
part of  family
almost 14 years
I know ur alt
deletedalmost 14 years
Because you were randomly accusing random ass people without saying shit, and making no sense, and I couldn't fucking think. You and spade were making it worse. there was no way I was going to listen to that idiocy.
almost 14 years
Und = And
wenn = if
ich = I
mir = me
'nen/einen = a
Ava = ava
zulegen = here: get
Und wenn ich mir einen Avatar zulege?
And if I get an avatar?
almost 14 years
Thought you were german as well.
How are you? =/= Wie bist du?
It's said in Germany like this:
Wie geht es dir?
almost 14 years
Who is Tristan and why should I neg him
almost 14 years
Can you do me a favor and stop negging/getting people to neg Tristan thanks :)
deletedalmost 14 years
Returned your karma, plz send more karma D= I keep getting negged for every ranked game I win by using flawless strategy as seen here
deletedalmost 14 years
Anything for you :)
almost 14 years
Und wenn ich mir 'nen Ava zulege?
almost 14 years
+k returned and negged on the guy!!!!
deletedalmost 14 years
negged him!
almost 14 years
returned :P
almost 14 years
deletedalmost 14 years
Done :)
deletedalmost 14 years
Bad luck there to end up in a troll town. Never mind, +K to you.
almost 14 years
I don't neg blindly
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
+ K BABY also friended.
almost 14 years
youre so cool +k when i can
deletedalmost 14 years
Does that mean you had me negged? lol Anyway, +k. Please neg Thanks!