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house on fire

deletedabout 6 years

thread topic changed 11.09.18 (cant post new threads now).

The last year has been an emotional roller coaster for me, and I apologize for taking it out on the community for months. I am sorry to those of you that I hurt by trying to take my own life. I am also sorry for the trauma that I caused to many of you here by bringing up bad memories of that person you lost in your life and of your own pain.

While I had a safety plan in place of people to contact when I get to a bad place, I do not want to bother them. I should have also tried to hide all of my struggles from the community more.

I hope that you guys forgive me eventually. IF YOU GUYS ARE STRUGGLING WITH SUICIDAL THOUGHTS, PLEASE CALL A HOTLINE OR YOUR FRIENDS AND RELATIVES FOR HELP. I am sorry again that I have been so difficult to deal with lately. Please forgive me for not being myself.

Farewell from the em cat: meow meow meow

feenikss should be able to ban people from his games that he does not like
deletedabout 6 years

dr3amer says

i think a good comparison for you mods is abc and charley.

charley felt really harassed by abc threatening to kill her kids among other things. so what if abc came back and told charley i dont like you so you cant play. then charley would at times wait for 2 hrs to play a game because no one was on and feenikss tables were full first? then charley wanted to play so tried to fix things once with abc and got a lc vio for just going to talk to him and try to get past the drama? why should charley be the one to suffer by not being able to play when she was the one attacked by abc and the one willing to try to patch things up? if abc did not really want to play with charley, they could leave the only open table and try to make a new one...

You did not just compare someone threatening to murder my children to a little boy calling you an idiot. And news flash I avoid games with him.
about 6 years
deletedabout 6 years
i remember that one round over a year ago, pooky and erza were running. they had like over 60% overlap with each other and me, because we are in europe and no one else would join. i basically stopped playing that round because we had too many games together and we could not fill more than one game.

there is a reason that the rules was only reserved for extreme cases and you cant just randomly tell someone to avoid your games
about 6 years
deletedabout 6 years
feenikss and i are both in european time zone and typically its hard to fill even one game when we are on. at times we can wait an hour for one game to start with no restrictions even like this. we do not have the people to start splitting tables when you cant fill one even
deletedabout 6 years

Justin says

Wolf says

Are you from Canada?

she said shes from the uk @euro ban but another game said she was from usa so ///: no clue

you dont know me at all so dont pretend
deletedabout 6 years

denial says

if your stance is that you want to remain banned unless your lobby camping restriction with nevermaf is removed, i think you might be staying banned


why do you think that this restriction is needed?

i was okay with feenikss. why not say: avoid each other if there are multiple tables. if not, you can play nicely together, if one of you disagrees, then that person can go and rehost another game quietly after that game fills?
about 6 years
Why do U not just instantly delete these threads
about 6 years
if your stance is that you want to remain banned unless your lobby camping restriction with nevermaf is removed, i think you might be staying banned

about 6 years

Wolf says

Are you from Canada?

she said shes from the uk @euro ban but another game said she was from usa so ///: no clue
about 6 years

do we still have people actually reading mtlve's stuff
deletedabout 6 years
Are you from Canada?
deletedabout 6 years

Justin says

explain this screenshot

why not post the rest of what i said there?

i had asked the mods to ban me so i could just leave, because i was sick of bsm and his drama and this lc drama. they would not ban me though, so in despair i wanted to ban myself from this site. since i could not get a voluntary ban, i joined feenikss game for 2 purposes: 1. fight the injust lc vio that i already had. 2. just get banned if they refused to think about how stupid this was to start with

it was wrong to do what i did tbh, but i was really upset over the trolling vio that i had gotten by bsm, which was later overturned by a landslide today
about 6 years

explain this screenshot
deletedabout 6 years

Wolf says

Aren't you this Ra1nyDay girl who said she's done with this game and asked for ban?

i wanted banned because of all of this bs with this and another report.

comment on the actual substance of the report?

can people really block people from playing with someone, when you cant fill games at that time?
deletedabout 6 years

another example of a day where no hearts would fill at all but we had to have 2 separate tables
deletedabout 6 years

townyyy1 says

this shows a day where i waited in separate games since the time of that game displayed. i waited like 1.5hrs for any game that day, while feenikss filled 3 games during that time. there just was not enough people for 2 games!

And doing the whole mess for the last heart.
deletedabout 6 years
Aren't you this Ra1nyDay girl who said she's done with this game and asked for ban?
deletedabout 6 years

this shows a day where i waited in separate games since the time of that game displayed. i waited like 1.5hrs for any game that day, while feenikss filled 3 games during that time. there just was not enough people for 2 games!
deletedabout 6 years

pranay describes the situation in a game, that the game would not fill because we were split in games.

feenikss replied that he just does not want to play with the "". beyond this being hc, it shows the real reason he does not want to play with me. if he really felt harassed, he would say i dont want to play with her because i always get vios/harassed. he clearly states and and many times that its only because i am ""
about 6 years
about 6 years
i'm sorry, i still dont see your point. can you please elaborate with one more thread?
deletedabout 6 years
deletedabout 6 years
literally the whole discussion of the report from almost 5 months ago was that i was lying about feelling harassed and that i need to stay out of his games or i was not harassed. this was from 5 months ago and those vios were like even expired or would be soon?

additionally i always said that i do not mind feenikss being around me if he like just discusses the task/topic at hand and doesnt use it just to make personal attacks on me
deletedabout 6 years

townyyy1 says

Ally says

you literally have multiple threads about nevermaf and your lobby camping vios

you need to stop, not only is this forum spam but it's legit harassment against nevermaf, he does not want to play with you, the admin has ruled on it, you need to STOP

they are all locked and like a week old. i have a right to argue against the ban. its not just. stop spewing bs and attack for or against my argument in the thread

like really how just was this verdict to begin with? feenikks is toxic to all and gets banned for it every couple months. he decides that he does not want to play with someone because he hates them, and mods bend over backwards to make that non-toxic person stay out of the only open table on the server so feenikss can get what he wants...

why not make him play like an adult and not be toxic to people or face a ban. not liking someone is not a reason to be toxic and to ban them from playing games for hours at a time because nothing will fill.