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The Mole: Spies in Europe

over 6 years

MOLE: noun

A spy (a double agent) who establishes cover long before beginning espionage

Episode 10 of 10

Current Location: Frankfurt, Germany; Population: 730,000

Known to some as the "Gateway to Europe", and to others as "Mainhattan", Frankfurt is one of the global hubs of Germany. Already, more than half of its inhabitants have non-German backgrounds and more than 100 different languages are spoken on a daily basis. It is the financial capital of the world--appropriate considering that a whopping $48 can be won in this city, the final destination of our trip.

Final Pot: $73


JohnMiller, rockgirlNikki, 100god, Hedger


The ultimate spy game is back!

Players will compete on an ORG journey across Europe, testing their brains, teamwork, and strategy.

Their goal? To successfully complete a series of mind-twisting challenges, and earn money for a cash jackpot that could reach up to $250.

But one of these "players" isn't really a player at all. They're a double agent, working against the other eleven. Their goal? To sabotage their missions, and to ensure that we give away as little of that $250 as possible.

The winner will be the player who can answer this question: Who is the Mole?

Viewer's Lounge

If you wish to be added to the Skype viewer's lounge, just PM one of the hosts, or message us on Skype! We'll get you added.

Audience Game

This season, we will be doing an audience game! Each time the players take the quiz, you at home will also get a chance to guess who you think is the Mole. Each time you are correct, you will be entered into a drawing for $15 at the end of the season!

Who is the Mole?
about 6 years
Finally, with some success under their belts, the team makes preparations for the next challenge:

John Miller: We'll announce the next challenge shortly
FireDragonPrince: Ok
John Miller: But before we do, just a quick question in general:
John Miller: What are you expecting from the next challenge?
John Miller: Is there anything you're hoping for in general?
John Miller: all
qrstuv: hell to pay
John Miller: Interesting
John Miller: What do you think about the pot? Do think that $39 is a reasonable amount for the group to have gained seven episodes in?
qrstuv: maybe lol
Bryce: we're kind of flops..
John Miller: Do you think most people in the group would consider it more important to try to add money to the pot, or to try to make it to the next round?
qrstuv: probably to get to the next round
FireDragonPrince: I think with only 6 left, people are more for themselves than the pot
John Miller: Very interesting
John Miller: Anyways, now that we've had that discussion, maybe you'd like to know what your next challenge will be
John Miller: It's called.......
John Miller: Minute To Win It
about 6 years
Once the votes are in, we're ready to take a walk through the woods to take a nice, therapeutic walk and a challenge, where we can discuss how we feel about each other...

Read it for yourself HERE:
about 6 years
[2/26/2018 12:21:58 PM] John Miller: So there are six of you left, you're past the halfway point. Each of you have outlasted more players then have been executed.
[2/26/2018 12:22:31 PM] John Miller: We'd like for each player to say something in their journals about how they feel about the other five players.
[2/26/2018 12:22:49 PM] qrstuv: im proud of myself <3
[2/26/2018 12:22:51 PM] John Miller: Specifically, we'd like for you to rank the other five players from most liked to least liked.
[2/26/2018 12:22:59 PM] COINTOSSUSER420: how far did you go in 1st season?
[2/26/2018 12:23:10 PM] qrstuv: i went out when Sean went out
[2/26/2018 12:23:18 PM] qrstuv: (i believe)
[2/26/2018 12:23:23 PM] COINTOSSUSER420: I remember seeing logs from 1st season
[2/26/2018 12:23:29 PM] COINTOSSUSER420: the story with Jeff haha
[2/26/2018 12:23:32 PM] COINTOSSUSER420: he got u good guys
[2/26/2018 12:23:46 PM] qrstuv: i never thot he was the mole lol but i love jeff
[2/26/2018 12:24:02 PM] qrstuv: oh no i got Videl's placement last season
[2/26/2018 12:24:06 PM] COINTOSSUSER420: well, I don't like the guy that much but I think he made things interesting
[2/26/2018 12:24:19 PM] qrstuv: he was a charaacter
[2/26/2018 12:24:42 PM] COINTOSSUSER420: ok time to trash talk all of u
[2/26/2018 12:24:46 PM] COINTOSSUSER420: in private
about 6 years
[2/26/2018 12:15:42 PM] FireDragonPrince: Johns wpm
[2/26/2018 12:15:49 PM] FireDragonPrince: Has since become 1wpm
[2/26/2018 12:16:01 PM] FireDragonPrince: Typing one lettercper minute
[2/26/2018 12:16:18 PM] FireDragonPrince: F i r e d r a g o n p r i n c e
[2/26/2018 12:16:26 PM] John Miller: All right, we're now ready to proceed with the execution. Are you ready?
[2/26/2018 12:16:30 PM] COINTOSSUSER420: sec
[2/26/2018 12:16:33 PM] FireDragonPrince: No but go ahead
[2/26/2018 12:17:43 PM] John Miller: All right, let the execution begin!
[2/26/2018 12:17:52 PM] FireDragonPrince: :S
[2/26/2018 12:17:53 PM] COINTOSSUSER420: i hope we're being trolled
[2/26/2018 12:17:57 PM] COINTOSSUSER420: and it's all green
[2/26/2018 12:18:06 PM] John Miller: JUST KIDDING
[2/26/2018 12:18:11 PM] FireDragonPrince: STOP
[2/26/2018 12:18:20 PM] John Miller: Because Michael has left the game voluntarily, there will be no execution today.
[2/26/2018 12:18:24 PM] FireDragonPrince: dang
[2/26/2018 12:18:31 PM] qrstuv: good.
[2/26/2018 12:19:06 PM] John Miller: We'll save the revelation of the quiz results until the end of the season.
[2/26/2018 12:19:21 PM] John Miller: Feel free to speculate on what WOULD have happened :D
about 6 years
[2/26/2018 12:12:11 PM] John Miller: Goodbye, Michael! Thanks for playing and good luck!
[2/26/2018 12:12:18 PM] FireDragonPrince: Execute two of us tbh
[2/26/2018 12:12:21 PM] FireDragonPrince: I dare you
[2/26/2018 12:12:29 PM] John Miller: That being said...

