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EMBB8 Trophy Game

about 6 years

EMBB8: Wonderland

Fantasy Draft:






Memory Wall:

about 6 years

You have a maximum of 8 hours to submit each round, and you may collaborate with other players if you wish. You can change your actions as much as you’d like, but beware: Once we have everyone’s actions, we will announce that actions are locked and we will post the following information:

Whose house burnt down
If someone successfully killed the boy

Anyone that ran up the hill will know who else ran up, and people staying at their house or visiting other houses will know who else was there, if anyone. Then, the next round will begin.

Finally, you are allowed to send actions in advance for future rounds, which can be useful for the ones that think they’ll be away for more than 8 hours. Anyone that doesn’t submit an action in time will resort to the default option, which is to guard their own house. There is no deadline for this challenge aside from the 8 hours as explained above. We hope that we’ll be able to finish the challenge within 24 hours, but if it takes longer, then it will take longer.

If possible, we can complete the HOH tonight. It is understandable if you wish not to, and it will be completed through the description above.
about 6 years
WEEK 9 Head of Household Competition

Things are never as they seem in wonderland. This is true both in the magic of the place and the illusions that your housemates are trying to make you believe in. A well known fable that shows what happens when you lie too much is “The boy who cried wolf.” If you aren’t familiar with the story, it is about a boy who pretended that wolves were attacking his sheep, getting everyone in the town to come rescue his herd. The villagers stopped believing him after being fooled twice, and when he cried for help once a real wolf came, no one came to help.

This week, you will be playing “The Boy Who Cried Wolf."

You are the villagers, and you are all so so tired of the boy constantly crying for the wolf when there is no wolf. He still gets a laugh whenever some of you still go help. If you could murder the boy, the town would be living much more peacefully again. Unfortunately, murder warrants execution, so there can’t be witnesses when you commit your act.

Each round, the boy will cry wolf. You then have options on what to do.

You can run up the hill to see the boy. If you are the only one to do so, you can murder the boy without worry, blame his death on the wolves, and you win the game. If more than 1 person goes up the hill, then the boy laughs at you for being fooled again, and you can’t kill him due to witnesses around.

You can set someone’s house on fire. If no one is home, then you’ll successfully burn that house down without anyone knowing who did it. Anyone that loses their home after a round is eliminated from the competition, since they don’t have a house in the village anymore.

You can stay home and guard your house. If anyone comes to your house to burn it, you’ll see them, they’ll see you, and you’ll shoo them away as they are trespassing.

You can guard someone else’s house. The same mechanics apply as if you were guarding your own home, except you’re doing it in someone else’s house.
about 6 years
WEEK 8 Eviction Ceremony

By a vote of 4-2, Jake, you have been evicted. You are the first juror and will have a hand in deciding the winner of the season.
about 6 years

Jeff says

EMBB says

The final nominees are Jake and Julia.


Mistake, apologies!
about 6 years
deletedabout 6 years

Ally says

next week: jayden evicted in a unanimous vote

about 6 years

EMBB says

The final nominees are Jake and Julia.

about 6 years
Agus: Matt, as I have vetoed one of your nominations, you must now select a replacement nominee.

Matt: When I made my initial nominations, my main goal was to flush the grail. I knew there was a possibility that I would have to nominate 4 people and effectively nominate half of the houseguests eligible for eviction. I would like to congratulate Agus on winning his first ever EMBB comp and forcing me to submit my fourth and final nominee.

Matt: I have chosen to renominate…

Matt: Jayden

Matt: When I say this has been a stressful day, believe me, it was bad. All day I was torn between who should go up on the block. As I debated every option, my gut felt like this was the best move. And I am sticking with it. I wish you both the best of luck.

Happy Mother’s Day.

Agus: This veto ceremony is complete.

The final nominees are Jake and Julia. The house must vote to evict between them as well as submit goodbye messages for both by 10:00 PM EST Monday May 14th (tomorrow). Matt, as HoH, you will send in a vote in the event we have a tie, and send goodbye messages. Nominees must send a goodbye message for the other nominee.
about 6 years
Agus: Hello, everyone! I look at the F9 in this Big Brother Skype thingy, and I think “holy ! It’s incredible that we’re even doing this right now. The Big Bang, the Stone Age, Ben Franklin, disco and now this! Everything in life has led to this Big Brother game. For us, this is a personal event that likely won’t affect the rest of the world, but does that mean this doesn’t matter? Who gives a sh*t?! That last question was rhetorical. If someone gives a though, that’s cool. I mean, does anything matter in the grand scheme of things? You can walk to a store the next day and just randomly get shot by some who decided to rob said store. I’m sure someone just died choking on a carrot while I typed this up. If you died right now, was everything you did pointless? The hardships and the good times you’ve had will inevitably lead you to death. It really sucks, but that’s the truth. Everyone you know and love will die, yourself included. However, I think it’s important to brace this fact. It’s because we’re all gonna die that I believe we should all just have fun and try not to be to each other. Everyone has a story. We’ve all had different experiences in life that’s led us to the path we walk. Our path led us here. So yeah, I don’t think this game is something I’d tell my grandkids about, but I’m glad I decided to apply for EMBB. So would everything you did be pointless if you were suddenly evicted from the Big Brother house? I think you know the answer to that question. Anyways, I don’t remember why I even typed this. Sorry, whoever is the renom, but I choose to save myself with this Power of Veto. I want to continue having fun playing this game. --ThoughtfulOlive, edited to match this game
about 6 years
WEEK 8 Power of Veto Ceremony

Agus walks in with the Power of Veto around their neck.

