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Mental Illness Support

over 6 years

If you're living with a mental illness of any kind whether it be Bi-Polar, Depression, PTSD, Dyslexia, or even if you're like me and have anxiety it can get really sometimes, obviously some mental illnesses aren't as serious as others but I'd like to take this time to share some stories (good or bad) that have happened to you guys.

It can be a real pain to live with and its frustrating when people don't understand. For those who don't know I have anxiety and I suffered depression but I would rather not go into that.

So I guess this is a support thread or something I'm not sure. Ask advice on here or stuff like that feel free to say whatever you want that isn't insults or abuse

What mental Illness do you have if any that you suffer from the most?
Bi Polar
over 6 years
inquiring mind, what about this thread helps you more

being able to talk openly about it or seeing that other people are suffering too?

like for me when i came out the relief for me was just being able to talk openly rather than being shunned but sounds like you find encouragement in not feeling alone, so just wondering:)

i guess for me i never felt alone, even when i was "alone" in my own mind by being closeted. what i craved was talking openly because even though i was "alone" i knew i wasn't alone, but i don't know how this whole convincing your mind you're not alone thing i did would translate to a person living w/ a mental illness and whether that's possible or not

idk i'm a bit clueless on this all tbh and just curious
over 6 years

projectmatt says

this site is the worst

solidarity with those of you who are sharing your story/struggle. one of the best ways to break the stigma around mental illness is to talk more openly about it.

to add on to this, since part of the stigma is not talking about it -

ive been dealing with C-PTSD and the subsequent symptoms of anxiety/depression/etc since a young age, but i've only recently identified that i have complex-PTSD

it's been brutal, but threads like these are encouraging. you're never fully alone.
over 6 years
over 6 years
I suffer from bipolar disorder and severe depression since the age of 11 when my father died. Some days are harder than others, and I agree with projectmatt that mental illness needs to be talked about more so it isn't stigmatized. So happy about this thread, if anyone needs any advice or just someone to talk to, my inbox is always open.
over 6 years
hi i don't really know a lot about mental illness but if i can help anyone in any way shoot me a pm:)
over 6 years
my depression is literally ruining my life and bulimia ruined my body and now i'm fat ama
over 6 years
gay didnt make the cut?
over 6 years

D3xTr0m3th0rph4n says

Substance abuse disorder didnt make the cut?

I've suffered symptoms of all these at some point thru drug use

I think it's more likely he just didn't realise it would be a mental illness tbh. Like you said, you've suffered symptoms of the others and I guess that's how we think about addiction - leading to other problems
deletedover 6 years
this is a super thoughtful thread and i appreciate you making it. i've suffered from ocd (formally diagnosed) for about four years now and some days are easier than others but having support definitely makes the tough days less of a hassle to get through; if anyone ever needs me, my inbox is open. i mean it too, even if you think i don't like you or we have some previously withstanding issue - certain things are, i think, larger than petty beef on a java mafia site.
over 6 years
Substance abuse disorder didnt make the cut?

I've suffered symptoms of all these at some point thru drug use
over 6 years
this site is the worst

solidarity with those of you who are sharing your story/struggle. one of the best ways to break the stigma around mental illness is to talk more openly about it.
over 6 years
Depression, although not clinical. I'm not sure I can do much to improve my situation and it's been getting at me every day for the past two years. Also, anxiety for as long as I could remember, which has made social interactions hard for me.
over 6 years
your mental ilness is being a moderator on epic mafia
over 6 years
Ty mods for taking the license to use their power in a constructive way
over 6 years
I can't imagine having to go through what some people here go through every day. Kare made me think about something- people with disorders are just that: people. why shouldn't we give them the help they deserve just because of something they can't control?
over 6 years
no you are just a blonde
over 6 years
i am a mental illness
deletedover 6 years
theres a lot of mentally ill people on this site judging by that pie chart
over 6 years
over 6 years
My depression isnt postoperative so
deletedover 6 years
has anyone else suffered from postoperative depression I'm pretty sure I'm dealing with this
deletedover 6 years
don't be like fishswim and earn urself a forum suspension for being a jackass
over 6 years
Kill the mentally ill

(Jk :])
over 6 years

Kare2 says

So when I was younger at about the age everyone starts reading fluently I still couldn't make out most of the letters I saw. It went on like this for a few years which I also got bullied for being "an idiot who cant read." which led to depression I failed english several times before anyone found out that I cant make out letters. Took me several more years to finally be able to read (Not smoothly, I sometimes still have to think about what I read)

I thhink the worst part of dyslexi is when you feel like you're the stupidest one in the room because everyone else can read. Knowing that I was dumber then the others didn't help depression it tbh fueled it.

Thank you for sharing this. You can now be an inspiration for other people who may be going through something similar as yourself, be it online or in real life.

Thanks to the people posting their stories in this thread. Very helpful and relevant in our world and our societies today.
over 6 years
Is it really that hard for some of you to stop being so blatantly disrespectful?

@ICouldBeYourDad Might I recommend remaking this thread with game mode so immature users don't mess up the thread, something to consider