

If you need to guise test me, I study Computer Science at university so ask me computing questions.

Feel free to add me ^_^


2 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 10I'm Towntelling!
about 13 years
Nice try! You almost had it! But then you trusted me xD +K'ed and friended :)
about 13 years
+k for carlton riverbanks
deletedabout 13 years
okok then i guess a sore loser from gy did :P ;) keep rocking
deletedabout 13 years
Kchen here, did you neg me out of shame, for beating you? If yes, then I'm losing my respect..
almost 14 years
This game sucked... sucked hard and long... Q.Q
almost 14 years
+k for epic tunnel and i feel bad for getting really annoyed.
almost 14 years
Not going to -k over this, but you're sooo noisy.
almost 14 years
+k for epic tracking :D
almost 14 years
negged for kicking me when I was obviously afk
almost 14 years
+k epic cop
almost 14 years
Ah, well done on last game as maf :)
You was acee. I'd +k you if I could!:}
deletedalmost 14 years
Sorry i did not believe you, but i didn't think maf could be such a fayul and Gx was so after you and i totally thought he is your partner :D, +k
almost 14 years
i can finally +k with that win, sorry i fooled you, have some karma =]