I'm going to have my survivor seasons. First season will start Monday, October 21st,''5 pacific''. Make sure to be reversed before it starts. Good luck everyone.
You got to watch Beyond Belief: Fact Or Fiction. It's about where they are 5 stories and they are either true or false. The show has a lot of twists and can be really suspenseful. It's addicting as shit. Overall awesome show.
At night when you are cop, you investigate someone, NEVER PICK NO ONE. That person is displayed at the top of the page with alignment. They are either innocent, or they are mafia. You report that to the village. Then you carry on from there. Also make sure you vote when you have come to a decision during the day. Voting is on right side of page, with a drop down box that gives you the option to pick someone you want to nominate to be lynched. Good Luck, and remember: no matter what you are told, keep practicing and playing and you will become a solid player I assure you. Have fun.