over 5 years

Hello everyone! I would like to ask the people who are interested in this event to participate and contribute as much as possible.

In order for 2 new roles to be added to em, the community has to work together to refine the ideas that are going to be mentioned below. We have to collectively select 2 of the best ideas and make sure their version is the best one possible. The next step would be to come up with some sort of artwork for the selected roles. Lucid mentioned something about rewarding the users behind the artwork that would get selected in the end for those 2 roles.

Jack the Ripper (originally Hypocrite)

  • Jack the Ripper hates anyone who kills.
  • Jack the Ripper only wins when the game ends and all murderers are dead.
  • If Jack the Ripper receives a gun or knife and kills someone with it, he will not consider himself a murderer.
  • To Jack the Ripper, murderers are killing roles or any other player that has successfully eliminated someone else (shot, stabbed, blown up, etc.)
  • If a player survives one of these actions, Jack the Ripper will not consider the attacker a murderer. (~Jennings)

Cat Lady

  • Chooses one player every night. The player is instantly alerted that a cat is at their door. They have two options: Kill the cat, and let it go. If you kill the cat, you are roleblocked and the Cat Lady doesn't know who was visited. If you let it go, the Cat Lady learns your role.
  • Sided with the mafia. (~Her)


  • Visits two people, taking all items from the first and giving them to the second (cannot visit self either way)
  • Action fails if trying to steal from a mafia
  • Sided with the village (~Torreador)

Vice President

  • If the president dies, takes their place
  • All townies immediately receive a message of their new president
  • Attends mafia meetings, and makes them anonymous
  • Cannot win if they are the vice president (~Alyssa)


  • Chooses one person every night.
  • Will see some whispers this person receives/makes.
  • Gossiper's action does not count as a visit.
  • Sided with the mafia. (~Soluciones)

(revising) the Seer

  • Knows all mafia from the beginning of the game.
  • If lynched at the end of the game, the last mafia can guess who the Seer is for autowin.
  • If the Seer dies, they will appear as a random (non-mafia) role in the setup and their will will always be blank. If dead, the mafia can still attempt a guess to the Seer's identity at the end of the game.
  • If there are multiple Seers in a game, only one Seer will know the mafia at any given time.
  • If there are two mafias and multiple Seers, the knowledge of the mafias will be split between them.
  • Sided with the village. (~Shwartz99)


  • Once per game can force someone to vote someone else. Vote cannot be OT'D if it is a hammer. Sided with maf (Will create more tension in selfing/hammering based setups (~Moldyches)


  • If they are the last man standing against a single mafia or third party, the village wins.
  • Sided with the village. (~XFire)


  • Each night chooses a power role from the options provided to him. (the mods should determine the list)
  • Night meeting goes accordingly
  • Sided with the village


  • Each night chooses a mafia role from the list.
  • Night meeting goes accordingly
  • Sided with the mafia
What is your favorite role mentioned in this thread?
Cat Lady
Vice President
the Seer
Jack the Ripper
over 5 years
can you accept my friend request please?
over 5 years

nepenthe says

can you take off the new tag from the new roles that were added months ago

it makes the roles page cluttered as hell

they will auto disappear at the 3 month mark. i guess i've made a ton of roles..
over 5 years
can you take off the new tag from the new roles that were added months ago

it makes the roles page cluttered as hell
over 5 years

PosterChild says

admin says

Shwartz99 says

PosterChild says

Shwartz99 says

please lucid p r o f i l e p e t s

I made a better version of pet slime:

Ok no more comments about profile pets for now :')

heres da slimy boy

haha that's the one I was thinking of

Were there other images?

For now I can give you more color variants

lol ok, i'll think about it, but probably won't be able to get to this :(

Added final two roles (yea I know, but it's the holidays so I consulted Golbolco and thought it was appropriate). Gingerbread man and Polar bear added! Have fun!
over 5 years

admin says

Shwartz99 says

PosterChild says

Shwartz99 says

please lucid p r o f i l e p e t s

I made a better version of pet slime:

Ok no more comments about profile pets for now :')

heres da slimy boy

haha that's the one I was thinking of

Were there other images?

For now I can give you more color variants

over 5 years
How about you make happy hour something that mods/admins can add or remove roles from the pool?

Having every role may make happy hour messy and always be something random, but letting mods be able to edit it would let us have the base roles that are used in a multitude of setups, but also add more niche roles to the pool here and there that are used less to give them more attention.

I've already noticed some new roles are being used a lot more than others, so people hearing something like "Seer will be in the happy hour pool for the next week!" may encourage them to build and play setups with seer more often, for instance, while the normal happy hour formula is not tampered with.

