about 7 years

So there's been a lot of shooting recently and the president isnt doing about it.

Australia had its worst mass shooting in 1996 on the 28th of April. 12 days later australia announced a bipartisan deal on sweeping gun control measures. The government brought back and destroyed over a million guns. We (australia) haven't had a mass shooting since.

Why is Trump not doing anything. Children are dying. People aren't living their full lives. If comforting those who have been through trauma and lost loved ones is all they can do b*llfucking sh*t. If saying it will be okay to those victims then saying that to gun owners should be fine too.

Sorry im just annoyed with how this has all been going down.

Should gun control be changed?
about 7 years

somethingwhatever says

i think we need to airdrop the police's gun in black communities

but then how will the police fight back?
about 7 years
i think we need to airdrop the police's gun in black communities
about 7 years
i think that we need to airdrop a lot of guns into black communities so that they can defend themselves from police
about 7 years

hikage says

mayhaps your focus should be uniting your precious proletariat in the first damn place

thats not really how revolutions work, its not a personal struggle, its a class struggle, i cant alone overthrow capitalism, i can only do my part
about 7 years

Psy420 says

i think your first mistake is assuming all oppression stems from the government rather than the people. are we gonna shoot up all of them too

this is my favorite meme! the people who are not oppressed benefit from the oppression of others! so instead of working to eliminate it, they work to strengthen it!
about 7 years
about 7 years

Mathlete42 says

if we train teachers to use guns or have armed guards in the classrooms then the crazies will get shot before they can kill anyone

Or you could just gate off schools and require having to talk to someone to get in.
about 7 years

shounen says

i dont think you understand how systematic oppression actually works

Umm, can you stop oppressing me with that condescending post??
about 7 years
I think all opression stems from people having small pen1ses lets ban them from having guns
about 7 years
no, i think MOST oppression stems from capitalism enough that its overthrow is a moral imperative
about 7 years
if you just want to systematically oppress the government then your just another regressive leftie go watch CNN lol
deletedabout 7 years

somethingwhatever says

even if you stabilished socialism in the united states, it would take a lot of time for its culture to part ways with its colonial and imperial past

mayhaps your focus should be uniting your precious proletariat in the first damn place
about 7 years
hello my name is Bob Weldyir and ppl who buy guns gives me money lol sorry
deletedabout 7 years
i dont think you understand how systematic oppression actually works
about 7 years

somethingwhatever says

no one is saying "give everyone a gun and tear down the gov" we r saying we need a revolution, wich is only a first step in ending oppression specially in a country like the united states

i think your first mistake is assuming all oppression stems from the government rather than the people. are we gonna shoot up all of them too
about 7 years
if we train teachers to use guns or have armed guards in the classrooms then the crazies will get shot before they can kill anyone
about 7 years
i think we should give the teachers guns so that they can stop the crazy school shooters
about 7 years
All i know is that I've no interest in hearing what 16yr old dumb tumblr girls on em have to say on important issues, amirite.
about 7 years
even if you stabilished socialism in the united states, it would take a lot of time for its culture to part ways with its colonial and imperial past
about 7 years
The people with the guns should be shooting the red menace and its affiliates instead if you ask me.
about 7 years
im canadian and i agree with everyone
about 7 years
friends, main lobby bads, countrymen, lend me your ears. the weeb menace has gone on long enough. The rich fighting the poor and the poor fighting the rich, let us not forget who is really behind the curtain - clogging up society with nonsene - the WEEBS!
about 7 years

Psy420 says

Warrens says

psy420 is literally telling people: "i know you're oppressed, but here are some countries where the magnitude of oppression is toned down."

as if tearing down the government by giving everyone a gun is going to solve oppression. big lol

no one is saying "give everyone a gun and tear down the gov" we r saying we need a revolution, wich is only a first step in ending oppression specially in a country like the united states
about 7 years
im sorry but my analysis is that america has a martial culture because it is both an imperial power, and a settler colonial nation, and i belive both these things are a direct product of capitalism, so fmpov the only thing that can make an effective change is the overthrow of capitalism, and im not a nihilist to say we replace it with nothing
deletedabout 7 years
oh great chaika's gonna post some enlightened brain edgelord meme