
part of  family

I live in the village, wherever I go I walk to. I keep my friends around so I have someone to talk to.


3 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 20Lucky Kiss!
over 7 years
+k for not having music on auto-play
deletedover 7 years
Good luck in SBB, I'm glad I drafted you, you seem cool!
over 7 years
Hi! I chose you because your bio gave off a good vibe, and of course you also have TDI Cody <3 as your avatar! I like feeling confident in my picks, and I'm sure you and Olive will do well!
over 8 years
You are the one that left me alone without notice. I think anyone I get into a relationship with disappears without a trace, though. sniff.
almost 9 years
thank u for the bautiful melody
over 10 years
helo my frend
over 11 years
well played, +k to 60!
over 11 years
+k to 58 for being my pro doc!
over 11 years
It's George Washington don't you know!
over 11 years
omg i miss you :'(
over 11 years
+k'ed(: return? <3
over 11 years
My love, please return to my arms. I am so cold without you.
almost 12 years
Where are you. I need you Twin.
almost 12 years
It says in love, not married. :P
almost 12 years
Get married so we can be twins!
almost 12 years
almost 12 years
one more and we'll be twins. TWIN DOMINATION
almost 12 years
thanks! +k'ing back. Up to 31
almost 12 years
So we need to find people to plus you so we can be twins.
almost 12 years
So apparently I never plussed you.... Now I have