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Peta: The Nazi Who Played Yahtzee

Peta: I don't play yahtzee




deletedabout 10 years
is your name pronounced nibbitnibbitfive
if you want though i think it sounds a bit awkward
about 10 years
it was me
anonymousabout 10 years
i'm not a stranger i was just too embarassed to say it to you directly :3
im turning off anon.
anonymousabout 10 years
thnx for being u
you're welcome anoymous stranger
anonymousabout 10 years
that didn't answer my question. is your name pronounced nibbit nibbit five?
who the hell are u??


4 / 10Scumhunter
3 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 20Do No Harm
almost 14 years
thodges/percyjackson must die
deletedalmost 14 years
yeah n ur gay
deletedalmost 14 years
I guess you can say I am the dark horse of the Epic Mafia round run :P. Thank you very much for the +k. I will return when I can.
almost 14 years
you're kidding me, right? we had a troll bp who wouldn't even cc the maf claim, how the hell could it be MY fault or ME playing bad? take your -k off me.
deletedalmost 14 years
+k Frosty! Please Return!
deletedalmost 14 years
I'm already almost 200 points behind so it'd take a miracle.
deletedalmost 14 years
Meh. I don't know. Probably not, but you never know.
deletedalmost 14 years
That was one of the most enjoyable scum games I've ever played—and I usually HATE being scum. Awesome stuff.
almost 14 years
LMFAO WHY WOULDNT THE REAL DOC CC YOU MORON! The mafia didnt kick so it was OBVIOUS that your fake 'troll' was the real doc! Nice job losing it though and making it a 30 min d2.
almost 14 years
Learn to scumhunt. You negged me apparently for scumhunting and catching a very stupid scumslip. Meanwhile YOU were the one who didnt want to scumhunt and wanted to RANDOM lynch on the -20karma who WASNT trolling.
Also cop ALWAYS claims on lylo, so nice job fucking the town there. 2 innos can be even more useful than a guilty, but you decided to fake 'scumhunt'...
almost 14 years
I know, I know. The only reason we lost was because Tiph threw the game for the mafia. We had a clear at LYLO, and wakemeup was blatant maf, but Tiph decided to ignore the clear and throw the game instead and voted to lynch me, and Obv and wake voted me too.
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
no not at all. i dont really lurk or filler. I do scum hunt. I just wasnt feeling it tonight lol, But yeah you played well. Really well. I was just surprized that you didnt FOS me
almost 14 years
yes we did win :D meaning i was maf
almost 14 years
Plus Karma for playing well
almost 14 years
LOl jeeez :( it is an inside Joke ad yesh i am :D
deletedalmost 14 years
I know. And yeah. Haha.
deletedalmost 14 years
He got supplanted. For now.
deletedalmost 14 years
Let it go man, votes were locked, nothing i could do
almost 14 years