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punish for being a better person?

deletedabout 6 years

feenikss has a long history of hating me, and he did not want me in his game and i did not in mine. i joined a game that he hosted, but no one else was joining to try to talk to him to see if we could patch things up, as we all day had trouble filling even 1 game! i intended to leave the game if it started filling. he left it and i did not follow when he re-hosted

mods hate me and used me trying to be a better person and patching things up with feenikss as a reason to give me a lobby camping vio. lobby camping is a 6month vio that results in ban with a 2nd offense. i should not get a vio for joining one game to try to see if i could make things better for both of us and the site.

while we were told to avoid each other 4.5 months ago, this was because he had a vio for harassing me and i also had this ban on him being around me. as i was the one that was harassed by him, when i am ready to try to patch things up with a guy that harassed me, i have the right to try to do this one time, as i did here.

feenikss should grow up
10 signed
we believe that feenikss should learn to forgive people and try to get along with everyone
about 6 years
about 6 years

dr3amer says

feenikss. we cant fill two tables and we both play at the same time.

I am okay with you joining my tables if you can keep your mouth in control and just focus on playing mafia. i do not want sworn at, insulted, slandered, etc of any form though. i just want to play mafia and have some fun.... also no throwing and grudge lynching and killing me. lets play mafia like normal people:)

stfu you stupid monkey
about 6 years
i love this dont i
deletedabout 6 years
feenikss. we cant fill two tables and we both play at the same time.

I am okay with you joining my tables if you can keep your mouth in control and just focus on playing mafia. i do not want sworn at, insulted, slandered, etc of any form though. i just want to play mafia and have some fun.... also no throwing and grudge lynching and killing me. lets play mafia like normal people:)
about 6 years

charley says

I dont even know why i'm commenting anymore.

You love this though don't you
deletedabout 6 years

feenikss says

dr3amer says

feenikss and i both had semi filled games open now and neither can fill.... you cant have lobby camping on the only open game period now. feen needs to grow up and play like an adult

selfdelete from internet you fu.cking cu.nt

stop commenting in her threads.
about 6 years

dr3amer says

feenikss and i both had semi filled games open now and neither can fill.... you cant have lobby camping on the only open game period now. feen needs to grow up and play like an adult

selfdelete from internet you fu.cking cu.nt
deletedabout 6 years
feenikss and i both had semi filled games open now and neither can fill.... you cant have lobby camping on the only open game period now. feen needs to grow up and play like an adult
deletedabout 6 years
feenikss why cant you talk to me like an adult and work out our differences?
deletedabout 6 years

charley says

dr3amer says

charley says
:thinking: is this not me warning you 4 days ago?????

you messed up that report at that time, and i told you to correct it.

Btch my comment clearly says 3 days 8 hours ago. Don't you try say you weren't warned.

you said that i refused to leave a game where i knew that it was him and he was still there. that never happened. your note was bs really as you had no idea what happened and i was following shoopie's note at that time. .. how was i to know that you changed what shoopie's agreement was
about 6 years

dr3amer says

the bottom line is the original agreement was that i stay out of his games or he does not get the harassment vio. there was never a threat that i could not join because he was getting harassed or something. this was basically to protect me from being near my harasser and to try to prevent me from reporting him for harassing me.

this whole thing is void if we agree that we were not harassing each other. considering this i have a right to try to talk to them to see if we could fix the relationship one time!!!!

about 6 years

dr3amer says

charley says

I dont even know why i'm commenting anymore. Nathan told you its staying and he will review it all again in 3 months. Yawn.

You won't be banned if you "mess up" and join his game because we have told you if you accidentally join you can suicide and you will not receive punishment for it. If he joins your game instantly say "Feenikss I was here first" or something along those lines and we will deal with that when it happens. You won't be banned for these sort of things. How can you accidentally join a game someone is in? click on the game and check the players list on the right hand side before you join.

he already joined a game that i was in and tabbed out and then told me to leave the game and reported me for not doing it......

about 6 years


about 6 years

dr3amer says

charley says
:thinking: is this not me warning you 4 days ago?????

you messed up that report at that time, and i told you to correct it. you did finally yesterday after denial told you that you were wrong.

you said that i joined and refused to leave after denial told me who it was and basically accused me of deliberately joining to antagonize him. when i clearly did not. you used this as a basis later too, even though the report was wrong. i also already told denial there that i would continue to avoid him and asked him to send me all his alts while we were in that game....

about 6 years
the first report that charley "messed up" serves as a warning to you to not join his games

the statement could've said that you stayed and joined the game and it wouldnt have mattered in the long run because the report was used to warn you not to play games with him

it wasn't a 3 strikes you're out policy that was counted against you for a vio
deletedabout 6 years

dr3amer says

charley says
:thinking: is this not me warning you 4 days ago?????

you messed up that report at that time, and i told you to correct it.

