
New York
part of  family

dont take me so seriously.

people think i am actually being mean and a douche when i say something mean, but in reality i just fucking around and i dont mean it. just joking around if anything.

if i offend anyone i am sorry but relax it wasnt a real insult.

this is the internet and i am a blunt so sorry if my jokes come at strong doses.

Also I'm vegan

deletedabout 6 years
I'm the real one.
about 6 years
ty for the karma +k
about 9 years
hi love
about 9 years
Sup loser
about 9 years
Bae <3
about 9 years
Friend <3
about 9 years
Oh thanks!! I didn't actually check my profile on this account until JUST NOW. That's really nice of you to say, and I deffos didn't get the impression that you were rude or cruel when I was playing with you, haha.
over 9 years
+2 karma right back :)
deletedover 9 years
woof woof : D
deletedover 9 years
[licks nose]
deletedover 9 years
woof woof <3

whats ur skype :0
deletedover 9 years
i love you
deletedover 9 years
<3 see you around in the games!
almost 10 years
almost 10 years
nah, I'd just get over it. shoot me a PM if u need help with anything
almost 10 years
Why would I get mad its just a game lol, +Ked back
almost 10 years
reminder to give goalie his +k too.
almost 10 years
+k to 2 :) return? ♥