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punish for being a better person?

deletedabout 6 years

feenikss has a long history of hating me, and he did not want me in his game and i did not in mine. i joined a game that he hosted, but no one else was joining to try to talk to him to see if we could patch things up, as we all day had trouble filling even 1 game! i intended to leave the game if it started filling. he left it and i did not follow when he re-hosted

mods hate me and used me trying to be a better person and patching things up with feenikss as a reason to give me a lobby camping vio. lobby camping is a 6month vio that results in ban with a 2nd offense. i should not get a vio for joining one game to try to see if i could make things better for both of us and the site.

while we were told to avoid each other 4.5 months ago, this was because he had a vio for harassing me and i also had this ban on him being around me. as i was the one that was harassed by him, when i am ready to try to patch things up with a guy that harassed me, i have the right to try to do this one time, as i did here.

feenikss should grow up
10 signed
we believe that feenikss should learn to forgive people and try to get along with everyone
deletedabout 6 years
charley how petty are you against me tbh that you think that me going to a game to try to ask him to forgive me is me going there to antagonize him. we both know that me going to 1 game to ask him to forgive me and move on (and dropping this immediately after he reacted badly) is not worth of a 6 month violation. even based on the original note alone it should be nv and you just delete his harassment vio at the most
about 6 years
i actually joined that game when i saw you both in it, so i could see whether you were going to join his game and say "i can join whatever game i want" if he told you to leave
deletedabout 6 years

Wajjj says

Also lol @ enforcing lobby camping as an actual rule when there are hardly ever any more than 2 comp tables open at any one time. To quote a wise man, 'give yer heads a wobble'.

they basically told me that this was never the rule and that its my fault if i cant fill a table

they should be trying to build up the site and not stop games from starting
deletedabout 6 years

charley says

4 days ago you joined a game of his which you claimed you didn't know was him so i reminded you that you have to stay away from him and told you all his alts.

i joined a game with a mod in it and the mod confirmed that i did not know who it was and was told after he left.

charley says

. Yesterday you joined a game with him in order to try and "fix things." Even though you had been warned not to do so. So you were given a lobby camping violation.

i was not warned to stay out of his games. i was warned that if i wanted him to keep his harassment vio that i had to stay out

additionally it was not even a game as it was at the bottom of the page and only had 1 person and was not filling. i joined to try to get him to forgive me so we could move on.

i had the right to see if we could fix things, and i was only banned from joining his games if the harassment vio was to stick on him... at most you can delete the harassment vio because i joined to talk to him.
about 6 years
Still find it kind of ironic that NeverMaf cares so much about one relatively harmless user joining their games despite the fact that their own play is an order of magnitude more insufferable

Also lol @ enforcing lobby camping as an actual rule when there are hardly ever any more than 2 comp tables open at any one time. To quote a wise man, 'give yer heads a wobble'.
deletedabout 6 years

charley says

I'm going to clarify for everyone here what happened because you just aren't going to do it.
* 4 months ago you were warned to stay away from feenikss.

Shoopie 4mon 17d
"I get what you're saying "If they feel so harassed why join my games" The vios are too old for me to do or say anything about it. I take a look at this report and see the first sentence saying its for LC and I handle what I have the power to handle."

NeverMaf 4mon 17d
"it doesnt fcking matter what he did in the game, it matters that he joined the lobby and did not leave seeing me in there even after i have told him to not join my games and leave my games. he is lying about feeling harassed"

clearly i was told to stay out of his game because i has filed a harassment report against him and not because he himself felt harassed. they basically said that i stay out of his games if i was harassed or they will delete his vios
about 6 years
I thought I typed this last night, but my comment was clearly a joke from a fb post but ty for the report on me
deletedabout 6 years
I'm going to clarify for everyone here what happened because you just aren't going to do it.

