Negged for being an asshole. You can neg me back since to you I'm a "game ruining sheep". You could be a great player if you didn't start spewing acid at people and refusing to claim DOC in competitive games. The fact that town won was a miracle really.
deletedabout 13 years
You are an asshole. I didn't sui because you didn't agree with my strat. I suid because the cops were here. notice in the game I said COPS ARE HERE. Sorry somehow won't think they would understand me saying sorry officer I didn't answer the door because I was in a game. EAT SHIT YOU PETULANT CHILD.
No, it's not OK. If you haven't noticed the forums are becoming a lot more strict. Things that were tolerated a couple months/weeks ago, are no longer tolerated and will be punished accordingly.
I don't even remember what game it was or what day it was. Unlike you, this is a GAME to me. I really don't understand what happened in your life that made you hate everyone so much and made you have this horrible elitist attitude where you need to insult everyone you don't agree with.
deletedover 13 years
You're a sad dude
deletedover 13 years
If you were just, you know, nicer, you have the potential to be great. As it stands, you're just kind of a douche who lets his attitude get in the way of his ability.
I believed you completely and was very sure you weren't guised and as such tried my best to get Anton lynched, but Masta wanted you to answer the guisetest. I felt it unnecessary that you didn't either just answer it or say you didn't answer guise tests directly, but I'm not going to get very upset over it.