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burn baby burn

deletedalmost 6 years

this verdict is again a joke. how do the mods really have no idea what trolling is?

trolling vios require the trolling to make the game unplayable. this game was very playable, and town won. the clear tr me for my trolling/helping town mix.

granted i do troll some, but i troll with a purpose beyond my own enjoyment. 1. now if i dont troll, i get sr. i am always scummy town, but i am less this way when i troll it seems. now they think i am pr/mafia if i dont do it so i have to literally troll every game now or get lynched 2. i fake claim a lot but i do this to save the prs. certain prs have to out, but if the do not, the other prs freak out and our easy to spot. my fake claim allows the prs to hide and serves to get the real prs to out. yeah this all can annoy some people but there is a method to my madness

regardless, i dont ever troll to make the game unplayable. i was running on that account even, so why would i here??????????????????????????

this verdict is bs again...

deletedalmost 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

so i just read the game AGAIN and i dont know why i bother because you'll ignore everything i say just like you ignored everything essa and ally said

1. you admitted to trolling in the game

2. you admitted to trolling in the report

3. you made that game unnecessarily difficult for the town because of you're trolling

4. town winning doesn't change anything. you could isp as town and still get an isp vio when town wins (that looks like another option here tbh, you had bugger all game related lines), or you could GT as town and still get a GT vio when town wins

ally was in this game and she agreed that i trolled, but she also agreed that it was not violation worthy as it did not affect the game/annoy people!
almost 6 years
isp isn't given on the circumstances of one day, it takes the entire game into account.

anyway, if you won't respond to my comment above, i won't continue this discussion. as far as i'm concerned this issue is done as the report has been sustained and you've shown no proof of this being legitimate gameplay. your only defence is "we still won" which neither i, not jm, nor the town players give damn about
deletedalmost 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

we vio on intent not outcome lmao

so clarify what my intent was this game?

why do you think that i trolled?

how did my trolling negatively impact the game?
deletedalmost 6 years

mandevian says

When you start fake claiming every game even when not needed and render the fake claiming useless, it is trolling. This is trolling. Your intent here is clear. You just want to stick it to the mods and the players.

i dont fake claim every single game. it depends on the situation, and mainly on who claims pr without me having to and my role
deletedalmost 6 years
so if you are gone day1 and say come back and say sorry that i have not been participating, is this evidence that you isp?? NO
almost 6 years
When you start fake claiming every game even when not needed and render the fake claiming useless, it is trolling. This is trolling. Your intent here is clear. You just want to stick it to the mods and the players.
almost 6 years
and no i'm not clicking your dodgy chat room links
almost 6 years
we vio on intent not outcome lmao
almost 6 years
so i just read the game AGAIN and i dont know why i bother because you'll ignore everything i say just like you ignored everything essa and ally said

1. you admitted to trolling in the game

2. you admitted to trolling in the report

3. you made that game unnecessarily difficult for the town because of you're trolling

4. town winning doesn't change anything. you could isp as town and still get an isp vio when town wins (that looks like another option here tbh, you had bugger all game related lines), or you could GT as town and still get a GT vio when town wins
deletedalmost 6 years
black go to that room like i requested
deletedalmost 6 years
town won and mafia reported me!

why do we all report each other but get nv?

jeff reported me to talk about drinks or something yesterday!
almost 6 years
then why would someone report u
deletedalmost 6 years
no one in the game said it was unplayable?
almost 6 years
hi u make games unplayable we have told u this
deletedalmost 6 years
jm you need to respond now. you fake claim all the time too and you know that my trolling did not make the game unplayable or antagonize people.

i trolled with strategy in an allowed way and helped carry town...
almost 6 years
Finally, I legitimate complaint against JM123. Congratz, JM123.
deletedalmost 6 years
mods explain this now or overturn it...
deletedalmost 6 years
come play mafia and take a break from this topic, friend.
deletedalmost 6 years
even jm trolls like i do with fake claims. i learned this from people like him, pranay, and gerry. that is why this verdict is so bs. he does exactly what i do...
deletedalmost 6 years

Ally says

she clearly wasn't though and she was genuinely confused and thought you were ccing her. when you're confusing the person you're trying to roleswap with it's time to stop. winning the game =/= your actions being okay, they won regardless of your trolling, not because of it.

like i said though this shouldn't be a vio it should just be a warning not to do it again.

i agree that it should not be a vio but it not even a warning. i was making sure that she was safe from the lynch and i was retracting before i was lynched. i also was redirecting outside and managed to get it with the rs even...

bad plays are not vio worthy really ever.....
deletedalmost 6 years
i confused mafia hard, which is the entire purpose.

10:37 are you really ccing?
11:12 he asks me if i am caroler and i argue yes to him
11:58 are you caroler
12:18 * sake (i am confused!)
12:46 my head hurts
13:56 i cant do this
15:40 i am so annoyed
17:00 i am having a heart attack
17:10 i am going to try

if we had lynched in blues like i tried to get and we did, the odds are he was confused enought that we might have had a clear caroler alive the next day or a carol

attempting to rs is not a trolling vio here, like the rest of my game......
deletedalmost 6 years
she clearly wasn't though and she was genuinely confused and thought you were ccing her. when you're confusing the person you're trying to roleswap with it's time to stop. winning the game =/= your actions being okay, they won regardless of your trolling, not because of it.

like i said though this shouldn't be a vio it should just be a warning not to do it again.
deletedalmost 6 years

Ally says

i'm not saying you can't rs but perhaps take a hint in the future when the person refuses to rs with you and puts their vote on you.

part of rsing, is making it seem like its real. even if i was caroler there, it would have been better for her to pretend some. i thought that i could make her believe along with the sheriff. it was maybe a bad play (i argue not as we still won this game), but even if so, bad plays are not worthy of a trolling vio alone
deletedalmost 6 years
i'm not saying you can't rs but perhaps take a hint in the future when the person refuses to rs with you and puts their vote on you.
deletedalmost 6 years
you can have serious moments and still be trolling


with all that said, i don't think this game should be a trolling vio. you do troll in other games significantly worse and if this gets oted i believe you will still end up getting a trolling vio in the future if you don't cut it out, but this game specifically is not severe enough in my opinion and i probs would've noted it and told you to troll less in the future.