

Lets see here.

Well I have a lot of friends on here now that I've been playing for a little while in any case, and I enjoy the friendly competitive aspect of this site.

That being said it can be taken too far. I play for enjoyment, no more and no less, I am competitive and I hate losing, but more than that I hate it when people cuss at each other and insult everyone around them. I have no patience for it and no tolerance for it either. If you play with me kindly remember that this is a game. At the end of the day it means very little.

So have fun for goodness sake!

-K me if it makes you feel better. +K me if you would like.

At the end of the day it's just a number. It's all about popularity and I won't pander to that.

If you would like to be my friend on here I am more than happy to oblige, just add me and I'll get around to it eventually.


"SHERLOCK FOR MAF!" ~Apee (<3 even if that line gets me lynched all the time)


8 / 20Super Sleuth!
2 / 20Do No Harm
2 / 25Eye of the Beholder
2 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 10Gotcha!
over 12 years
+K :D :D
over 12 years
I wasn't being sarcastic, btw haha
over 12 years
Did you claim fool to the last blue, and then fos me? haha great job.
over 12 years
Omfg you're the best mafia ever! So happy you were my partner. A million karma <3
over 12 years
i like you and the fact that we share a mutual hatred