
in love with 
part of  family





anonymousalmost 11 years
you're the sweetest <3
i like you a lot
anonymousalmost 11 years
you changed the password u fatty
how dare you call me fat
anonymousalmost 11 years
I'm good, how are you?
I'm pretty good too, my days pretty good so far, how about yours?
anonymousalmost 11 years
hi ling
hi anonymous, how are you
anonymousalmost 11 years
fuck off cunt
fight me


7 / 20Super Sleuth!
6 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
5 / 10I'm Towntelling!
4 / 20Clint Eastwood
4 / 10Scumhunter

Created Setups

deletedover 8 years
Blossom Bubbles and Buttercup live with their rich white father who makes a six figure income in the STEM field and although they are racially classified as Chemical Accidents they are white passing and experience white privilege. Their lack of understanding of intersectionality is further highlighted by their violent antagonism towards Him, a non-binary demon, and Fuzzy Lumpkin, a bear who lives below the poverty line. In this post I will examine the
over 8 years
i'll do my best just for you
deletedover 8 years
hi ling i hope you've been keeping it real
deletedover 8 years
Oh wow stuff has changed around here
over 8 years
my days are done
over 8 years
l i n g, I dont have a harem anymore
deletedover 8 years
must be nice
over 8 years
ur beat
over 8 years
im being harassed
over 8 years
hi ling ling senpai
over 8 years
can you not
over 8 years
it's a comPLIMENT
over 8 years
good comeback ngl
over 8 years
k you do you
over 8 years
wat do you want
deletedover 8 years
Anthony 20h 7m +1
cute waifu you got there
over 8 years
hi asian :]
over 8 years
wow, what a nice guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!