what might happen in the future to change how abortion is debated has nothing to do with how abortion should be seen now
and it's a whole different argument because it brings in rights of the mother to her eggs
It isn't a different argument, it's not arguing "This is how we should deal with abortion in the FUTURE!"
It's arguing. "This is how we should deal with abortion now, however these standards we set protect (and maximize) both sides' rights regardless of the circumstances of technology."
There is no such thing as a time-dependent moral "rule" the rule either works across all possible situations or it doesn't, and if it doesn't work then it isn't a "rule."
You're literally saying abortion is ok in all circumstances where the fetus couldn't survive outside the womb.
The only late term abortions are done for health of the mother or if the child is going to be hugely disabled, ie no brain or vital organs are ruined
If you read the article, the application of this philosophy actually differs extremely from your standard "Pro-choice" viewpoint.
As technology develops, we'd pushing the date back on viability outside of the womb.
Eventually, fertilized eggs will be capable of being captured during insemination, and grow separately within artificial wombs for those who don't want to bring the pregnancy to term.
The woman in this case has no justifiable reason to terminate her pregnancy, and would basically be putting it up for adoption at the moment of fertilization, growing safely and securely without violating the rights of the mother or the zygotes's rights.
Read the article I linked, it'll explain the finer points.
Basically, if it's capable of surviving outside the womb, you can't kill it, if it isn't, then you can safely abort it, because no alternative exists.
This preserves both criteria without sacrificing either, thus allowing for the preservation of rights to the mentally challenged and comatose without compromising the rights of animals.
You would know this if you read literally any of the articles I attached to my posts. However I'll try to condense it into as few words as possible.
TL;DR Yes, however not always.
jesus f*cking christ it took you how many pages of ignoring everything i said to admit that what i was saying is exactly what you agreed with
could you stop making word soup out of ideas. Use the language proper, ideas are to be expressed sharply, with cutting edge precision.
But then maybe its just me who likes it that way because i'm used to math
Language is sharp and precise, that's why you shouldn't sacrifice a word unless you have to.
I don't think any of the words I'm using require anything higher than a high school degree, and if I'm utilizing a concept or words that the average person may not understand, I provide citation or a link that can explain it. However when it comes to ethics some words have very particular meanings like "duty" and "obligation" which if you aren't familiar with these terms you aren't going to have a productive conversation.