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SurvivorORG Season 2 Tahiti

over 7 years

SurvivorORG Season 2: Tahiti - Blood vs. Water


Cast Reveal & Draft:

Season Intro: (Thanks Schikgil!)

A HUGE CONGRATS to rs1993 (Charlie) for winning SurvivorORG to Ripple (Claire) and hedger in a 7-2-1 vote!!!! It was an absolutely insane game! Congrats Charlie, and good game Ripple and hedger!!!

Congrats to Schikgil for also winning FAN FAVORITE and Lobo for winning the POTS, beating Schikgil and Lobo! Congrats guys!

Thanks again to the wonderful cast for such a great season!

Here is the voting doc:

Here are some fun stats about the game:

Thanks again to everyone! You all played great and it was a pleasure hosting for all of you! Thanks to all hosts (Vibrage, Ahrre, Nadine, MegaRaptor789, jbomber732, marry, and Knife)!

Be on the lookout for Season 3, coming soon!!!

Papeete Tribe

Ripple's Opening Speech:

rs1993's Opening Speech:

hedger's Opening Speech:

ISamEI's Jury Speech:

feist's Jury Speech:

Drachus's Jury Speech:

eat's Jury Speech:

hasdanta's Jury Speech:

softie's Jury Speech:

arisuu's Jury Speech:

Dunn's Jury Speech:

Schikgil's Jury Speech:

Lobo's Jury Speech:

over 7 years
After flirt is eliminated from Redemption Island, hedger is voted out at the Joint Tribal. Castaways are now taking a small break and will recieve their next challenge tomorrow!
over 7 years
gl my faves!!!

over 7 years

ISamEI says

He might be talking about what's going on in the game right now rather than any player's gameplay specifically.

over 7 years
He might be talking about what's going on in the game right now rather than any player's gameplay specifically.
deletedover 7 years

ahrre says

Tfw I wanna discuss gameplay but I can't bc I'm a host

Literally this is a terrible twist and you should all be ashamed.

I don't give 2 sh!ts about whether I'm 'playing a good game or not' I still should have the opportunity to save myself in a physical challenge, not "WHO HAS THE SMALLEST META-TARGET" especially when you say "you're not allowed to discuss this with anyone else" during the challenge. EVERY survivor org i've seen that had a joint tribal has given the opportunity for physical players to keep themselves safe in a challenge.

You're being completely unprofessional as a host, even insinuating that this is all my fault due to gameplay.
over 7 years

eat says

ahrre says

eat says

Ripple says

eat says

Ripple says

"Joint tribal they said it'd be fun they said"

Did anyone ever say it would be fun

I bet the hosts did

hey this will be fun lets throw everyone in a joint tribal aka metatargeting central and lets have a INFECTION immunity! Ya'know one where all the targets physically are unable to win immunity? That one.

*Looks at the EMVV3 joint tribal*

Yes, I definitely regret that and I've said that multiple times, and if you haven't paid attention I've said it publically. Jake was 100% robbed.

There's also a huge difference because there was an option for SAFETY both individually and by tribe. The tribe (WHO NOBODY ON MY TRIBE HAS INTERACTED WITH YET) who won reward got to choose patient Zero. I had no chance to socialize before I was picked as patient Zero.

In EMVivor 3, we gave a way for a tribe to be all safe, to protect their whole tribe, and for them to protect their biggest meta threat/someone to be selfish and take immunity for themselves. We didn't have an immunity that basically protects the people with the smallest target in the game. There is a huge difference and if you don't see that you're just blind. I don't agree with what we did, but its still 100 times better than what is going on right now.

Tfw I wanna discuss gameplay but I can't bc I'm a host

deletedover 7 years

ahrre says

eat says

Ripple says

eat says

Ripple says

"Joint tribal they said it'd be fun they said"

Did anyone ever say it would be fun

I bet the hosts did

hey this will be fun lets throw everyone in a joint tribal aka metatargeting central and lets have a INFECTION immunity! Ya'know one where all the targets physically are unable to win immunity? That one.

*Looks at the EMVV3 joint tribal*

Yes, I definitely regret that and I've said that multiple times, and if you haven't paid attention I've said it publically. Jake was 100% robbed.

