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Pro Lifer Punched

over 5 years

A Pro-Life man was punched while trying to say babies in front of Planned Parenthood.

Video in link below:

NYC also recently passed a law allowing abortion up until birth. Is a baby 1 minute before birth less human then 1 minute after?

When should it be considered murder to kill a human?
After 2 years old (Peter Singer)
Can feel pain (18-19 weeks)
Brain Waves Detected (42 days)
Heartbeat (18 days old)
over 5 years

Becomeclear says

The answer to both questions should take no time at all mate

Well, when your source material is the bible, it's very hard trying to actually construct a coherent moral philosophy.

You know...because it's the bible.
over 5 years
The answer to both questions should take no time at all mate
over 5 years
Good questions.

It will take me some time to answer them so I will return at a later time.

God Bless you all.
over 5 years

SnowPuppy says

Becomeclear says

Peoples suffering come before your book SnowPuppy

I believe the good book holds the answer to people suffering.

What hope do we have without eternal life?
Life would merely be an absurdity.

2 Corinthians 4
16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

In all interest of making this thread as juicy as it has the potential to be:

1. How do you feel about gay marriage?

2. Do you think the United States should, in the interest of Christian morality, enact laws criminalizing adultery?
over 5 years
Keep your faith to yourself, Puppy
over 5 years
F*ck your good book get out of other peoples lives
over 5 years

Becomeclear says

Peoples suffering come before your book SnowPuppy

I believe the good book holds the answer to people suffering.

What hope do we have without eternal life?
Life would merely be an absurdity.

2 Corinthians 4
16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
over 5 years

SnowPuppy says

Alright let's simply it.

Either A. God is capable of changing himself,


B. God is not capable of changing himself

If god is both the standard for love and morality,

Then whence cometh evil?

Also, free will doesn't apply here; because we're talking about natural evil like disease, miscarriages, and disasters, You've still got to account for all of those.

Not to mention, the fact that it(your morality) is ONLY true because god says so, doesn't solidify how you know God isn't an evil demiurge (Please google this) which case, the morality he advocates isn't the TRUE morality.

This is why christian philosophies generally abandon the bible when actually trying to use reason.

See "Natural Law Theory" for more details on why.
over 5 years

blacksnakemoan says

Read the article I linked, it'll explain the finer points.

Basically, if it's capable of surviving outside the womb, you can't kill it, if it isn't, then you can safely abort it, because no alternative exists.

This preserves both criteria without sacrificing either, thus allowing for the preservation of rights to the mentally challenged and comatose without compromising the rights of animals.

You would know this if you read literally any of the articles I attached to my posts. However I'll try to condense it into as few words as possible.

TL;DR Yes, however not always.
deletedover 5 years Im gonna shamelessly plug forum mafia
over 5 years
Peoples suffering come before your book SnowPuppy
over 5 years

ambre says

"If God gave us life, he has the right to take it away." WHAT

God made the machinery we simply operate it. We are like biomechanical machines to a certain extent.

Imagine you make a bunch of self replicating robots.

One day one of these robot’s tells you that they don’t think you did a good job creating them, so they are going to destroy the next robot that would have been created.

Who created the robots? You or the robot?

Would you say dog’s create dogs? Dog’s give birth to dog’s but they don’t create them.
over 5 years

VanityPrime says

Either A. Fetus's have rights and we should be concerned with their suffering.


B. Fetu's don't have rights and we should NOT be concerned with their suffering

You're inability to understand this logically in your own argument is directly the result of something called cognitive dissonance.

You can abort the child in evictionism IF* and only if the Zygote/Fetus/Baby cannot survive outside the womb.

jesus christ you just don't listen or read or maybe you do both and you don't understand

you're literally saying it's OK to abort a fetus that can't survive outside the womb

three pages ago you said women have the right to evict a fetus from their bodies under bodily autonomy

over 5 years

VanityPrime says

Either God is incapable of change ( this argument refutes him actually being "god" just a sufficiently powerful being capable of creating a universe)


God is capable of change, but doesn't want to.

According to the Bible God’s character is immutable, meaning it does not change, has never changed, and will never change.

Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Since he never changed he is the perfect candidate for Absolute Truth, and Objective Morality.

We must differentiate between character and action.

Let’s first define our terms:
Character: moral or ethical quality
Action: a thing done

God’s character aka the quality of being “good”, doesn’t change.
But his ability to take action is not restricted by his character.

So even if his character doesn’t change he can still take initiative and create a universe.
over 5 years
Also, clearly if the facts were all in your favour, then there would be no pro-life/pro-choice argument. The need to bring morality and religion into the argument shows that they are not (even without doing extensive research).
over 5 years
"If God gave us life, he has the right to take it away." WHAT
over 5 years
here is something very simple that many people fail to understand: humans are complex, and you shouldn't expect a perfect one size fits all formula to address all issues.

ideologies can be and are piece wise functions: it will never be continuous, there may be some discontinuous parts (see abortion and animal rights)
over 5 years

lemonparty69 says

what bearing does philosophical circlejerking about what is and isn't moral have on the actual reasons why people would want or need an abortion

It only matters if you actually value morality, if it doesn't then you need not apply to this discussion.
deletedover 5 years
*pulls out bible and drops a massive dookie on it*
over 5 years

lemonparty69 says

what bearing does philosophical circlejerking about what is and isn't moral have on the actual reasons why people would want or need an abortion

this is bible study now.
over 5 years
did they at least let him say 'babies?' if not, that's a violation of his freedom of speech

also, pro-lifers are idiots
deletedover 5 years
what bearing does philosophical circlejerking about what is and isn't moral have on the actual reasons why people would want or need an abortion
over 5 years

SnowPuppy says

God is good. He also is Absolute Truth.
He is the standard by which all other actions are judged by.

You cannot separate the two.

Basically obeying God is good, because God is good.

Rejecting God is bad, because then you are rejecting "good".

Sorry if this is a bit confusing lol.

If god is the standard of goodness (that would logical indicate that it's good because god says it's good)

Then it's merely a subjective preference on god, god either COULD or COULDN'T change his mind, and the system of morality wouldn't be internally consistent (read subjective)

If God stated that abortions aren't murder, but actually a positive moral obligation, because all fetuses go to heaven and don't have to suffer the temptation of sin with existence, would that suddenly make abortion not only morally permissible but morally required?

Either you have two options here in order to stay consistent with "god"

Either God is incapable of change ( this argument refutes him actually being "god" just a sufficiently powerful being capable of creating a universe)


God is capable of change, but doesn't want to. (In which case, you'd have to argue what exactly is this supposedly objective being appealing to other than himself, which case the introduction of the problem of evil becomes incompatible with his "goodness" and he isn't really "good")

If neither of these solutions seem appealing to you, you'd have to admit that God isn't the standard/source of morality, he merely has absolute knowledge of morality.
deletedover 5 years

shayneismyname says

SnowPuppy says

shayneismyname says

Well it's a good thing god never killed anyone.

If God gave us life, he has the right to take it away.

God does not have the right to take our life away. He must carry us to term and let us live our life to its natural conclusion, or that makes him no better then those sinful, sinful people who get abortions.

If giving someone life implies you can take it away, that would mean abortion is permissible.

O a t h.
over 5 years
Well, thankfully in the west, religious arguments have no place in arguments about restricting a woman's reproductive rights, as we do not live in a theocracy.