* 4 months ago you were warned to stay away from feenikss.
* 4 days ago you joined a game of his which you claimed you didn't know was him so i reminded you that you have to stay away from him and told you all his alts.
* Yesterday you joined a game with him in order to try and "fix things." Even though you had been warned not to do so. So you were given a lobby camping violation.
* Today you joined a game with him and you claimed it was accidental as you joined last and didn't know he was there so the mods gave you the benefit of the doubt AGAIN and warned you AGAIN.
deletedabout 6 years

Dared says

nevermaf sucks and it doesn't really matter what you do because they're not gonna change

yeah they do and seem to not want to change but is joining 1 game to try to get them to change really a problem?
about 6 years
about 6 years
nevermaf sucks and it doesn't really matter what you do because they're not gonna change
about 6 years
about 6 years
total dejavu i feel like ive seen this thread before
about 6 years

charley abusing her power
deletedabout 6 years

JM123 says

townyyy1 says

feenikss why do you hate me so much that you cant avoid slandering me and cant just play a game for fun. why play this game if you do not to have fun

And yes i had genuinely a lot of fun doing the show. The lesson is to follow your passions no matter what. You'll end up getting paid by doing something you love

can you comment on this tread or stfu?

i already tried to mute you but i cant add most of the mods for some reason
about 6 years

townyyy1 says

feenikss why do you hate me so much that you cant avoid slandering me and cant just play a game for fun. why play this game if you do not to have fun

And yes i had genuinely a lot of fun doing the show. The lesson is to follow your passions no matter what. You'll end up getting paid by doing something you love
deletedabout 6 years
feenikss why do you hate me so much that you cant avoid slandering me and cant just play a game for fun. why play this game if you do not to have fun
about 6 years
Yesterday i got paid 250 euros for doing a 10 minutes freestyle football show at a half time of a football match. yay
deletedabout 6 years

feenikss says

either you have a short memory or you are a liar. i believe that you are a liar.

check out this report where you specifically typed that you can join whatever you want and ignored all my requests to not join my games. that is clearly lobby camping, it was before i got banned for your dumb reports and now when i come back you show that you did not change and you are still a liar and a pretender and still throwing games on purpose.

dude the mod said you cant pick and choose who joins your games on this report and its almost a year old!!!
about 6 years
either you have a short memory or you are a liar. i believe that you are a liar.

check out this report where you specifically typed that you can join whatever you want and ignored all my requests to not join my games. that is clearly lobby camping, it was before i got banned for your dumb reports and now when i come back you show that you did not change and you are still a liar and a pretender and still throwing games on purpose.
deletedabout 6 years
any mods that are too lazy to read, need to go back to kindergarten and be de-moded
about 6 years
deletedabout 6 years

feenikss says

mtlve reported me for harassment and still joined my games and kept typing this in pregame "i can join whatever i want". this is him intentionally trolling and trying to get me violated. in a result i was banned 2 times for 3 months, in total of 6 months i was banned because moderators let this troll report me for harassment and GT and join my games at the same time. when a person feels harassed he does not join the games where he would be harassed. that means he was lying about being harassed and i was banned based on his lied about it. now he is crying about 1 violation that is nowhere near as harsh as 6 months ban that i received for his lies.

as for your question:
you did join multiple games, you join every game i host and type in pregame "i can join whatever i want"

2) you did join to antagonize me, because the same games you joined you reported me for harassment more than 5 times


you were banned the first time for 8 vios, and the last vio was for outing the wrong report as cop. when you came back again, i was not even here and you again got like 8 game related vios and banned. while you have had several vios for harassing me, these were for making slanderous threads and posts mostly.

i only said that i could join whatever game i want in the first game that you reported me for when i clearly did not even know who you were. I joined only one game that you were in intentionally and you were the only person there and i tried to talk to you about forgiving me....
about 6 years
mtlve reported me for harassment and still joined my games and kept typing this in pregame "i can join whatever i want". this is him intentionally trolling and trying to get me violated. in a result i was banned 2 times for 3 months, in total of 6 months i was banned because moderators let this troll report me for harassment and GT and join my games at the same time. when a person feels harassed he does not join the games where he would be harassed. that means he was lying about being harassed and i was banned based on his lied about it. now he is crying about 1 violation that is nowhere near as harsh as 6 months ban that i received for his lies.

as for your question:

townyyy1 says

whatever happened to lobby camping requiring it to involve multiple games and doing it with the intent to antagonize?

also you cant dictate who joins your games or not. finally lobby camping always required that you join a game and then follow them......

accidentally joining a game because you dont know their alts and them joining your game and telling you to leave should never have been counted as me joining their games for obvious reasons too..

1) you did join multiple games, you join every game i host and type in pregame "i can join whatever i want"

2) you did join to antagonize me, because the same games you joined you reported me for harassment more than 5 times

about 6 years