
New York


Gold Trophy==10/09/2011== Dedicated to Dannie, the RBz

Vigil Honor Role==10/14/2011
52 Achievements**(20/20 Super Sleuth; 20/20 Do No Harm) >>

> "To die is easy, really easy but it is only hard to strive, to endure, to live. Adolphus Greely-.

                   BA, Psychology
                 Middle School Math/Science Teacher

> When you meet your enemy on the battle field, remember that he is as afraid as you are. Afraid to be wrong, afraid to be judged, afraid to be called an idiot and afraid to be trashed. You will treat him with respect, but don't ever let that same fear conquer your heart. - The Raging Blazers



5 / 10I'm Batman.
3 / 10I'm Towntelling!
2 / 10Death Row
2 / 10Gotcha!
1 / 10Governator!
over 13 years
sorry man at snow on holidays if you re add me i will re join
over 13 years
+K for excellent copwork.
over 13 years
thx for all my friend <3
over 13 years
I got disconnected that last game.In case someone report that game which I don't think they would, you will see that I was bussing anyway. Sorry guys.
over 13 years
Invite accepted!
over 13 years
Hey asshole, I appreciate the offer but I am not a family man. +k for considering me.
over 13 years
Yeah i already knew you were innovateur83 from your wall so it's ok to post as him instead.
over 13 years
PaulAtreides•6 hours 52 minutes
LOL, one of the guys there was previously banned, so rebanned and the other one suspended.

I'll get heart refunds out in a minute.
over 13 years
Ok, sounds good
over 13 years
Day 2 they lynched the real cop and the villager that claimed it did not retract go look at the game yourself.
over 13 years
I know you're Innovateur :P How would I go about joining this family?
deletedover 13 years
oh i want to join back! I just didn't like a certain someone >.<
deletedover 13 years
thanks bro :)
deletedover 13 years
plussed for family. :D
deletedover 13 years
I swear it's my account. I did not suicide on purpose and I emailed lucid about it and everything. :( so sorry. I am pissed though. this is the third time in 2 days. thats -150 pts and +3 suicides on my record. </3
over 13 years
dont claim maf and selfvote ever... please. I didn't harp on you for that during the game but it really screwed up my scumhunting ability, since I thought you were town up until you did that
over 13 years
a) Don't forget about guise codes (any whisper that's sent could be a guise code). b) People can easily guise test each other (Past games, etc). c) There is no misslynch in that setup, so whenever you lynch the cop you win, no need to even guise out. d) If you claim cop as lawyer and the real cop gets inno on your stalker, you can lawyer the guiser next night, so that real cop won't get any guilty. So the lawyer should definitely cc
deletedover 13 years
1 hour suspension for game related suicide in
over 13 years
To invite people, go to their profile, and if the haven't already joined a family, there should be a link where a family should be saying Invite to Family, or something similar.
over 13 years
invite me and I'll join, sounds like an awesome family. Its exactly what I do too.