
married to 
part of  family

stop messaging me then self deleting

i hate you




over 11 years
r u jelose cus i stole ur bf
Nah betch he's mine forever
anonymousover 11 years
Don't be jealous
over 11 years
On a scale of 1 to 10 you're a runwithfire which is like a billion
Awww I love you
deletedover 11 years
Hello :)
Hi!!! :)
over 11 years
omg fuck that person. ILY
ILY2 I know so rood


2 / 25It was Him!
1 / 15Knight Devout
1 / 20Eyewitness
1 / 30Oxyclean
1 / 15New Sheriff in Town
almost 12 years
Ily too bro. You're much better than all of the other runs. The original and the best ♥
almost 12 years
I'm going to hate you forever jsyk. Unless you make it up to me you, you, sy minx :D
deletedalmost 12 years
ohi i silent +k'd you :)
almost 12 years
+K'd to 67 <3
almost 12 years
That is awkward, btw I had you negged, ma bad. Plussed :)
almost 12 years
i don't think you're a plebian at all :3
deletedabout 12 years
I would return k but I already +k'd you
deletedabout 12 years
y u veg run :(
about 12 years
Take a k for that veg, i didnt wanted to but i got lagged and tried to vote shamzy and i got kicked
about 12 years
Why is there like twenty or so number of players on EM with the same avi as your, half of nthem with the name "runwith"...? You started your own fan club? xD Oh btw we are having a fam game tomorrow, probably with cams - care to join us? xD
about 12 years
yep sorry for hammering wrong. W/e, we cool?
about 12 years
+K for awesomeness
about 12 years
about 12 years
I find your avi weally cute. :3
deletedabout 12 years
well u asked if i was double running so i figured you knew that
about 12 years
...bro i aint gettin' you. help me out bro. im starting to think maybe, you arent really a bro! but that can't be true, bro, because we're homies for life bro. but if bro isnt bro then i dont know any more bros. help me help you bro!
deletedabout 12 years
failing on bman, prob only play games on this.
about 12 years
hey bro what you do with your sexual identity is your business bro and i aint gonna mess with that. i respect yo and im fine with you bro being a brah. youll always be a homie bro so no worries bout your inner sexual arousals. what you do in bed alone with other guys i'm aiite with ok bro homie bro skillet ? if you were gay i'd be okay with you bro, so dont ever think its shameful to be a girl. i got you bro, i got you
about 12 years
lol twinsies
about 12 years
i was 2222, k thanks