[2/26/2018 12:12:31 PM] COINTOSSUSER420: well idk the guy and I won't say anything else besides that I think it turned out for the best
[2/26/2018 12:12:38 PM] FireDragonPrince: WEW LEGGO
[2/26/2018 12:12:44 PM] qrstuv: oh fuc
[2/26/2018 12:12:46 PM] John Miller: In a moment I will begin entering your names into a computer to access your quiz results.
[2/26/2018 12:12:53 PM] COINTOSSUSER420: o
[2/26/2018 12:12:54 PM] COINTOSSUSER420: lmao
[2/26/2018 12:12:57 PM] COINTOSSUSER420: savage
[2/26/2018 12:13:04 PM] John Miller: If the screen turns green, you are safe, and will continue to the next round.
[2/26/2018 12:13:16 PM] John Miller: If however, the screen turns red, you have been executed, and must leave the game immediately.
[2/26/2018 12:13:30 PM] qrstuv: im nervous
[2/26/2018 12:13:33 PM] FireDragonPrince: Gl bois
[2/26/2018 12:13:57 PM] COINTOSSUSER420: so u want Vicky or Claire to go huh Jake?
[2/26/2018 12:14:24 PM] FireDragonPrince: Bryce isnt here
[2/26/2018 12:14:28 PM] FireDragonPrince: But damn
[2/26/2018 12:14:35 PM] qrstuv: omg there's oonly 6
[2/26/2018 12:14:39 PM] qrstuv: let us all live :c
[2/26/2018 12:14:44 PM] FireDragonPrince: Kill qrs
[2/26/2018 12:14:50 PM] FireDragonPrince: Do it!
[2/26/2018 12:14:53 PM] FireDragonPrince: Jkjk
[2/26/2018 12:15:07 PM] FireDragonPrince: Awww ♡
[2/26/2018 12:15:08 PM] COINTOSSUSER420: lmao
[2/26/2018 12:15:29 PM] FireDragonPrince: Its my time to die bois
about 6 years
[2/26/2018 12:04:55 PM] John Miller: All right, are we ready?
[2/26/2018 12:05:00 PM] FireDragonPrince: Sure
[2/26/2018 12:05:05 PM] FireDragonPrince: May as well
[2/26/2018 12:05:12 PM] COINTOSSUSER420: uhhhh
[2/26/2018 12:05:43 PM] COINTOSSUSER420: the fact that we're not waiting on others makes me think u know what
[2/26/2018 12:05:46 PM] COINTOSSUSER420: but sure
[2/26/2018 12:06:15 PM] COINTOSSUSER420: if it's my last one at least I get a chance to participate :D
[2/26/2018 12:06:18 PM] John Miller: Welcome, players, to the sixth execution of the game!
[2/26/2018 12:06:23 PM] FireDragonPrince: Bye coin! Ull be missed
[2/26/2018 12:06:26 PM] FireDragonPrince: Jkjk
[2/26/2018 12:06:54 PM] qrstuv: Videl wasnt here for his execution dw
[2/26/2018 12:07:00 PM] COINTOSSUSER420: her lol
[2/26/2018 12:07:10 PM] qrstuv: ugh i thot it was her
[2/26/2018 12:07:11 PM] FireDragonPrince: Wryan is sexist!
[2/26/2018 12:07:45 PM] John Miller: I have your quiz results ready.
*** COINTOSSUSER420 palms are sweating ***
[2/26/2018 12:08:08 PM] John Miller: First, however, hosts have an important announcement to make:
*** COINTOSSUSER420 moms spaghetti ***
[2/26/2018 12:08:28 PM] FireDragonPrince: I cant wait till the end of this org to see how crappy i did per quiz
[2/26/2018 12:08:39 PM] John Miller: One player has elected to resign from the game due to personal reasons.
[2/26/2018 12:08:44 PM] FireDragonPrince: Oh
[2/26/2018 12:09:02 PM] John Miller: Going forward, VWXYZ will unfortunately no longer be able to participate.
[2/26/2018 12:09:43 PM] FireDragonPrince: gl in the air force VW
[2/26/2018 12:09:50 PM] John Miller: If you wish to say goodbye to him, now is the time to do so.
[2/26/2018 12:10:01 PM] qrstuv: ciao
[2/26/2018 12:10:03 PM] FireDragonPrince: I believe that was his planned career
[2/26/2018 12:10:16 PM] FireDragonPrince: Do you guys remember the sad music thatd play

