So there's been a lot of shooting recently and the president isnt doing about it.
Australia had its worst mass shooting in 1996 on the 28th of April. 12 days later australia announced a bipartisan deal on sweeping gun control measures. The government brought back and destroyed over a million guns. We (australia) haven't had a mass shooting since.
Why is Trump not doing anything. Children are dying. People aren't living their full lives. If comforting those who have been through trauma and lost loved ones is all they can do b*llfucking sh*t. If saying it will be okay to those victims then saying that to gun owners should be fine too.
Sorry im just annoyed with how this has all been going down.
i want guns for the proleteriat not pettit bourgeoises a$$holes who can afford 10 asssault rifles
deletedabout 7 years
im sorry i dont agree that black and brown people should be slaughtered and left on the streets so that a bunch of rich whites can hold hands and sing kumbaya in the comfort of their mansions
deletedabout 7 years
hey reminder somethingwhatever wants MORE guns for the proletariat rebellion
gandhi was only released cause there was so much violence from the indians, they wanted someone who could calm things down, all the others were pretty much violent from the get go
all of those examples that are actual revolution had very much violence in that, specially india's independence and 1917 revolution, civil right movement and the apartheid the last 2 r a whitewash of black revolutionaries
who cares about them maybe becoming fascist, the us gov deserves to be overthrown NOW that means guns and that means violence, wich is why im pro gun control sure, mentally ill and what not, but will be pro gun bans, going even further my stance is disarm the police and millitary and arm the people, specially the oppressed people of the united statesm, because to me its a moral imperative that the capitalist, racist and imperalist intitutions of the us be dismantled
The US gov deserves to be overthrown? Who tf is upvoting this nonsense.
deletedabout 7 years
if a revolution and complete overthrow were to happen, there would be bloodshed in some form or another. this is inevitable. we dont live in a society where peace can solve every problem. sometimes you do have to fight fire with fire. the government needs to be disarmed in order to possibly obtain a more peaceful society in the long run