almost 7 years

My personal thread.

Reading a couple of other personal threads inspired me to make my own. So here we are.

I also make music. Here's all the tracks I've created if you're interested in listening to them.

Here is a list of things that bad players do. Do you do any of these?

almost 7 years
almost 7 years
quelle genre de livre? moi je pense que tu pourrais devenir un écrivain éminent. quand tu serais bien connu n’oublie pas à me donnerais ton autographe
almost 7 years
Now that we've gotten the AMA out of the way... let's get to the more serious stuff.
almost 7 years
FL Studio.
almost 7 years
:o what music software do you use? youve told me this but i forgot I wanna one.
almost 7 years
I appreciate both, but electronic sounds is #1. I don't know if it's the sounds themselves that the synths can make, or if it's the melodic composition behind it, but electronic takes the cake.
almost 7 years
do you prefer more electronic music or more classical instrument based pieces?

or do you enjoy music hat incorporate the two?
almost 7 years

coolkidrox123 says

when are you going to unmute hc? xd

He needs to send in an appeal.
almost 7 years

Ally says

what makes you stay in the community?

The people. I've met some really good friends on EM and since some of them are still here, naturally I will be as well. I also enjoy participating in new projects or creating them here, whether it's hosting ORGs, the Olympics, or sharing my knowledge on the game that I love. I would not be feeling the same way doing this with people that uhh, I don't connect with as much.


The biggest reason however, is that I can say that I truly feel like I'm at home here, which cannot be said for anywhere else, both in other online communities and in real life. So that's why I'm still here and I don't see myself leaving anytime soon.
almost 7 years
when are you going to unmute hc? xd
almost 7 years

Lelmoo says

Maybe a dumb question but do you prefer playing under alt or on your main and why?

Good question. I prefer playing on my main more often than not, because I do enjoy the already established relationships I have with people and not having to start from scratch each time.

Also an ego thrust here, but I do enjoy the challenge of playing the game where everyone already knows about my capability as a player, and having to find a way to still make it to the end despite that. Sometimes this meta is undesired though, and that's when I'll choose to play on an alt instead.
almost 7 years

This one is pretty good too
almost 7 years

coolkidrox123 says

what's your fav movie soundtrack?

what soundtrack made you feel the most joy?
the most sorrow?

Start at 1:40 or so
almost 7 years

FirePsychic says

can I get in honest opinion

This is not an opinion thread
almost 7 years

cute says

quelle est ta vision?

J'ecrirais peut-etre un livre sur ma vision.
almost 7 years

Zoya says

So would you consider going into the music production route once you're done with school?

I plan on being financially stable.
almost 7 years

Clockwise26 says

1)What do you think of Justin Trudeau
2)Considering you've been here since the start basically, what do you think of the lobby today compared to the past, and of the lobby future.

1. I don't follow politics. So no opinion.

2. Tough question. I joined the EM survivor community when I was 16. I'm 22 now, and I may not have the most objective memories of 2012 vivor lobby. I'll always have fond memories of the vivor lobby when I first joined, especially b/c of the new experience it gave and the people I met.

I believe we've had several improvements. The community is less circle-jerky, strategic discussions are much more in-depth because votes take more than 2 minutes now. The challenges are better, although I do miss some of our old broken challenges such as chutes (fun fact, I'm the one who repaired it!!!), alphabet bomb and scratch my back.

We also have our own vivor lobby now which is much better than having to deal with sandboxers entering our games and suiciding in them. We have our own threads, the community is booming, and we don't need to wait for long periods of time for games to fill/having to advertise our games on lobby walls.

If there's one thing about the games today that I don't like, its the blacklists. Back then, people would always stay for jury.

I think the future of this lobby is promising, as long as lucid doesn't pull the plug on EM or anything like that.
deletedalmost 7 years
what makes you stay in the community?
almost 7 years
Maybe a dumb question but do you prefer playing under alt or on your main and why?
almost 7 years
what's your fav movie soundtrack?

what soundtrack made you feel the most joy?
the most sorrow?
almost 7 years
can I get in honest opinion
almost 7 years
quelle est ta vision?
almost 7 years
So would you consider going into the music production route once you're done with school?
almost 7 years
1)What do you think of Justin Trudeau
2)Considering you've been here since the start basically, what do you think of the lobby today compared to the past, and of the lobby future.
almost 7 years
I mainly listen to English music. French music (at least in Quebec), for the most part, doesn't work for me because they care more about the voice & lyrics more than anything else, the instruments take a backseat. So you get a lot of folk-ish music which I don't care much for. I listen for the beat and melodies, not the lyrics.

Meanwhile in American music, the vocals are treated like an instrument and there is much more care put into the general mix and making groovy tunes. The lyrics take a backseat and that's fine with me.