
Report #214,524

Report Details

closedover 7 years
[APPEAL] Fuck off with this note bullshit. He fucking said I dream about raping children. This is flagrant slander and harassment.
over 7 years
flagrant is a nice word
over 7 years
I truly wish I had the rest of your comments with the things you censored, but alas, I made 3 different attempts at truces and didn't think it'd be necessary to take screenshots of the report.
over 7 years
Congratulations Sammie you managed to call me a myriad of names and attack all my friends and get me a harassment vio for saying that you dream of touching children inappropriately. Sorry for not hearing that you were offended in your post: "lmfao you circlejerk and cheat with your loser friends dylan and yachi all day." nor in your post "you're a neo-"
over 7 years
lmfao. harassment 1st. ok guys remember the way of sammie:

bait someone in a report. call their friends names. say they are a circlejerk loser. say that they are a cheater too. continuously call them names. have them make a rude comment. bait them more and continue to insult their friends. have them make another comment. bait them again. have them make another comment. *person then goes and asks multiple time for truce* screenshot comments without truce. report them. say they won't stop. leave out the multiple times they said they didn't want issues.
deletedover 7 years
An admin voted decided to OT
over 7 years
Regardless, it's unfair for her to only quote me from it and not herself. Null this report.
over 7 years
she didnt ask me to delete it. i deleted it cause it was causing too much drama
over 7 years
Anyways, I have shown clear desire to have no further contact with this user, I don't know how they are still reporting me when I said I didn't want any issues with them further once they said they were offended to the point of.... [mod can contact me for the end of the sentence if truly necessary]. All that aside, reread: "Anyways, I have shown clear desire to have no further contact with this user, I don't know how they are still reporting me when I said I didn't want any issues with them further". Nothing is being repeated here. My isolated attacks stemming from a visceral reaction are nothing more than that. An isolated attack that she participated in also. Good night.
over 7 years
Next time don't get Gerry to delete your report to protect you from what you said.
over 7 years
The difference is that Vilden was showing offense and asking the user point blank to stop. All you did was scream back at me and attack me and my "LMFAO UR CIRCLEJERK" right back. You can't just shot me 10 times while I shoot you and then say only my bullets count lol.
over 7 years
Any reason you keep this going Sammie when this is now the *third* time I've said I'll never make mention of your name again now that you showed offense? You attacking me and my friends in a report and then getting a mod to delete it once you only screenshot my posts is enough to discredit you. Be happy it's a note. Be happy that I won't ever say your name again. Be happy that you've got Mori. Enjoy.
over 7 years - report for reference where someone got a vio for calling vilden a pedo
over 7 years
Refile without cursing at the moderator.
over 7 years "You actually dream of inappropriately touching children". This is blatantly slanderous. if vilden can get someone a vio for implying he's a pedophile this absolutely is harassment and I'm tired of being ubllied for no reason and nothing being done about it