Agus: Welcome to the Power of Veto ceremony. Matt has nominated Jake and I for eviction. As Power of Veto holder, I have the ability to veto one of these nominations. I have chosen…

Agus: To use the Power of Veto on myself.
about 6 years
Quick Summary of Matts HoH reign:

about 6 years

SirAmelio says

i couldn't settle with getting 9th, sorry!

about 6 years
i couldn't settle with getting 9th, sorry!
about 6 years
Amelio won? He clearly cheated get him out of here
about 6 years
i dedicate my first EMBB comp win in two seasons to Ally
about 6 years
about 6 years
WEEK 8 Power of Veto Competition Results

It’s time for results of the Power of Veto competition!

In 6th place with a score of 32,350…

In 5th place with a score of 41,650…

In 4th place with a score of 64,750…

In 3rd place with a score of 69,450…

That means it’s down to SirAmelio/Agus and Jakeyy/Jake…

In 2nd place, with a score of 75,850 compared to 76,350…

Congratulations, SirAmelio/Agus, you have won the Power of Veto! You have until 10:00 PM EST Sunday May 13th (tomorrow) to submit whether you will save yourself or Jakeyy/Jake as well as a speech. Beastman2764/Matt, as HoH, you must submit a renomination and a speech in case the Veto is used.
deletedabout 6 years
when ur draftee and ur father are nominated and ur mad for a sec but then u realize they probably voted out ur other draftee/best friend

about 6 years
So that's that on that!
about 6 years
As always when submitting, be sure to include your skype and the date and time in the screenshot. If you do not do this, your screenshot will be deemed invalid. An example is below:

Your submissions are due by 10:00 PM EST, Saturday May 12th.
about 6 years
WEEK 8 Power of Veto Competition

Matt, as HoH, and Agus and Jake, as the two nominees, you are competing in the Power of Veto competition along with Emily, Sam, and Jayden.

After 39 days of playing Big Brother, your sense and perception is slowly starting to fade. Life is becoming disproportionated as you’re exhausted striving to be the last person standing in this house. You fall asleep, and wake up to a white rabbit on the riverbank. You follow the white rabbit into a hole, and you fall in. Your eyes open. Around you are four children, and as you look at yourself, you see you are one of them. Suddenly, the goal to win Big Brother is no longer reality - your new goal is to find the code module in order to foil the Delightful Children’s plans and return to the moonbase.

Welcome to your eighth Power of Veto competition. Today you will be playing Operation G.R.A.D.U.A.T.E.S. In this challenge, you will choose one of the characters to play as. Your mission will be to find the code module and then return to the moonbase, destroying enemies and other obstacles in your path. Destroying enemies and obstacles earns you more points. Use the arrow keys to move and the space key to shoot.

There are three levels to run through. The first two levels have three sectors each. The third level has only one sector. You have 4 lives and once they are all used, your run is over. Throughout the game, you can receive one ups that will give you another life.

You can also receive power ups that give you weapons from the other four Kids Next Door characters. Once you are hit or blown up by an obstacle though, your weapons will disappear besides the weapon from your character, along with one life.

The houseguest with the highest score will win the Power of Veto.
about 6 years
WEEK 8 Nomination Ceremony - Part 2

Matt: This means I have nominated Jake for eviction.

Matt: Jakey you are a great person and I am glad we have been talking more frequently. But, this is a game. A lot of people told me that they would like to have you up on the block because you are such a beast in challenges. And I think you are a beast too. So here is another chance to prove why you are the POV King. I wish you the best of luck in the POV comp.

Matt: This nomination ceremony is adjourned.
The nominees are Agus and Jake.
about 6 years
Matt: This nomin-

You hear a humming noise

The Holy Grail magically appears on the kitchen table. You start hearing clicking metallic sounds as the keys from the safe houseguests all go back into the box.

Ryan's key shows up and goes in the nomination box as well. Then, it forcefully pops out and lands right in front of where Ryan is sitting.

You hear a voice coming from the Holy Grail.

”Ryan, you are safe.”

And with that, the grail vaporized into glittering blue smoke.

Now, only Ryan knew this, but as the weeks went by, the power of the Holy Grail was weakening. Once the jury phase was hit, the power of the Holy Grail would be good for one week only, not two. Which means Ryan is safe for this week only.

Matt, since you cannot nominate Ryan, you will be given an additional 24 hours (until 9:00 PM EST Saturday, May 12th) to make your nominations. Agus must be one of the nominees. If you can make your decision within the next hour or two, we will hold the new nomination ceremony tonight. Otherwise we will do it tomorrow.
about 6 years
WEEK 8 Nomination Ceremony - Part 1

Matt: This means I have nominated Agus and Ryan for eviction.

Matt: I want to start off by saying, Congratulations everyone for making it to jury. That’s a huge accomplishment in Big Brother.

Agus, you really are a standup guy, but I will need you to take a seat in one of those nomination chairs. I have enjoyed spending time in this game with you, but we have reached jury and you are the only one yet to be nominated. I commend you for that, as it is not easy to do.

Ryan, you and I both know we have not have the best relationship in this game. When talking to you today, I felt like we could start to build something. When I told you, I was considering not putting you up, I was genuine because I didn’t know if it was the best move. Ultimately, I had to listen to my gut on this one and my gut said to nom you.

I won’t lie and say the Holy Grail has not been a concern of mine. And everyone in the house but yourselves believe that one of you have the Holy Grail. This late in the game, 2 weeks safety is a huge advantage and if I can help eliminate that now, then I am going to take the chance. And if neither of you have it, it clears your name and helps the house narrow down who has it. And if that’s the case and neither of you have it, I still stick by my nominations and wish you both the best of luck in the POV comp.*
about 6 years
my father