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house on fire

deletedabout 6 years

thread topic changed 11.09.18 (cant post new threads now).

The last year has been an emotional roller coaster for me, and I apologize for taking it out on the community for months. I am sorry to those of you that I hurt by trying to take my own life. I am also sorry for the trauma that I caused to many of you here by bringing up bad memories of that person you lost in your life and of your own pain.

While I had a safety plan in place of people to contact when I get to a bad place, I do not want to bother them. I should have also tried to hide all of my struggles from the community more.

I hope that you guys forgive me eventually. IF YOU GUYS ARE STRUGGLING WITH SUICIDAL THOUGHTS, PLEASE CALL A HOTLINE OR YOUR FRIENDS AND RELATIVES FOR HELP. I am sorry again that I have been so difficult to deal with lately. Please forgive me for not being myself.

Farewell from the em cat: meow meow meow

feenikss should be able to ban people from his games that he does not like
about 6 years

PeanutMarmaduke says

shoppie plays wario in mariokart she CANNOT be trusted

i'ma gonna win
deletedabout 6 years

abc666 says

hey wassup

bunny a carrot for your thoughts on the topic of this thread
about 6 years
shoppie plays wario in mariokart she CANNOT be trusted
about 6 years
hey wassup
deletedabout 6 years

PeanutMarmaduke says

i used defense on u charley u were haraseed by mtlve but she deleted it cuz i said OH BOY UR GONNA BE FRIED WHEN CHARLEY GETS EHRE

thanks for always having my back
about 6 years

PeanutMarmaduke says

i used defense on u charley u were haraseed by mtlve but she deleted it cuz i said OH BOY UR GONNA BE FRIED WHEN CHARLEY GETS EHRE

I actually read what they're speaking of nd Peanut actually said. "OH BOY IM GOING TO FRY CHARLEY WHEN SHE GETS HERE"

mtlve clearly said "No, we need charley and her infinite glory to defend the cosmos"


mtlve then deleted the entire forum so that you would not arrive and be fried.
about 6 years
i used defense on u charley u were haraseed by mtlve but she deleted it cuz i said OH BOY UR GONNA BE FRIED WHEN CHARLEY GETS EHRE
deletedabout 6 years
peanutmarmaduke...were you harassing me?... I thought we had something special.

none the less thanks mtlve I appreciate your concern
about 6 years

PeanutMarmaduke says

ur harassing me nad i will post screenshots of u saying crazy mumbo jumbo u lunatic turkey! ur lucky u delted that thread or ur goose would be cooked

u chicken

about 6 years
ur harassing me nad i will post screenshots of u saying crazy mumbo jumbo u lunatic turkey! ur lucky u delted that thread or ur goose would be cooked

u chicken
deletedabout 6 years

PeanutMarmaduke says

if only u knew what she had said charley..............she deleted her thread to hdie it though....shes a real loony bin

i deleted the thread because you were harassing a mod and i. i took screenshots in case. stop slandering me or i will report you. i already told you this so stfu unless you actually want to discuss this thread

i cant add you to game mode to mute you, which is messed up. leave this thread alone
about 6 years
if only u knew what she had said charley..............she deleted her thread to hdie it though....shes a real loony bin
deletedabout 6 years

PeanutMarmaduke says

dr3amer u ar trolling us and why did u PM me saying that u hate feeniks and think hes a big dumb hairy idiot? ur harassing him eve more STOP IT

Bolt ya mangled fud
deletedabout 6 years

charley says

He has a reason lol.

charley do you think that i harassed feenikss before like 2weeks ago?
deletedabout 6 years

PeanutMarmaduke says

dr3amer u ar trolling us and why did u PM me saying that u hate feeniks and think hes a big dumb hairy idiot? ur harassing him eve more STOP IT

post a screen shot. you need to stop lying and harassing me. stop the slander dude
deletedabout 6 years
He has a reason lol.
about 6 years
dr3amer u ar trolling us and why did u PM me saying that u hate feeniks and think hes a big dumb hairy idiot? ur harassing him eve more STOP IT
deletedabout 6 years

charley says

I stand behind your lobby camping vios mtlve I’m not going to change that. I think I’ve shown I’m not biased towards you when I made sure your trolling vio was OTed.

your problem is that you ignore the fact that you need a reason to block people from playing together
deletedabout 6 years
why should i not be able to play at all at times because feenikss wants to act like a child? why does everyone else need to sit in split tables that will not fill because feenikss makes us all split?

like feenikss is toxic to all, and keeping me away does not change it. if he does not want to play with me, he can always leave the table and re-make when the other fills. if the 2nd table does not fill, i think he would try to act like an adult and play the game. he just acts like this because he can get away with it
deletedabout 6 years
I stand behind your lobby camping vios mtlve I’m not going to change that. I think I’ve shown I’m not biased towards you when I made sure your trolling vio was OTed.
deletedabout 6 years

charley says

Mtlve I have decided I no longer am against you. Since I was told you done something nice for me earlier, but girl your threads just annoy people. No one reads them. I want to try help you in any way possible but you make it hard

focus on the actual substance of the thread

i went through this like months ago and left em. when i got back you guys changed the rules so people could not pick and choose tables as there is no one on. i have no idea why the h3ll you would go back here
deletedabout 6 years
Mtlve I have decided I no longer am against you. Since I was told you done something nice for me earlier, but girl your threads just annoy people. No one reads them. I want to try help you in any way possible but you make it hard
deletedabout 6 years
if you were fair to me most of the time, i would have no threads. basically i had none for a few weeks when i had no vios again
deletedabout 6 years

MisterPresident says

Why do U not just instantly delete these threads

I would if I could
deletedabout 6 years

charley says

dr3amer says

i think a good comparison for you mods is abc and charley.

charley felt really harassed by abc threatening to kill her kids among other things. so what if abc came back and told charley i dont like you so you cant play. then charley would at times wait for 2 hrs to play a game because no one was on and feenikss tables were full first? then charley wanted to play so tried to fix things once with abc and got a lc vio for just going to talk to him and try to get past the drama? why should charley be the one to suffer by not being able to play when she was the one attacked by abc and the one willing to try to patch things up? if abc did not really want to play with charley, they could leave the only open table and try to make a new one...

You did not just compare someone threatening to murder my children to a little boy calling you an idiot. And news flash I avoid games with him.

i avoid with feenikss too when i can. if no one will play do you avoid? you guys were playing a lot together since he was back though. i was in there with you both!