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Peta: The Nazi Who Played Yahtzee

Peta: I don't play yahtzee




deletedover 11 years
I'm gonna use harden, followed by pound, and then string shot.
When you self deleted Gary Oak you forfeited all rights to pokemon-related sex, and by extension rape, jokes. Try again Josh.
deletedover 11 years
are you currently In Game Dota 2?
i hate you too :|
anonymousover 11 years
r u a wizard?
kill yourself m8
over 11 years
How do you feel about killing yourself while drinking coffee, does that elevate it
Try it out yourself ;D
deletedover 11 years
hihihihihihihiihihihihihihhihi hi?


4 / 10Scumhunter
3 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 20Do No Harm
deletedover 10 years
GET THIS: YOU'RE A FAGGOT. Go back to 4chan you weebo.
over 10 years
yes: it's yuo bitch
over 10 years
are u a fag yes
over 10 years
u want my attention 2 fag?
over 10 years
over 10 years
Lol that dude in the pic looks like you.
over 10 years
is that u in that pic ^^
over 10 years
because you cared
over 10 years
you, considering you just removed the video
over 10 years
it's not homework. nice chvrches video ... not. it's 2013, lol
deletedover 10 years
How so
over 10 years
I read it on a couple of English teacher's blogs. It's just common practice, since parents get it for their kids as a graduation gift.
over 10 years
It is. In Korea, plastic surgeons will have hire people to camp out after high school is over and pass out plastic surgery advertisements. Most korean singers, boys included, were actually butt ugly before fame. Fucked up but true.
deletedover 10 years
How so
over 10 years
I love every single member of Tara, but hyomin is by far the bestest.
over 10 years
T-ara is better.
deletedover 10 years
im so amused right now
over 10 years
Work, mostly.
over 10 years
That wuz amazing. Thank you ipat.