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Mental Illness Support

over 6 years

If you're living with a mental illness of any kind whether it be Bi-Polar, Depression, PTSD, Dyslexia, or even if you're like me and have anxiety it can get really sometimes, obviously some mental illnesses aren't as serious as others but I'd like to take this time to share some stories (good or bad) that have happened to you guys.

It can be a real pain to live with and its frustrating when people don't understand. For those who don't know I have anxiety and I suffered depression but I would rather not go into that.

So I guess this is a support thread or something I'm not sure. Ask advice on here or stuff like that feel free to say whatever you want that isn't insults or abuse

What mental Illness do you have if any that you suffer from the most?
Bi Polar
over 6 years

Mori says

BPD and PTSD here.

I don't know if I have any stories to share in particular but sometimes I have emotional meltdowns for little stuff and it sucks honestly. I feel like I'm learning to deal with my disorders with time though.
over 6 years
BPD and PTSD here.
over 6 years
"Many violent people have no history of mental disorder and most people with mental illness (90%) have no history of violence".
I found this stat the other day and it kinda threw me
over 6 years
Yeah EM gave you that dophamine whenever you hammer maf or running over town as maf. It's one my "drugs" to avoid depression.
over 6 years
over 6 years


over 6 years
It's all in good fun

also low key I hope those who are struggling feel comfortable enough to post here if they want to/need to, for every one person making jokes there are a handful who care even if they aren't posting <3
over 6 years
if you are feeling suicidal then be free my DUDEZZ YOU AR
over 6 years
If I was upset about people getting angry over bad plays I've made I wouldn't keep playing, this game gets my blood boiling sometimes but I don't stay mad at people for long, I don't think I've held a grudge against a player for longer than a day
over 6 years
i love rydia tbh
over 6 years
@Rydia I appreciate playing with you and while I may not always be the nicest person in game, if you ever need a chat or just wanna play a game hmu.
over 6 years
I appreciate the ability to take advantage of this outlet that you have provided. Thank you for that. I suffer from PTSD. During the time I've played on this website the I have been forced to experience the actions of absolutely horrific players and this has permanently traumatized me to the point where I wake up in the middle of the night, my bed full of sweat with visions in my head of some of the plays you people make.
over 6 years

I know i joke about being sad and depressed and whatever in games a lot, but last year was really rough for me. I lost my girlfriend of three years, my best friend died and I couldn't afford my rent and had to move while this was all happening

Nowadays i'm frequently angry and moody, long periods of anxiety and depression and spikes of mania

I'm okay, i'm fine, but sometimes it's tough trying to not think about death and just ending it all

this game is therapy for me, at the moment, it feels nice to be a part of something, even if it means getting shouted at angrily by people

i'm tired because i've had a bad day at work and this probably doesn't read very well but yeah, everyone in this thread who is feeling bad and struggling, i can relate and i hope you end up figuring it all out
over 6 years

how2play says

Not trolling, I think my little sister wants to end it all.

does your family have access to therapy for her?
over 6 years
She's twelve btw.
over 6 years
Not trolling, I think my little sister wants to end it all.
over 6 years

Jeff says

inquiring mind, what about this thread helps you more

being able to talk openly about it or seeing that other people are suffering too?

like for me when i came out the relief for me was just being able to talk openly rather than being shunned but sounds like you find encouragement in not feeling alone, so just wondering:)

i guess for me i never felt alone, even when i was "alone" in my own mind by being closeted. what i craved was talking openly because even though i was "alone" i knew i wasn't alone, but i don't know how this whole convincing your mind you're not alone thing i did would translate to a person living w/ a mental illness and whether that's possible or not

idk i'm a bit clueless on this all tbh and just curious

it's like, i don't have anyone to talk to irl about my issues. i do usually go another site dedicated to this sort of thing but i have a stalker that frequents that so i've kinda just been dealing with it. it's not like i have so many terrible issues but depression is crushing and nobody wants to listen to me. my parents don't get it when i sleep through every alarm or let my room turn into a dump just because these basic things take up any and all of my energy. if i go to work i have to put away 4 hours to get ready for it, because i'll just lie in bed trying to get energy. other people have no probelm going from school to work to home and do homework and sleep at a correct time and do it all over again. it's just not something people in real life can understand despite everyone going "if you need help you can talk to me" nobody really gives a
over 6 years
FTR if anyone is at risk / suicidal please send me a message on EM or on discord, rose#8006
over 6 years

Jeff says

inquiring mind, what about this thread helps you more

being able to talk openly about it or seeing that other people are suffering too?

like for me when i came out the relief for me was just being able to talk openly rather than being shunned but sounds like you find encouragement in not feeling alone, so just wondering:)

i guess for me i never felt alone, even when i was "alone" in my own mind by being closeted. what i craved was talking openly because even though i was "alone" i knew i wasn't alone, but i don't know how this whole convincing your mind you're not alone thing i did would translate to a person living w/ a mental illness and whether that's possible or not

idk i'm a bit clueless on this all tbh and just curious

Honestly I think it was able to just tell everyone what I have been through, and the strugles of having mental problems. Some people take medication some pepople have to work to get through. Peopl usually feel alone with Mental problem, Like "nobody understands what I have to deal with" but most people have to go through the same thing. Some people just can not deal with it Which to be honest fuels depression.

So I believe being able to talk and open up about things just feels better. being able to relate with poepl helps alot.
over 6 years
i cnta wrtie well :(
over 6 years

Shwartz99 says

Ty mods for taking the license to use their power in a constructive way

I mean I'm the one who made it but yes ty mods for keeping this a safe place and deleting troll
over 6 years

Jeff says

inquiring mind, what about this thread helps you more

being able to talk openly about it or seeing that other people are suffering too?

like for me when i came out the relief for me was just being able to talk openly rather than being shunned but sounds like you find encouragement in not feeling alone, so just wondering:)

i guess for me i never felt alone, even when i was "alone" in my own mind by being closeted. what i craved was talking openly because even though i was "alone" i knew i wasn't alone, but i don't know how this whole convincing your mind you're not alone thing i did would translate to a person living w/ a mental illness and whether that's possible or not

idk i'm a bit clueless on this all tbh and just curious

I was aiming for support in general so to see that people are finding a few uses to this is great
over 6 years

Giga13 says

Is it really that hard for some of you to stop being so blatantly disrespectful?

@ICouldBeYourDad Might I recommend remaking this thread with game mode so immature users don't mess up the thread, something to consider

I have made this twice I feel like it should be fine since the mods are delting the bad comments
over 6 years
I was always being told "at least some people had worse event than yours". I'm knew that, yes. But it didn't change the fact that my life sucks because "The Almighty One" want to.
over 6 years
for me, this thread helps the most by letting me read other peoples stories/struggles. it validates my own struggles while lessening the isolation/shame that mental illness so often brings.

like you said though, there's a ton of relief in being able to talk about it openly. if you have any questions/want to learn, im happy to answer