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Peta: The Nazi Who Played Yahtzee

Peta: I don't play yahtzee




deletedalmost 10 years
is your name pronounced nibbitnibbitfive
if you want though i think it sounds a bit awkward
almost 10 years
it was me
anonymousalmost 10 years
i'm not a stranger i was just too embarassed to say it to you directly :3
im turning off anon.
anonymousalmost 10 years
thnx for being u
you're welcome anoymous stranger
anonymousalmost 10 years
that didn't answer my question. is your name pronounced nibbit nibbit five?
who the hell are u??


4 / 10Scumhunter
3 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 20Do No Harm
deletedabout 11 years
what kind of person would want to watch one part of an entire movie, nbt
deletedabout 11 years
typical animefucker response
deletedabout 11 years
typical asian response
deletedabout 11 years
nbt have you played off me neither but i want to is it any good i figure you know a lot about video games since youre nbt
deletedabout 11 years
i make fun of a post you make and i'm basically fading, ok
deletedabout 11 years
most of the posts i make arent angry
deletedabout 11 years
i don't consider myself retired yet but having a real job kills the time i'd spend on this site
about 11 years
now that you aren't in love with Peta anymore can i swoop you up?
about 11 years
I like Lady Vengeance a lot too.
about 11 years
I've told you Oldboy is one of my favorite movies right?
about 11 years
thats cause ies me, surprise fucker!!
about 11 years
does he look like you cause thats what i imagine you to look like, since you're both short and skinny
about 11 years
i'm not asian so i don't do well.
about 11 years
It's jazza or pious
deletedabout 11 years
theres nothing to get
deletedabout 11 years
yea that was what i made my avatar from that one time
deletedabout 11 years
a lot of them are prudish.
about 11 years
msg me
deletedabout 11 years
I was playing with my commie friends and didn't want them to be exposed to boob.
deletedabout 11 years
You're gonna love my nuts.