
welcome to clown college
clown valhalla

u know when i was like ur age bit older i got with this girl about my age. but she was such a pain for ages, like, 'no, ur too young' stuff. and i was way too young for her tbh lol. but she was saying she was 7 years older than me or whatever, but it was like 6 and a half really, so i say 'wtf u can't add another half, u can't round up. what if i went into a homeless shelter with 6 and a half fish and said i had 7? i'd cause a riot that's what.' and she's sitting there a minute thinking about it. then a big smile cracks, and she concedes, and she let's me in that pussy lol. do u get it tho? i am just a lost boy bibty, with nowhere to call home. lol sorry i'm so fucking bored




anonymousabout 10 years
sup nerd
You're probably the bigger nerd here, excuse you.
anonymousabout 10 years
When do you online? I'd like to challenge you on RatScrew, and beat you.
Well anon that may be a tad bit difficult for various reasons. But I'll be online pretty often over this weekend. Otherwise I'm on between 8 and 11 PM EDT.
about 10 years
However cuddly I need be x
Perfect then. Arrangements will be made for irl cuddles.
about 10 years
I'll be your first question, as long as we can have cuddles and mutual respect x
Yeah, that's cool. I respect you, man. But how cuddly are you?


1 / 20Clint Eastwood
1 / 15New Sheriff in Town

Created Setups

about 10 years
You the hella cute one
about 10 years
returned!!! :D
about 10 years
You passed my test, MasterCthulhu. You're blessed.
about 10 years
+ks back ur the best!!!
about 10 years
+k for being awesome
about 10 years
+K for being so rad B)
about 10 years
wow excuse u i +k'ed you a long time ago ;_ ;
deletedabout 10 years
+k for the worst role <3 (jk ilu)
about 10 years
but thats u??? i gave u a +k also but a bit ago RIP <3 ily
deletedabout 10 years
+k'd back u2pro
deletedabout 10 years
Yes im sure its not a moustache walrus.

I did +k you already though
about 10 years
+k best ever in the world
about 10 years
+K best ever in the world
about 10 years
i ended my visit to ranked a few months ago lel
about 10 years
Well, yeah, but I put "pretty much any derivative of Travis" so that somewhat counts, I think, Idk
about 10 years
don't judge me for my life choices ;_ ;
about 10 years
b l e s s r i n g a b e l l
about 10 years
about 10 years
deletedabout 10 years
I'm above dapower in your friend list clearly I am supreme