about 6 years
With Viixkey eliminated, qrstuv has nothing to do but finish the shift on his own.

1:15 PM:

1:25 PM:

1:45 PM:

2:05 PM:

VWXYZ, Claire, FireDragonPrince, and Bryce did not complete their tasks before the deadline. So $1 is earned for Coin, and $1 for qrstuv. $2 is added to the pot, which stands at $31.33.

A smidge of good news in this episode that has mostly been bad news:

[2/25/2018 11:58:54 AM] John Miller: Hey all!
[2/25/2018 12:00:29 PM] John Miller: Recapping the round so far: you began with $36.33 at the beginning of the round.
[2/25/2018 12:01:23 PM] John Miller: You lost $7 in Stop the Bus, and gained $2 in Snooze Button. That leaves you with $31.33 at the end of the round.
[2/25/2018 12:01:53 PM] John Miller: That’s a bit of an odd figure, so we’ll round it up to $32.
about 6 years
But Viixkey also makes a post at 1:05. Both of them post at the same time.

[2/24/2018 1:05:24 PM] qrstuv: Vicky wyd
[2/24/2018 1:05:31 PM] qrstuv: you messed up lol
[2/24/2018 1:05:39 PM] Viixkey: waa
[2/24/2018 1:05:45 PM] Viixkey: messed up what?
[2/24/2018 1:05:53 PM] qrstuv: you post every 20 minutes not every 10
[2/24/2018 1:05:57 PM] qrstuv: so u lost the dollar rip
[2/24/2018 1:06:02 PM] Viixkey: no it's every 10 minutes
[2/24/2018 1:06:05 PM] Viixkey: I'm confused
[2/24/2018 1:06:11 PM] qrstuv: we alternate though :/
[2/24/2018 1:06:18 PM] qrstuv: 2:25 - Ryan
2:35 - Vicky
2:45 - Ryam
2:55 - Vicky
3:05 - Ryan
3:15 - Vicky
3:25 - Ryan
3:35 - Vicky
3:45 - Ryan
3:55 - Vicky
4:05 - Ryan
4:15 - Vicky
[2/24/2018 1:06:45 PM] Viixkey: yeah
[2/24/2018 1:06:49 PM] Viixkey: every 10 minutes
[2/24/2018 1:06:56 PM] Viixkey: 3.05
[2/24/2018 1:06:56 PM] qrstuv: but it was my turn to post
[2/24/2018 1:07:11 PM] qrstuv: u posted at 2:55
[2/24/2018 1:08:02 PM] Viixkey: oh crap
[2/24/2018 1:08:12 PM] Viixkey: i deleted it lol never mind that
[2/24/2018 1:08:23 PM] qrstuv: i think yoou lost regardless fklajd
[2/24/2018 1:08:36 PM] Viixkey: i thought it was my turn i was jus wait for the 10 minutes my brain slip
[2/24/2018 1:08:41 PM] Viixkey: nooo
[2/24/2018 1:08:56 PM] Viixkey: we posted at the same time that should cancel out lol
[2/24/2018 1:09:00 PM] Viixkey: nooo
[2/24/2018 1:09:02 PM] Viixkey: leave ittt
[2/24/2018 1:09:09 PM] qrstuv: :/

