Platform™!

Contact the Holocaust Remembrance Ministry for Peace™ today to learn more!

StimNet™ authorised happiness will come to you if you have adequate soy levels.

Did you know that you can now upload your pets' consciousness to the StimNet™ using the Pet Integration Package? Thanks to generous Facecoin™ donations from the Zuckerberg Family Trust, StimNet™ researchers and CSIRO in collaboration with DARPA have derived a method for upzogging your pets.

Learn more at the StimPets™ Facebook page!



almost 7 years
where is psychological
killed himself 3 weeks ago :(
anonymousabout 7 years
Do you know Dylan the Nazi Aussie?
youre talkin' to him
deletedabout 7 years
bang me pls???
haha you wish NERD
anonymousover 7 years
Pls help me, I'm lost and scared. What year is it?
June 1944 normandy,omaha beach. Heads down and GO GO GO
anonymousover 7 years
its funny becuz ur gay
reveal yourself anoni-chan


16 / 20Super Sleuth!
11 / 20He's Batman
5 / 30Oxyclean
4 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
2 / 15Walker Texas Ranger
deletedalmost 8 years
acftually if u listen to the bikie b oys u will hear that they say verbatim
watch out for glass or your tire goes flat.
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
I, The Artist Formerly Known As Plissken, will report your crimes to our lord and savior, JamalMarley.

For HE is... Glorious!
almost 8 years

pinochet got overthrow'd by virgins lmao
literal virgins
fcking catholic clergy kicked his
he was also a neolib globalist
almost 8 years
so u like (((ben shapiro)))
watch the jew-iest video on yt
almost 8 years
horseshoe theory irl
almost 8 years
im just curious is this ur alt?
almost 8 years
u never told me u were inside theresa may
almost 8 years
fishy fishy fishswim
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
next year i wanna give u a ticket to fyre festival 2018, so u can enjoy the best the leisure class of capitalism has to offer
almost 8 years
His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, I am your lord
almost 8 years
10/10 its not like she's in our snapgroup and has proven herself to be way too pretty to be me u lil fck
almost 8 years
Nobody Asked,
Yours Truly,
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
ders no such thing as "too much coffee" smh
almost 8 years
happy birthday <3
almost 8 years
u ask 4 cringe i give u cringe

almost 8 years