This role needs an improvement. I support he being able to cure cop's insanity (and the cop will be aware of this when it happens, not necessarily saying which sanity he was before but only that he became sane) and also being immune to lover suicide.
Wait, does Shrink turn Priest into a blue? I was just in a game with no mimic, yet was converted to blue the night I died with lover. There was a shrink, but I also died via poisoned. I was vested.
Shrink should indeed be able to cure cop's sanity, making them sane (but not changing the reports getting before that) Also if a Shrink is on a lover target, and the Lover dies during the same night, by mafia/ww/killer etc. (or vice-versa), the one who didn't die from mafia/ww/killer etc. should not die as a result from lover's effect. (Isn't the idea that the lover target commits suicide? Shrink should be able to overcome that..)
deletedabout 13 years
I think Shrinks should be able to cure cops' sanity.