[2/24/2018 1:24:43 PM] HOST: 100GOD: Did you guys delete something?
[2/24/2018 1:24:54 PM] qrstuv: Vicky did
[2/24/2018 1:25:04 PM] HOST: 100GOD: She's eliminated.
[2/24/2018 1:25:11 PM] HOST: 100GOD: You may continue.
[2/24/2018 1:25:17 PM] qrstuv: i figured
about 6 years
The team makes plans, but with the delay, life catches up to them. With little over 7 hours to go before the deadline, Coin decides to take the first shift alone:

9:30 AM:

9:50 AM:

10:10 AM:

10:30 AM:

10:50 AM:

11:10 AM:

11:30 AM:

qrstuv and Viixkey take the next shift:
qrstuv at 12:25:

Viixkey at 12:35:

qrstuv at 12:45:

Viixkey at 12:55:

qrstuv at 1:05:
about 6 years
The next challenge begins:

Snooze Button

This is an endurance challenge. This challenge will reward careful planning. It will also test your unity as a group.

Here's how it works:
Players must post a youtube link of a song in the chat. Each song must have been released sometime before the previous song. No song must be repeated. A player may not post two songs in a row.

You guys have to decide yourself in 3 groups of 2, 2 and 3 people. 2 person team goes for 2 hours each and 3 person team goes for 3 hours. Each player has a dollar assigned to them. Therefore if you guys manage to complete this challenge without any problem you'll win as much as $7.

Here's the final condition:

If 10 minutes go by without a song being posted, or if an invalid song is posted, the person who posted invalid link or missed posting it at 10 minutes mark will be eliminated from that group and the dollar assigned to that person will be lost. However the person remaining in the group can still continue to post a song at their own intervals, completing their round and earning the $1 assigned to them.

Example would be:
Pengu posts a song at 10:00PM,
John must post the next song as mentioned in the conditions at 10:10 PM
Suppose Pengu misses the 10:20PM deadline then they'll be out of the challenge however John can still continue the songs at his own intervals of 10:30, 10:50 and so on..

You guys have to do this for 7 hours as a group and you can choose your own hours as per your team. However no two teams can start at the same time. They must wait for other group to finish before starting.

The date for songs rules is applicable as a group and must be followed.
Example: If John finishes his round with the song released in January 2017 then the next group must begin with song before January 2017. And so on..

Simple, right?
about 6 years
[2/20/2018 5:40:39 PM] Viixkey: says on the question sheet matchstickS
[2/20/2018 5:40:46 PM] Viixkey: if it was one they should say one
[2/20/2018 5:40:47 PM] qrstuv: yeah it does you're right
[2/20/2018 5:40:52 PM] John Miller: E) 10m NW of C, or 80 m SE of B
[2/20/2018 5:40:56 PM] qrstuv: but still you weren't certain so why even submit ffs
[2/20/2018 5:41:01 PM] Viixkey: i was certain
[2/20/2018 5:41:05 PM] John Miller: F) L - O
O - P
C - S
K - E
S - N
[2/20/2018 5:41:19 PM] qrstuv: you were certainly incorrect
[2/20/2018 5:41:41 PM] John Miller: G) FRIEND. Every other word on the list has at least two pronunciations. FRIEND can only be pronounced one way.
[2/20/2018 5:41:41 PM] Viixkey: not my fault i followed the instructions
[2/20/2018 5:41:42 PM] John Miller: H) 15
[2/20/2018 5:41:49 PM] Bryce: OHHH