Could even be expanded to how comp is, where 4th place picks the featured setup for the next week, they could also pick a role to add to the happy hour pool. I think this would have positive benefits for the underused roles, and will encourage more setup building if happy hour selection is a tool handed over to the site moderators to enable/disable roles from.
over 5 years
Apologies for suggesting something a bit more ambitious when you were already planning on leaving, but if this doesn't take too much time you should consider doing this before you leave;

(1 minute mockup as a lite suggestion)

make happy hour lobby-specific, and let mods/lobby owners select theirs. This will encourage more niche play, and specific lobbies like Reverse could pick roles specific to the one setup they host(spy, traitor, fool). This would encourage some out of lobby play too, hopefully.

Having every role on happy hour may make it a mess, but like in main letting us have base 20 + a few others, and let us cycle out the more niche roles week to week. This could even be incorporated into comp where 4th place gets to choose featured setups, could also select a role to be cycled in happy hour for a week.

I think this would benefit the lobby a lot because there are some undervalued roles in ranked, and letting users know "hey Seer is going to be in happy hour for the next week", there may be more focus on seer-related setups for instance, would utilize the power of happy hour for the best. Especially with so many new roles that some people are quickly putting aside already; this will help bring roles that are being ignored into the spotlight more often without making happy hour a random jumbled mess.
over 5 years
If it's not too complex, maybe make a "weighted" system. Roles that fit really well into various setups have a higher chance at happy hour because they have more usage, but have a medium and low weight for roles that may have more niche setups and they will appear less often, that way happy hours are still somewhat the same but lots of other roles can appear from time to time.
over 5 years

admin says

oh last thing, does anyone care about the happy hour and are there any roles I should add (or remove) from the current list? it's based off a list of the initial 20 or so roles I made years ago, but I can change it to any number of roles

I was always hoping that the happy hour list would someday include all of the roles, although that's kind of unrealistic. Could it just be linked to enabled roles in the main lobby somehow? I think it would promote setup diversity, maybe mods disagree though.
over 5 years
uhhh nope but i had some very nice images of a mafia dude here :D

Shwartz99 says






over 5 years

Shwartz99 says

PosterChild says

Shwartz99 says

please lucid p r o f i l e p e t s

I made a better version of pet slime:

Ok no more comments about profile pets for now :')

heres da slimy boy

haha that's the one I was thinking of

Were there other images?
deletedover 5 years

Songin says

Fird says

admin says

oh last thing, does anyone care about the happy hour

the thing is, playing and earning points doesn't feel rewarding generally. if it wasnt for my friends, i'd have left this website a long time ago and im sure it is the case with alot of people in here.

I've said this before: there needs to be some kind of incentive to play featured setups and happy hour roles beyond additional points.

win as that role 20 times u get that sticker lucid u can thank me by giving me a sticker ty
over 5 years

Fird says

admin says

oh last thing, does anyone care about the happy hour

the thing is, playing and earning points doesn't feel rewarding generally. if it wasnt for my friends, i'd have left this website a long time ago and im sure it is the case with alot of people in here.

I've said this before: there needs to be some kind of incentive to play featured setups and happy hour roles beyond additional points.
over 5 years

PosterChild says

Shwartz99 says

please lucid p r o f i l e p e t s

I made a better version of pet slime:

Ok no more comments about profile pets for now :')

heres da slimy boy
over 5 years

admin says

oh last thing, does anyone care about the happy hour

the thing is, playing and earning points doesn't feel rewarding generally. if it wasnt for my friends, i'd have left this website a long time ago and im sure it is the case with alot of people in here.
over 5 years

baabaa says

when are you adding profile pets


Someone linked some images to some pet slime pixel art some time ago. If someone can find me that maybe I'll code it on a whim over the holidays :)
over 5 years
when are you adding profile pets
deletedover 5 years
i don't think there are any roles that rlly need to be added tbh
over 5 years
shut up
over 5 years
oh last thing, does anyone care about the happy hour and are there any roles I should add (or remove) from the current list? it's based off a list of the initial 20 or so roles I made years ago, but I can change it to any number of roles
over 5 years
sorry should be fixed!

ok no more mafia game updates from now on!
over 5 years
lucid ya broke games again
over 5 years
Soldier actually makes sense now and seems good
over 5 years

shayneismyname says

Do they have to be the same system? For one of the roles it makes sense to have voting work that way, and for the other it does not make sense lol.

ok i'll see if i can work some magic, gimme like a day tho
over 5 years
Do they have to be the same system? For one of the roles it makes sense to have voting work that way, and for the other it does not make sense lol.