

PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE WHEN YOU KARMA ME. I've gone up and down so much and no one tells me why. Sometimes after i havn't played for a while.

Before i played epic mafia, i played mafia at http://www.byond.com/games/LostRealm/Mafia

Have you ever had a Sleep paralysis/night terror

HERES A VIDEO DESCRIBING IT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21kW39IcLKA&feature=PlayList&p=13B2806AFB3F83DD&index=0

incase you instantly think im lieing... like a certain matt12

It's like a truly horrifying vivid lifelike nightmare

Your partly awake, but your paralyzed from sleep still. People (including me) who have them report seeing figures approach them.

You can't move, which is the terrifying part. You cant even scream, but you know your awake. And now there's something in the room, and it gets closer and closer. The only thing running through your mind is just... pure unfiltered terror.

Well just wondering if anyone here has had these since 17%-25% of people have them...

almost 12 years
And I have experienced sleep paralysis a couple of times, always creepy deformed old people approaching, ask me anything.
almost 12 years
Get it together buddy.
almost 12 years
Oh and since you asked, I gave you karma.
deletedover 14 years
2k for u please return!!:)
deletedover 14 years
over 14 years
Lol negged again and no one posted why. SHOW YOURSELVES COWARDS. What are you afraid of anyway? It's not like i can neg you back... JUST TELL ME WHAT I DID WRONG.
deletedover 14 years
lol u mad?
deletedover 14 years
hey youre 9 now last time i checked it was 8
over 14 years
Idk lol anyways 2k
deletedover 14 years
lol i do hate it, they need to say why! it should show you who + or -
over 14 years
Add me
deletedover 14 years
eh + cuz youre ok
over 14 years
ur my friend so i give u 2k:)
deletedover 14 years
When I veg it's because the game kicks me out because this game is REALLY needs some confirmation dialogs before you leave a game...
over 14 years
lolno, you definitely don't seem like a /v/tard.

Protip, if you want to induce them, just set an alarm to wake you at about 4 in the morning and lie completely still, your body should fall asleep, if you can keep your brain a wake INSTANT PARALYSIS. Enjoy.
over 14 years
first of all, y so hostile. Secondly, no I wouldn't, you're bang on the mark with 17-25%. Also, it's just something I've always been interested in, came to know quite a bit about it. No other reason. If you've got any questions about it ask away, I'll probably be able to provide a bit of insight.
deletedover 14 years
I know. Please don't report me, onii-chan. :<
over 14 years
omg. i hate sleep paralysis. hasent happened to me in a while though.
deletedover 14 years
Haters can watch whilst iAnal.