The pot is reduced to $26.33 after their loss. After checking with the other hosts, we review the "matchsticks" question. Because the missing "s" could have been misleading, they were placed at a disadvantage. However, even if they had gotten that correct they were unlikely to have won the challenge before losing a significant amount of money. The team is awarded $3 for the mistake. The pot total is slightly boosted to $29.33.
about 6 years
[2/20/2018 5:38:28 PM] FireDragonPrince: they all died on me
[2/20/2018 5:38:29 PM] FireDragonPrince: rip
[2/20/2018 5:38:34 PM] qrstuv: no
[2/20/2018 5:38:42 PM] Bryce: was trying to do the wrong word one
[2/20/2018 5:38:47 PM] qrstuv: i'm sorry but that really pissed me off Vicky
[2/20/2018 5:39:23 PM] Viixkey: well what pissed you off, i didn't see anything about moving 1 matchstick so i was confused
[2/20/2018 5:39:30 PM] Viixkey: thought we all agreed to do 1 and then move on
[2/20/2018 5:39:37 PM] Viixkey: then everything went on in a mess
[2/20/2018 5:39:40 PM] Viixkey: lost the 10
[2/20/2018 5:39:51 PM] qrstuv: yeha that's fine but idk why you chose to submit out of no where without double checking if it was even right?
[2/20/2018 5:40:04 PM] John Miller: Would you like to know the correct answers?
[2/20/2018 5:40:07 PM] FireDragonPrince: yes pls
[2/20/2018 5:40:09 PM] Viixkey: 8+1 = 9, i asked if it was okay no one answered me
[2/20/2018 5:40:12 PM] John Miller: A) Four aces and a nine. Only 27 hands can beat it—five different straight flushes (king high through nine high) in each of three suits where you don’t hold a nine, and three straight flushes (eight, seven, and six high) in each of the four suits.

The other two hands can be beaten by 31 different straight flushes—seven different straight flushes (queen high through six high) in each of the four suits, plus three other straight flushes (king high or five high, depending which hand you hold)
[2/20/2018 5:40:18 PM] Viixkey: pretty sure 8+1 = 9
[2/20/2018 5:40:19 PM] qrstuv: also John said in the chat you could only move one
[2/20/2018 5:40:26 PM] John Miller: B) 5+4 = 9
[2/20/2018 5:40:31 PM] qrstuv: no one answered you, exactly
[2/20/2018 5:40:36 PM] John Miller: C) 50
[2/20/2018 5:40:39 PM] John Miller: D) AND
about 6 years
[2/20/2018 5:33:25 PM] FireDragonPrince: we are losing money
[2/20/2018 5:33:26 PM] FireDragonPrince: so
[2/20/2018 5:33:44 PM] John Miller: -$3.35
[2/20/2018 5:34:08 PM] John Miller: -$4.10
[2/20/2018 5:34:39 PM] John Miller: -$4.85
[2/20/2018 5:35:24 PM] John Miller: -$5.98
[2/20/2018 5:35:53 PM] John Miller: -$6.73
[2/20/2018 5:36:11 PM] FireDragonPrince: D is AND
[2/20/2018 5:36:16 PM] John Miller: That is correct!
[2/20/2018 5:36:27 PM] John Miller: -$7.28
[2/20/2018 5:36:55 PM] John Miller: -$8.03
[2/20/2018 5:37:25 PM] John Miller: -$8.78
[2/20/2018 5:37:49 PM] John Miller: -$9.53
[2/20/2018 5:38:08 PM] John Miller: -$10.00
[2/20/2018 5:38:15 PM] John Miller: STOP THAT BUS!
about 6 years
[2/20/2018 5:29:35 PM] John Miller: $2.89 left
[2/20/2018 5:29:38 PM] FireDragonPrince: rip
[2/20/2018 5:29:41 PM] qrstuv: check B
[2/20/2018 5:29:58 PM] John Miller: That is correcct
[2/20/2018 5:30:13 PM] qrstuv: we have ABC done
[2/20/2018 5:30:19 PM] Viixkey: wryan i'm not doing that question so need to swear okay
[2/20/2018 5:30:20 PM] John Miller: $2.19 left
[2/20/2018 5:30:26 PM] John Miller: Going at 90 km/h still
[2/20/2018 5:30:43 PM] John Miller: DEFGH still to be done!

The clock starts running down. At 90 km/h, they're losing 2.5 cents per second, so time is a valuable thing. They watch it fly by as the pendulum swings. They watch it count down til the end of the day, as the clock ticks life away...

