
xo. Survivor lobby's resident princess
in love with someone gone
part of  family

Princess potle

RIP bff x infinity.

I love my peasants:



-Arianna my bff


-Shane h*e sl*t bag (gotta keep it clean EM),

-Lump of Cole,


-My trashy gay brother Logan gaga,

-Jevelyn (back off h8rs),

-Fails Caels,

-Chris from Iowa,





-xoxoxo NickiJayCee my one and only love in this life,

-NoOne21 :3,

-Baby J,


-Mittens with Kittens

-Mother Mary Vlad

-My twin.

xo If I forgot you it's because you are so flawless I just didn't want the h8rs to h8 u kno?



anonymousabout 12 years
How does it feel being the smart good-looking twin?
It's cute you asked this, because since we are twins we are both equally smart and good looking. ♥
anonymousabout 12 years
why are you so perfect?
I have always said perfection is imperfection. But thanks for the compliment ♥
anonymousabout 12 years
Why did the chicken cross the road?
deletedabout 12 years
why are we SO amazing at #twinning? xo.
The fact that I havent won a game in decades makes me wonder ....... MAGIC
deletedabout 12 years
why are you so awesome?
I think it's partially because of you, partially just my existence xD


6 / 20Super Sleuth!
3 / 20Do No Harm
3 / 25Eye of the Beholder
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 20He's Batman
about 12 years
WHY NOT! I believe you missed an opportunity of a lifetime.
about 12 years
yes still good inb4 not at 6
about 12 years
ok gg it wasn't me
about 12 years
Maybe that's because it was me, and ofc we got a snow day :P
about 12 years
WOO PARTY WITH CRODE, and uh.. i totes got an A on that exam.. PSH....LET'S MEET :D
about 12 years
exams tues wed thurs, no diiiiice!
about 12 years
the young wookies must learn! It's my last semester and i'm done next week, so if you party people are around over the break or back early Jan, let's do it!
about 12 years
second cup is my hizzay toooooooo! awww yeah
about 12 years
snail mentioned it to me and I was like whaaaaa! you me Luis and Oprah need to have a reunion!
about 12 years
Yes apparently Pot... LET'S MEET UP? :D
about 12 years
hi potle how's it hanging
deletedabout 12 years
It will never be soon enough :(
about 12 years
Hey hey
about 12 years
No I actually went out to eat breakfast
about 12 years
Why yes I left my house, where did you see me lol
deletedabout 12 years
aaaw, the twin thing was cute. :') & IKR, they are obsessed with anime. like, and 95% of them aren't even chinese/japanese. =s xo
deletedabout 12 years
Recent visitors are kool.
about 12 years
Don't get me wrong, our professor was nice. But she didn't speak english fluently, and it was hard for her to explain things clearly. I think if I had a better and more educated teacher, I probably would've loved Psych way more, but whatever. I got my B+ and that's all I cared about. :P
about 12 years
OMG, I took Psychology in the spring. It was horrible, my teacher was like, chinese and spoke broken english or something. The textbook was basically my teacher. :| But yeah, everything's great. I just want a career now, though. (dull)
about 12 years
I just found your TG profile. LOL! I didn't think you were still active on it - and your record is good. And yeah, I'm not playing HG, probably. Like, I legit only played two games in 2012, and I wanna leave it that way. xo