Btch my comment clearly says 3 days 8 hours ago. Don't you try say you weren't warned.
about 6 years
ITT: Latvian woman gets hormonal after being denied Epic Mafia report-privileges
deletedabout 6 years
also why is the lobby camping and not harassment. why if this is supposed to be like a 3 month thing that i have a bs vio for 6months. why cant you solve this misunderstanding with a simple note, which i did not have at the time of the report
deletedabout 6 years
the bottom line is the original agreement was that i stay out of his games or he does not get the harassment vio. there was never a threat that i could not join because he was getting harassed or something. this was basically to protect me from being near my harasser and to try to prevent me from reporting him for harassing me.

this whole thing is void if we agree that we were not harassing each other. considering this i have a right to try to talk to them to see if we could fix the relationship one time!!!!
deletedabout 6 years

charley says

I dont even know why i'm commenting anymore. Nathan told you its staying and he will review it all again in 3 months. Yawn.

You won't be banned if you "mess up" and join his game because we have told you if you accidentally join you can suicide and you will not receive punishment for it. If he joins your game instantly say "Feenikss I was here first" or something along those lines and we will deal with that when it happens. You won't be banned for these sort of things. How can you accidentally join a game someone is in? click on the game and check the players list on the right hand side before you join.

he already joined a game that i was in and tabbed out and then told me to leave the game and reported me for not doing it......
deletedabout 6 years

charley says
:thinking: is this not me warning you 4 days ago?????

you messed up that report at that time, and i told you to correct it. you did finally yesterday after denial told you that you were wrong.

you said that i joined and refused to leave after denial told me who it was and basically accused me of deliberately joining to antagonize him. when i clearly did not. you used this as a basis later too, even though the report was wrong. i also already told denial there that i would continue to avoid him and asked him to send me all his alts while we were in that game....
deletedabout 6 years
I dont even know why i'm commenting anymore. Nathan told you its staying and he will review it all again in 3 months. Yawn.

You won't be banned if you "mess up" and join his game because we have told you if you accidentally join you can suicide and you will not receive punishment for it. If he joins your game instantly say "Feenikss I was here first" or something along those lines and we will deal with that when it happens. You won't be banned for these sort of things. How can you accidentally join a game someone is in? click on the game and check the players list on the right hand side before you join.
deletedabout 6 years
the bottom line 4.5 months ago i was basically told that i stay out of feenikss game or he was not keeping the harassment vio. i wanted to avoid him because he is toxic to play with and slanders me anyways, so i agreed to it. its not my responsibility to remember all the alts of banned players 4.5months after i played with them.

lobby camping requires you to both antagonize a player and to do it in multiple games. yes we both had accidents where we joined each others games. i only intentionally joined one of his empty games though to see if we could patch things up. since i did not do it ever to antagonize him or in multiple games then this at most should be a note to leave each other alone!!!!!!!

if you are so set on this being a vio, why is it a lc when it would probably even fit better as a harassment??? i think it is because the lc puts me closer to getting lobby banned, as i just have to mess up joining one game(or he joins my game and claims i joined his) and i can get lobby banned
deletedabout 6 years

dr3amer says

charley says

4 days ago you joined a game of his which you claimed you didn't know was him so i reminded you that you have to stay away from him and told you all his alts.

i joined a game with a mod in it and the mod confirmed that i did not know who it was and was told after he left.

charley says

. Yesterday you joined a game with him in order to try and "fix things." Even though you had been warned not to do so. So you were given a lobby camping violation.

i was not warned to stay out of his games. i was warned that if i wanted him to keep his harassment vio that i had to stay out
:thinking: is this not me warning you 4 days ago?????
deletedabout 6 years

denial says

i actually joined that game when i saw you both in it, so i could see whether you were going to join his game and say "i can join whatever game i want" if he told you to leave

i did say that. i thought that he was like the 100 people that tell me every week that i cant play with them. emily or someone already did that today.

i did not know that was his alt and i asked him many times who he was and you after he left...

i have not played with feeniks for at least 4 months and i only played a couple games with him then. like i will remember all of his alts. i only knew feenikss and nevermaf