
sandbox autist
part of  family

no genders, only egg.

i used to host mafia movie streams on friday and saturday nights! i might start those up again since it's 2019 and people seem to miss them.


anonymousover 9 years
do you sizzle sizzle
every waking moment


8 / 20Super Sleuth!
5 / 25Explosion!
2 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 10Scumhunter
over 6 years
Epicmafia Lore Profile:

The Eggs have traditionally been seen as an oddity in Sandbox culture, used as attractions at carnivals and circuses. However, in recent years there has been a push for Egg rights from the Weeb coalition, resulting in an economic boom as Eggs enter the work force as full-fledged members.
about 7 years
transgenderism is a mental disorder
about 7 years
about 7 years
about 7 years
I miss movie night egg :(
over 7 years
we gotta stick together my dude
over 7 years
good job on the legalizing gay marriage in australia then lmao
over 7 years
Love you!
over 7 years
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
im jewish
over 7 years
But you're in love with me too.. so in my boyfriend o;
deletedover 7 years
thank u for the card. it makes me wish i wasnt allergic to you
over 7 years
how did you find me and who are you
deletedover 7 years
i don't listen to neggros
over 7 years
holiday egg
over 7 years
Aww you remember the old festive card you send me back when! [Sorry for deleting your old lover,my alt]
over 7 years
I had some scrambled eggs this morning. I put hot sauce and black pepper in them.
over 7 years
bless egg
over 7 years