
part of  family

Peta: The Nazi Who Played Yahtzee

Peta: I don't play yahtzee




anonymousalmost 10 years
is your name pronounced nibbit nibbit five?
who the hell are you
anonymousabout 10 years
why you no self delete
why are you anonymous
about 10 years
over 10 years
are u in an e-relationshep
in love with Peta
anonymousover 10 years
Can i let epicmafia know about your new e relatinoship with FWOSH?
what the fuck ling


4 / 10Scumhunter
3 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 20Do No Harm
over 11 years
Who? What?
deletedover 11 years
You should make a Tumblr.
deletedover 11 years
hey bb
deletedover 11 years
ur a fukkin joke kid.
deletedover 11 years
I'll show you how mature I am as I release my dick and let it fall down against your face accelerating at a rate roughly equal to 9.8m/s^2
deletedover 11 years
stfu you scum.
deletedover 11 years
Nice bio.
over 11 years
welcome back
deletedover 11 years
ur on her account
over 11 years
I'm an 18 year old guy, who has always been in love with video games. Started when I was six, and kicked off after that. I started with the Super Nintendo, and then the Nintendo 64. Played for ever, until my parents finally got me a PS2 and Xbox awhile back. Then from there, the hobby turned into my own. I started talking video games, writing about them and using them to create a future for myself. I currently operation a YouTube channel, Twitter, and LiveStream webshow for many of my fans
over 11 years
what's wong with him?
over 11 years
who said it was? besides, no asians are called nick.
over 11 years
nicker nicker nicker
deletedover 11 years
hibiki 2 hours 44 minutes
deletedover 11 years
over 11 years
yeah but they don't allow minorities either. i have a merry band of them.
deletedover 11 years
I'm great man, I've never been better.
deletedover 11 years
Well actually no one on EM so I suppose I could just insult you but honestly I don't feel like it, I think I've genuinely matured. weird.
deletedover 11 years
I like to mix it up.
deletedover 11 years
yeh I'm just trying to impress the bitches, know what I'm saying?