[2/20/2018 5:31:16 PM] John Miller: 20 seconds til you hit the negatives!
[2/20/2018 5:31:35 PM] John Miller: You just hit zero!
[2/20/2018 5:32:15 PM] John Miller: At -$.81
[2/20/2018 5:32:23 PM] HOST: RockGirlNikki: (penguin)
[2/20/2018 5:32:37 PM] John Miller: -$1.56
[2/20/2018 5:32:44 PM] FireDragonPrince: H is 14
[2/20/2018 5:32:56 PM] John Miller: Incorrect.
[2/20/2018 5:33:01 PM] FireDragonPrince: err
[2/20/2018 5:33:01 PM] Bryce: H is 15
[2/20/2018 5:33:06 PM] John Miller: Correct
[2/20/2018 5:33:08 PM] qrstuv: what happened to double checking ctfu
[2/20/2018 5:33:15 PM] Bryce: ^^
[2/20/2018 5:33:19 PM] FireDragonPrince: well
[2/20/2018 5:33:24 PM] John Miller: -$2.60
about 6 years
Two incorrect answers down, the bus is moving at 120 km/h.

[2/20/2018 5:22:32 PM] FireDragonPrince: what
[2/20/2018 5:22:35 PM] Viixkey: king is bad lolol
[2/20/2018 5:22:41 PM] qrstuv: A is 4 aces and a 9
[2/20/2018 5:22:46 PM] John Miller: Correct
[2/20/2018 5:22:58 PM] John Miller: Going 105 m/h
[2/20/2018 5:23:03 PM] John Miller: 14.75 left

They struggle with the match puzzle for several minutes.

[2/20/2018 5:24:50 PM] John Miller: $11.25 left
[2/20/2018 5:25:00 PM] qrstuv: do we need to use every match
[2/20/2018 5:25:03 PM] qrstuv: Bryce
[2/20/2018 5:25:05 PM] qrstuv: where r u
[2/20/2018 5:25:07 PM] John Miller: Yes. You only move one match.

Viixkey makes an guess at B. It's incorrect--the bus speeds up.
Bryce guesses that C is 50. He is correct. The bus is still moving at 105 km/h. Viixkey believes that her previous solution was correct and keeps working at it. qrstuv encourages her to try something else.
about 6 years
[2/20/2018 5:20:53 PM] qrstuv: should we answer that?
[2/20/2018 5:20:57 PM] FireDragonPrince: i think it might be
[2/20/2018 5:20:59 PM] John Miller: 1:30-- $17.75
[2/20/2018 5:21:02 PM] FireDragonPrince: Four kings and ace
[2/20/2018 5:21:06 PM] qrstuv: why
[2/20/2018 5:21:14 PM] FireDragonPrince: ok
[2/20/2018 5:21:21 PM] FireDragonPrince: no harm if we answer urs
[2/20/2018 5:21:23 PM] FireDragonPrince: then mine
[2/20/2018 5:21:29 PM] John Miller: 2 min- $17
[2/20/2018 5:21:35 PM] FireDragonPrince: so bold ur thing
[2/20/2018 5:21:38 PM] qrstuv: ok
[2/20/2018 5:21:44 PM] qrstuv: A is 4 aces and a king
[2/20/2018 5:21:49 PM] John Miller: Incorrect.
[2/20/2018 5:21:50 PM] John Miller: Bus Speed: 105 km/h
[2/20/2018 5:21:53 PM] qrstuv: nnn
[2/20/2018 5:21:55 PM] FireDragonPrince: four kings and an Ace is A
[2/20/2018 5:21:57 PM] Viixkey: dead
[2/20/2018 5:21:57 PM] qrstuv: ok go with the king
[2/20/2018 5:22:16 PM] FireDragonPrince: .
[2/20/2018 5:22:23 PM] Viixkey: right or wrong
[2/20/2018 5:22:29 PM] John Miller: Incorrect
about 6 years
After discussion and a brief delay, they are given the problems they need to solve:

