
Report #214,519

Report Details

closedover 7 years
JeffreyAaron 14m 29s
Hey dumba'ss did they remove your brain and your di'ck at the same time? I never said you can't have an opinion because you cheated, I'm saying no one gives a fu'ck about your opinion and I mean NO ONE from a report that was deleted
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years
That's what I tried to say to [redacted] but all [redacted] did was call me a myriad of insults.

[4/7/17, 12:15:44 AM] Jeff: She chooses to say things she KNOWS will get backlash
[4/7/17, 12:15:55 AM] Jeff: She KNOWS when she says things that people will attack her
[4/7/17, 12:15:59 AM] Jeff: And she does it anyways
[4/7/17, 12:16:43 AM] Jeff: If she wants to not be talked about then tell her to get the fuc'k out of threads and reports
[4/7/17, 12:17:04 AM] Jeff: You post in a public forum, it's fair game to be publicly attacked.
over 7 years
over 7 years
Knowingly making a false character assassinating claim about someone is probably the lowest someone can ever get. I've been there, I wish she'd recognize she was there to. That's all I have to say and I will be moving on now.
deletedover 7 years
"MachiKyouko 51m 17s
I don't think I deserve this just beacsue I have na opinion on people cheating, or beacuse i neg people's comments."

if other people do and they attack you for that then maybe you should stop lol
over 7 years
If she posts another thing about me on this site, this post here is indication that she has offended me and that if she does it, it will be harassment, seeing as she already has one instance of OPI'ng me deleted here in this thread.
over 7 years
Will tone it down, won't even talk to the wen'ch, but delete Mori's OPI she's fuc'king pathetic to post shi't of other people who are my IRL friends on a report for attention.
deletedover 7 years
what's going on here
over 7 years
Hey that's no fair I changed it to say I'd hurt her feelings (because I didn't realize I said I'd hurt her that'd be too far for a game site lmao) but you screenshot it before that. LAME.
over 7 years
That's your anxiety acting up and that can't be an indicator for my own personality. Your anxiety can rise from the simplest of things and applying that to me is ludicrous. You know how we both respond highly to situations. You know I'm not the things you said, but you chose to say them. That's that.
over 7 years
I know who you are? The fact that you are upset doesn't exempt you from the respnsilbity of the things you say. You went too far. I was scared. You made me anxious. You are a scary person.
over 7 years
reacting to me that way with what she said? She knows it's not true. She knows she had a visceral reaction to a heightened situation. She can no longer play the advocate for good here. Mori, you know what you said isn't true and we will leave it at that. For someone who tries to act like a warrior for peace and love you've done some mighty manipulative things in your time and said some daggers.
over 7 years
[4/7/17, 1:20:39 AM] Jeff: mori
[4/7/17, 1:20:43 AM] Jeff: if she doesnt retract the report
[4/7/17, 1:20:45 AM] Jeff: i swear to God
[4/7/17, 1:20:49 AM] Jeff: I will hurt her feelings
[4/7/17, 1:20:53 AM] Jeff: more than you want to see
[4/7/17, 1:21:02 AM] Jeff: her screenshotting my lines
[4/7/17, 1:21:04 AM] Jeff: and getting it deleted
[4/7/17, 1:21:07 AM] Jeff: when i asked for a truce
[4/7/17, 1:21:11 AM] Jeff: and tried to fix things
[4/7/17, 1:21:18 AM] Jeff: swear to God Mori you dont want to see
[4/7/17, 1:21:20 AM] Jeff: what i will do
[4/7/17, 1:21:25 AM] Jeff: if she doesnt retract that report
[4/7/17, 1:22:12 AM] Jeff: Mori she has 5 minutes before I go to the extremes
[4/7/17, 1:22:51 AM] Jeff: She went back and forth with me and never once said stop.
[4/7/17, 1:22:55 AM] Jeff: SHE KEPT GOING.

No need to allude to them, here they are. I did say I'd say things to hurt Sammie and that I'd "go to the extremes". Mori knows who I am and knows I respond viscerally and her
over 7 years
Shame on you both for your hypocrisy. Shame on you two for creating a world in your head where you fail to see past your own mistakes. Shame on you two for using and manipulating Gerry into doing your dirty work for you. Shame on you two for supporting each other in this abuse of the report system and Gerry's allegiance to you. Shame on you two for holding each other up saying mental illness is something that is hard, but brings you together, but then going as far as to attack my own mental health and call me the names that Mori did. Shame on you two for creating a persona that you've applied to me that you know is not real. Shame on you, Mori, for falling into the trap of exchanging your true knowledge for what appeals to a manipulative moment. Shame on you, Sammie, for allowing someone you call a friend to be perverted.
over 7 years
Fwiw, the so-called "truce" meant Sammie can't comment or give her opinion on reports or cheating cases anymore and "has to go back to her own lobby" in order for him to stop harassing her. What kind of truce is that even? To make things worse, after this report was made, Jeff started sending really scary threats to me in an attempt to get Sammie to retract this report.
over 7 years
You sit alone at your computer and have managed to go as far as to manipulate Mori to the point that she won't talk to me because I said I'd emotionally hurt you if you continued to act like I'm harassing you unprovoked. You never asked me to stop, and when Mori asked on your behalf I said you are opening yourself up to this if you choose to use a public forum, just as much as anyone else. The fact that you have polluted Mori's mind to the point that she thinks that you should be coddled while others are scolded and attacked for doing the same things you do is truly sad to see and maybe one day, years down the line, Mori will see that she was emotionally manipulated by a clever facade. Mori knows who I am, she knows me. Her saying the things she said to me tonight is a product of careful manipulation. She knows what she said is wrong, she knows she is emotional, and she knows that anything that I said that was wrong and a visceral reaction is still not warranting what she said to me.
over 7 years
I never said you deserved rude comments from me but you were attacking my friends and saying disgusting comments about them being cheaters and awful people in real life. You were disgusting enough to screenshot what I said and then get the report DELETED by a moderator friend of yours before I could screenshot the disgusting things you said about Dylan and Yachi and other friends. It's sickening that you'd get someone to delete the report once you got isolated screenshots of me responding to YOUR attacks. Pathetic. Close this report because this sicko already did enough abuse of the report system by having a mod hide her comments so she could only post mine.
over 7 years
A) I didn't ask for the report to be deleted.
B) I told Sammie through a 3rd party that I wanted to make a truce where I wouldn't talk about her anymore.
C) Sammie kept shi't talking back and never asked me to stop.

I actually chose to stop before they did because I didn't want stupid drama that she showed she craved by alt flipping 20 times in one report.
over 7 years
This is fitting the definition of harassment. It is slanderous. And severe. Especially since he says explicitally I dream of sexually touching children. "Harassment
Making repeated/severe personal attacks toward or slandering another Epicmafia user when the user has shown the harasser that he is offended." Definitely slandering...
over 7 years
I don't think I deserve this just beacsue I have na opinion on people cheating, or beacuse i neg people's comments.
over 7 years this comments made me so upset and they came completley out of the blue i hoenstly felt awful after reading these kind of things
over 7 years
214514 was the report btw report deleted for user Zayn (521379) reporting Ethereal (529375) [loser]
No reasons yet.
Gerry • 25 minutes
over 7 years
Obviosu transphobia/harassment, there were more transphobic comments in that thread but it's deleted
over 7 years
JeffreyAaron 14m 29s
Hey dumba'ss did they remove your brain and your di'ck at the same time? I never said you can't have an opinion because you cheated, I'm saying no one gives a fu'ck about your opinion and I mean NO ONE