
in love with 
part of  family


Been PublicEnemy since you thought PE was gym, bitch.

"Most of EM doesn't even train wind sprints let alone grappling...."




almost 10 years
the CIA is trying to murder me man I need a place to stay while I run can I live with your mom for a few weeks maybe till next october? I heard she's very soft and I need someone like that in my life
about 10 years
sex or lies - which one would you give up for your whole life?
Idk man :( Probs Lies.
about 10 years
if u ever become a dad, will u give up your dad fighting ways, or will u train your son to eventually slay u?
I will train him to slay me, as my Dad taught me. RIP in peace Dad.
over 10 years
what exactly does training wind sprints and grappling even accomplish
+100% dmg against Dads.
deletedover 10 years
I thought that I could troll you, but you trolled me.
Touché sir.

Created Setups

almost 11 years
great literature is timeless. also nice job typing out 2k13 when 2013 requires the same number of keystrokes. you're the biggest try-hard loser i eva knew. bitch
almost 11 years
nice eminem quote idiot. it's 2013
almost 11 years
peace up a-town down, plz remove status
almost 11 years
I hope you get your eyes gouged by a coot.
almost 11 years
plz no more troll
almost 11 years
It's like got a bunch of notes in and stuff but is still beautiful. Crazy.
almost 11 years
:( :( :(
almost 11 years
i love this song. T_T
almost 11 years
The one that induced seizures? Everyone but me hated it. Peer pressured out of it.
almost 11 years
I thought PE was gym...
almost 11 years
sounds to me like there's a lot of things you're not ... lol ...
almost 11 years
are you famous
almost 11 years
are you kyle landry
almost 11 years
......................... was that written soberly
almost 11 years
fuck off retard
almost 11 years
why the fuck are you up
deletedalmost 11 years
deletedalmost 11 years
Add me to Platinum lobby.
deletedalmost 11 years
: )