I mean like an hour if playing a turbo and usually 2 hours in a regular speed game. which is usually just average stack. which is normally a result of 2 decent sized pots, someone chasing a flush or trying to bluff catch for whatever reason against a set/top 2 pair like hand. and well I play microstakes so I'm getting it in pre flop with JJ or better since I find it profitable with the amount of people that call off with 9s or AQo or even worse. and yeah sorry bout the wall of text :p
deletedover 9 years
IF U WERE KILLED TOMORROW, I WOULDNT GO 2 UR FUNERAL CUZ ID B N JAIL 4 KILLIN DA PERSON THAT KILLED U! ......__________________ ...../_==o;;;;;;;;______ .....), ---.(_(__) / ....// (..) ), ----" ...//___// ..//___// WE TRUE HOMIES WE RIDE TOGETHER WE DIE TOGETHER
send this GUN to everyone you care about including me if you care. C how many times you get this, if you get a 13 your A TRUE HOMIE
also probably only problem (well not sure if it is but not sure if it's the right way to play) but if I have a hand like AK or TT maybe 25-30 bb's deep (usually the stack I end up having at this stage in most tournies) in the small blind, and say there's a MP open, then the CO flats, I'm not sure how to get value out of my hand, I don't think I can flat there ever just because I'm out of position, especially with something like AK I know I'm gonna miss the flop a lot so 3-betting a normal amount usually gives value for one to call and then if I c-bet and they come over the top, I don't think there's much I can do about it and I'm down to 15 bb's, so I normally just ship it instead which kills off the action, but its probably hands like these that I feel like I should be getting more money from, instead of just picking up a 7bb pot with a premium hand
and usually with top pair early in the tournament you only get action against better hands, so normally just end up staying away from AT/AJ and sometimes will fold AQo early in a tournament which might be a bit nitty but can't see where I can make enough money from it unless it's against a fish to make it viable playing.
yeah I am really tight just feels like I can never get paid off when I hit a set or a strong draw and I mean I usually have double my chip stack by about an hour in but it's never really much more than average at best and cuz of that I think there's just a couple of situations where I have to endure a flip with AK v a lower pair or get it in with JJ against AQ/AK and it'd be nice to have to avoid those situations around the bubble of a tournament
you should give me some tips :3 I find it difficult building a big stack early in tournaments although I think the rest of my play is pretty solid, if not maybe a bit dependent on winning a vital flip around the bubble
deletedover 9 years
Noc and his pals have been making similar statements since I got unbanned, although the mass post negging for saying to jackie(whose post is now deleted) that she shouldn't be saying Arianna looks like ET is something new.
IDK I think it's just typical sandbox hive mentality, I barely post on SB forums.
mouth so burnt and i'm so turnt i ain't listening
there that's my white boy party rhyme