[2/20/2018 5:19:21 PM] John Miller: 5
[2/20/2018 5:19:23 PM] John Miller: 4
[2/20/2018 5:19:24 PM] John Miller: 3
[2/20/2018 5:19:25 PM] John Miller: 2
[2/20/2018 5:19:26 PM] John Miller: 1
[2/20/2018 5:19:30 PM] John Miller: Start the bus!
[2/20/2018 5:19:45 PM] Viixkey: okay
[2/20/2018 5:19:55 PM] qrstuv: 4 aces and a king right?
[2/20/2018 5:19:59 PM] FireDragonPrince: umm
[2/20/2018 5:20:01 PM] qrstuv: for A
[2/20/2018 5:20:01 PM] Viixkey: dunno card
[2/20/2018 5:20:15 PM] FireDragonPrince: Aces are usually worth more i believe
[2/20/2018 5:20:30 PM] Bryce: might be a trick question tho
[2/20/2018 5:20:30 PM] John Miller: 1 minute
[2/20/2018 5:20:32 PM] John Miller: $18.50
[2/20/2018 5:20:32 PM] qrstuv: yeah and a four of a kind of aces
[2/20/2018 5:20:35 PM] FireDragonPrince: so he'd have Four of a kind
[2/20/2018 5:20:39 PM] FireDragonPrince: and King high
[2/20/2018 5:20:39 PM] qrstuv: with a King high vs 9 high
about 6 years
[2/19/2018 3:35:53 PM] John Miller: To stop the bus, you’ll need to be able to think under pressure. There are 8 brain teasers that will be shown to you, all at the same time. For every brain teaser you can solve, the bus will slow down 15 km/h. If you can answer 6 brain teasers with no mistakes, the bus will go slower and slower until it stops completely.
[2/19/2018 3:36:08 PM] John Miller: Be careful, however! For every WRONG answer you give, the bus will speed up 15 km/h. (If you make too many mistakes for the bus to be slowed down normally, you can apply the emergency brake by answering all 8 brain teasers.)
[2/19/2018 3:37:15 PM] FireDragonPrince: ok
[2/19/2018 3:37:24 PM] John Miller: You’ll start with $20, but you’ll lose one penny for every 10 meters the bus travels. At 90 km/h, your $20 will run out in just 11.46 minutes... so you're going to want to slow it down AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!
[2/19/2018 3:37:31 PM] John Miller: Every second counts in this challenge.
[2/19/2018 3:37:39 PM] FireDragonPrince: for the group sake gang, we should bold our answer
[2/19/2018 3:37:52 PM] John Miller: To help you out, I won't explain correct answers until the end. I'll just confirm if it's right or wrong.
[2/19/2018 3:38:00 PM] John Miller: If you can’t stop the bus before the $20 runs out, you’ll start to LOSE money from the pot--and the bus will keep running until it’s stopped or you’ve lost $10.
about 6 years
[2/19/2018 3:33:36 PM] John Miller: We’ll be travelling through Germany’s famous Autobahn network! The Autobahn consists of nearly 13,000 km of connected roads that spans the whole of Germany.
[2/19/2018 3:33:52 PM] John Miller: And do you know what the best thing about the Autobahn is?
[2/19/2018 3:34:04 PM] qrstuv: no tolls?
[2/19/2018 3:34:05 PM] Viixkey: what
[2/19/2018 3:34:05 PM] Viixkey: what
[2/19/2018 3:34:07 PM] John Miller: No mandated speed limit.
[2/19/2018 3:34:12 PM] Viixkey: whaaa
[2/19/2018 3:34:13 PM] Viixkey: no way
[2/19/2018 3:34:14 PM] John Miller: Which makes it an ideal place to play our next game.
[2/19/2018 3:34:16 PM] qrstuv: that... sounds dangerous
[2/19/2018 3:34:24 PM] John Miller: You can win up to $20 in this game!
[2/19/2018 3:34:31 PM] FireDragonPrince: ouu
[2/19/2018 3:34:34 PM] Bryce: I'm car sick suddenly
[2/19/2018 3:34:35 PM] John Miller: Or... you could lose as much as $10
[2/19/2018 3:34:46 PM] qrstuv: yall we better not lose aa single cent.
[2/19/2018 3:35:11 PM] John Miller: We're all going to climb aboard a bus in a moment, leaving Cologne and heading to our next destination.
[2/19/2018 3:35:25 PM] John Miller: In a moment, this bus is going to take off down the Autobahn at a speed of 90 km/h. Your goal is to stop this bus as soon as you can!
about 6 years
100 posts a hint in the chat towards the players' next challenge:
about 6 years
Now I want to see what's going on
about 6 years
i love this on tv can you keep me in mind for the next one thanks
about 6 years
This is living just fine. Update will come tomorrow, as soon as I figure out how to summarize one of the challenges.
about 6 years
Pour One Out For Jingahegami
about 6 years
this is dying?