
part of  family

Fuck Lucid for making me lose my trippy drug-fueled avatar that the one and only Okopapa made for me. =(

over 7 years
Yoyoyoyoyo. Miss you man.
about 11 years
over 13 years
+ke'd :-) on this one
over 13 years
llama, do you remember that game A LONG TIME AGOO. when i like whispered u a report in case I died, which i did, and then the next day, you outted it. And everyone thought you were scum and you convinced them at the last minute to vote da mafia. and then it turned out that the report was fake, because all I had were useless reports. LOOOL guud times. it's on ur pro :P
almost 14 years
LLAMA LLAMA LLAMA <33333 plz come back to Boom <3 :*
almost 14 years
Lol love your quote.
almost 14 years
+k for liking Fire Emblem
almost 14 years
omg you back?
deletedabout 14 years
about 14 years
hey llama! haven't seen you in a bit. don't u miss the good old days? :(
about 14 years
OHHHHHHH I REMEMBER WHY. When Guny was here i was his first mate Silly Spider of Limes xD
about 14 years
ANY DAY OF THE WEEK. but ninjas have better skills. and pirate cock is nums.
over 14 years
AWW LLAMATACO<3 I saw your comment on the thread and it made me rly happy ^_______^<3 do you still play? :D
over 14 years
+'d for plussing rev. :]; wtf why did i not have you plussed beforee.
over 14 years
HAIIIIIIIII <3 go look at booms profile page x) you has a few quotes .
over 14 years
deletedover 14 years
+k! Please Return!
over 14 years
lol duhhh
over 14 years
over 14 years
Do you remember when you started EM? Im trying to figure out when I started.