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Roles that need to be buffed

over 5 years

I’m sure this won’t be a copy/pasted topic.

What are some underpowered roles that need to be buffed? Surely there’s a few from both older updates and the newest updates that can see some tweaks. Post suggestions for buffing here.

I think Supervillain should be attached to all third parties, and I think Saboteur should sabotage all items.

over 5 years
Thlu should win as the last 2 alive
over 5 years
im p sure Cthulhu is immune to being culted. Also yes sab needs to be buffed as well as mechanic. Maybe make mechanic fix every broken item it receives automatically and automatically defuse bombs, and uh visit people to fix their stuff :^ )
over 5 years
Cult should know who cthulhu is at start.
Cthulhu should be immune to culting.