There's also a huge difference because there was an option for SAFETY both individually and by tribe. The tribe (WHO NOBODY ON MY TRIBE HAS INTERACTED WITH YET) who won reward got to choose patient Zero. I had no chance to socialize before I was picked as patient Zero.

In EMVivor 3, we gave a way for a tribe to be all safe, to protect their whole tribe, and for them to protect their biggest meta threat/someone to be selfish and take immunity for themselves. We didn't have an immunity that basically protects the people with the smallest target in the game. There is a huge difference and if you don't see that you're just blind. I don't agree with what we did, but its still 100 times better than what is going on right now.
over 7 years

eat says

Ripple says

eat says

Ripple says

"Joint tribal they said it'd be fun they said"

Did anyone ever say it would be fun

I bet the hosts did

hey this will be fun lets throw everyone in a joint tribal aka metatargeting central and lets have a INFECTION immunity! Ya'know one where all the targets physically are unable to win immunity? That one.

*Looks at the EMVV3 joint tribal*
deletedover 7 years

Ripple says

eat says

Ripple says

"Joint tribal they said it'd be fun they said"

Did anyone ever say it would be fun

I bet the hosts did

hey this will be fun lets throw everyone in a joint tribal aka metatargeting central and lets have a INFECTION immunity! Ya'know one where all the targets physically are unable to win immunity? That one.
deletedover 7 years

eat says

Ripple says

"Joint tribal they said it'd be fun they said"

Did anyone ever say it would be fun

I bet the hosts did
deletedover 7 years

Ripple says

"Joint tribal they said it'd be fun they said"

Did anyone ever say it would be fun
deletedover 7 years
"Joint tribal they said it'd be fun they said"
over 7 years
After Vairao sends yuujin to Redemption Island, hedger, eat, and Drachus have the opportuninty to switch out with their loved ones. After all three decided to stay in the game, leaving their loved ones to duel, the two tribes were joined together for a Joint Tribal. Immunity will be announced tonight, and our first Redemption Island Duel will be underway. Good luck castaways!
over 7 years
missus ally was robbed as well. slay RI!!
over 7 years
Well we haven't made a post in a week but that's because we tend to stick to the VL and just update the info in the actual thread not in the comments, but for those who are curious to the events over the last week.

Vairao won Reward and Immunity and Afaahiti sent flirt to Redemption Island.

Then Afaahiti won Reward and Immunity and now Vairao is voting someone out tonight! Stay tuned! Results are in 2 hours!
over 7 years
ez to solve, just throw the challenge in RI
over 7 years
for those looking to be informed about what happened after my vote out, heres what happened (100% accurate no fake):
me: glad to be gone hate every one of them hope i never see any of them again!
them: hey loser welcome to redemption island
me: is there any way i can like, not be here
them: no
over 7 years
Afaahiti sends YanmegaMan packing but are surprised to learn that he has a chance to get back into the game! He is now on Redemption Island waiting for his competitors!
over 7 years
Vairao wins Immunity! Afaahiti has until 8PM EST to vote!
over 7 years

Zayn says

MegaRaptor789 says

ok so basically this is what happened since vairao didnt actually "vote" fred out, he instead quit

why is this in a google doc KJDFSVDFBJL

good question...
deletedover 7 years

marry says

Get on Top!

Vibrage loses.
deletedover 7 years

MegaRaptor789 says

ok so basically this is what happened since vairao didnt actually "vote" fred out, he instead quit

why is this in a google doc KJDFSVDFBJL
over 7 years
The tribes receive their next reward challenge... Get on Top!

The tribes will have to take control of a robot and fight their way through levels to score points, using arrow-key mechanics to "get on top" of their CPU opponents! They will be playing in one-player mode.

The tribe with the highest combined score will win an idol clue! Someone from Afaahiti must sit.

After Afaahiti swept the last challenge, can Vairao pull the same off? Check back in 24 hours to see who won!
over 7 years
ok so basically this is what happened since vairao didnt actually "vote" fred out, he instead quit
over 7 years
fred was robbed!