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deletedabout 6 years

i am done with this game and i suggest you all leave too

the people running this site should not be using their powers to harass people and they should actually make a site that does not break every 3 hrs

this was my final straw:

bsm did not even read past like the first minute of the game evidently and then poser like normal i doubt looked at the game at all

run people run like all the good people on this site did......

about 6 years
god you three are exhausting.

@lacey. i removed the doxxing comment because i was asked to keep it private when it was given to me. i am sorry you were suicidal(did i say this already?) but i wasn't mocking you for that.

@jeff you called someone a blind indian cᴜnt and then argued it wasn't racist a slur, but it was ableist, it was racist, and it was arguably sexist too. as a self-described expert on reclamation you should probably realise that you using nappy as an insult is as wrong as me using f**, and you're apparently desperate to defend it as ignorance rather than racism, but it was a racist statement, you did it dude, accept it. Not to mention a fᴜcking former admin who worked with you came back and called you out for your continued racism lmao. btw shoopie's white, so i don't know how bringing her up somehow manages to clear you?

here's you being transphobic: and asking someone about their genitals being removed, and "whatever genitals they have left",

like jesus dude, your report history is a gold mine of being a world class twat
about 6 years
god you three are exhausting.

@lacey. i removed the doxxing comment because i was asked to keep it private when it was given to me. i am sorry you were suicidal(did i say this already?) but i wasn't mocking you for that.

@jeff you called someone a blind indian cᴜnt and then argued it wasn't racist a slur, but it was ableist, it was racist, and it was arguably sexist too. as a self-described expert on reclamation you should probably realise that you using nappy as an insult is as wrong as me using f**, and you're apparently desperate to defend it as ignorance rather than racism, but it was a racist statement, you did it dude, accept it. Not to mention a fᴜcking former admin who worked with you came back and called you out for your continued racism lmao. btw shoopie's white, so i don't know how bringing her up somehow manages to clear you?

here's you being transphobic: and asking someone about their genitals being removed, and "whatever genitals they have left",

like jesus dude, your report history is a gold mine of being a world class twat, and to think i almost believed you when you told me your sob story on discord about your sad little life that leads you to abuse people on EM to maintain a healthy balance
about 6 years
Give us like 5 minutes BSM and we will doxx someone so you don’t look like a massive egg on your face booboo the fool
deletedabout 6 years
bsm quit replying cause he's trying to find someone to claim they were doxxed by me so he doesn't have to admit he made that lie up in the hopes no one would question it
about 6 years
Aight, wish I could stay and talk but my fág hags and I have some people to doxx >:)
about 6 years
Remember when BSM called me homophobic and transphobic good times
about 6 years
The fact that he even tried at all to make up a blatant lie about doxxing is so funny like any shred of credibility he had just flew away w Essa’s wig
deletedabout 6 years
he's gonna use that against you in an argument in a month until you bust out the screencaps of me spamming I HOPE YOU DIIIIIIIIIIIE on discord before you sent me that
about 6 years

spiritualized says

blacksnakemoan says

@essa i never said i handled it with grace and tact?

i am glad your response to me personally was to be needlessly literal and pedantic about my choice of words rather than just admit that you're a di­ck and go. don't you ever get tired of the constant clownery?

i don't know what you want lmao. Was i a ? Yes. Did i mock her suicide attempt? No. Jeff has moved on pretty quickly to trying to shame me for other stuff which has nothing to do with it, so I guess he saw a lost cause
about 6 years
Bsm is probably gonna think you’re serious Essa and accuse me of doxxing people on WEHO Santa Monica Blvd now
deletedabout 6 years
jeff LITERALLY found my private snapchat once and sent me a video of himself singing "i hope you die" ban him for doxxing and harassment tbh
deletedabout 6 years
i was there in april when jeff spit on a gay man in west hollywood and called him a "pathetic fa­g" so yeah, i am cosigning the "jeff is a raging homophobe" narrative and want to know when and where i need to start pushing it.
deletedabout 6 years
who did you THINK i doxxed or did you not think your lie that far through and you were just desperately hoping no one could get caps of the thread? jw
deletedabout 6 years
bsm: actually i was saying she doxxes people
me: i don't
essa: you weren't
bsm: hehe actually i deleted that part lol i was confused um do you guys SEE the gay guy being a homophobe??????
about 6 years
“Lacey I deleted the doxxing part because it was a complete and utter lie I made up to get leverage but you made me look stupid so I deleted it.”
about 6 years
I mean here you are again defending your ableism by attacking someone else. Can you own a single thing you do lmao
deletedabout 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

@lacey i deleted the doxxing part of my comment for a reason.

because you remembered you're full of sh/it after screencaps got posted and you decided it was a good idea to quit trying to use excuses about how your comments were DEFINITELY about something else?

also your apology was some trash like "sucks life got bad lol" so go fu/ck yourself and your desperate attempts to take the moral high ground now
about 6 years
See when you do clownery, the clown comes back to bite -Aristotle
about 6 years
I don’t have a history of transphobia. That’s a lie. I’m not gonna get into my misunderstanding of nappy having grown up in Oakland where it’s reclaimed with 0 slur meaning behind it there. Shoopie even gave that same sentiment from where she was raised. It was ignorant from environment, not racist. If you think I’m homophobic then lol.
deletedabout 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

@essa i never said i handled it with grace and tact?

i am glad your response to me personally was to be needlessly literal and pedantic about my choice of words rather than just admit that you're a di­ck and go. don't you ever get tired of the constant clownery?
deletedabout 6 years
is it garbage day
about 6 years
the mystery still remains....who DID delete her comment...........
about 6 years
Are you gonna say I slur people because I don’t care. You can call me garbage all you want, what I’m pointing out is that you act like this MASSIVE SJW but the second Devante started slurring Lacey you DEFENDED him and were laughing and upvoting all his attacks on her over suicide. You can sit and ACT like it was all a mistake because you “misread” but it’s pretty obvious you’re gutter trash.
about 6 years

spiritualized says

yeah bsm, i guess i was misremembering and the reality is that you handled the situation with complete tact and grace. my bad!

Nothing wrong with that comment tho?
about 6 years
@jeff You were racist last week, you were using body shaming language yesterday to me (lol??) to other people in games, you've got a record going back years of harassment on this site including transphobia and homophobic slurs against other gay users.

@lacey i deleted the doxxing part of my comment for a reason.