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SurvivorORG 2 Cast Reveal and Draft

over 7 years

SurvivorORG Season 2: Tahiti - Blood vs. Water

The twenty castaways are now on the island of Tahiti. This is where they will spend the next three months battling it out for the $50 prize and the title of Sole Survivor. 10 pairs of loved ones have been separated from one another into two tribes: Afaahiti, which will be wearing the color red, and Vairao, which will be wearing the color yellow. 3 MONTHS! 20 PEOPLE! ONE SURVIVOR!

Pair #1

Dunn - Afaahiti

I'm Dunn I'm looking forward to seeing what I can do pre-merge without Claire, I'm sure she'll make it through I hope I can pull through as well, I'll need alliances and to give off the right impression

Ripple - Vairao

Hey everyone! I'm Ripple but most of you prob know me as Claire/xsonianevermindx I'm back for another org and I hope to have a blast I can't wait to stab everyone in the belly and watch as their blood drips onto the fall and the life slowly drains from their eyes. ^^

Pair #2

Schikgil - Afaahiti

My name is Schik and I'm here to say that I love Tahiti in a major way

rs1993 - Vairao

Hello everyone! Excited to get this started, hopefully I won't flop!

Pair #3

bryce1997 - Afaahiti

Hi I'm Bryce and I love all things Carly Rae Jepsen!! I Didn't Just Come Here To Dance... I came to win!! Or at least try to... I'm gonna be Making The Most of the game and do all that I need to do to thrive. I hope to have a Good Time in the game. This is my First Time playing a BvW game and I hope I can be The One to win it all. I might Cry sometimes, but I have a Fever to win and do place Higher than ever before. I might listen to my E•MO•TION a little too much but that's just because I Really Like You all. Gimme Love and the win, and let's avoid Boy Problems. Hope you Call Me Maybe and Run Away With Me!

Jacob97 - Vairao

Howdy I'm Jacob and I haven't played to many survivor games and this will be my first ever ORG! I hope to meet some new friends and play in fun challenges and just overall have a great experience! Happy Holidays and best of luck!

Pair #4

ISamEI - Afaahiti

I'm ISamEI, a student in my freshman year of college. I don't smoke, but I do enjoy thoughtfully staring off into the distance (reflecting about how I can procrastinate on my work). Talk to me any time, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

...and it's not like I like Alice or anything! She's just my partner!

arisuu - Vairao

hello!! i'm alice and i like cats and anime. and no, I don't know who sam is or why he's my partner, b..baka..... anyway glhf everyone~

Pair #5

flippo135 - Afaahiti

Hey guys, I’m Flippo and I’m from the good old country New Zealand. I’m so keen for this game, and it should be a cracker! I’m here to play after having a bit of a break from ORG’s and I’m as ready as ever. Legggggo!

hasdanta - Vairao

Hey! My name is Conor and I’m from Ireland. I’m a regular epicmafia user however I’ve never really played any type of ORG before, and I’m excited to start this game, especially with my partner, flippo135! I can’t wait to get to know people indepthly and see how I can adapt to a game over the course of 2 and a 1/2 months rather than 2-10 hours!

Pair #6

feist - Afaahiti

Hi, I’m very nervous for this org ..... it will be my 2nd survivor style org :s

Lobo - Vairao

Hello everyone I’m Michael. If you don’t know me then you should know that I’m a phony tony wanna be, bodega tony, wal mart joney. I hope you all enjoy watching me in my debut ORG. Thanks!

Pair #7

flirt - Afaahiti

hi i'm flirt [aka ally] and i'm the first half of survivor lobby's best couple 2k17

eat - Vairao

hi i'm eat and i'm the second half of survivor lobby's best couple 2k17

Pair #8

hedger - Afaahiti

I'm an innocent kitty I swear

yuujin - Vairao

hi im yuujin and i flopped in S1 of this org cuz i sucked at flash games. im back again, still suck at flash games, but ready to do my Best™!!

Pair #9

softie - Afaahiti

hi i’m softie! i like petting dogs and taking naps.

Fred - Vairao

Hello, friends! Fred Fredburger is back and excited for my first vivor ORG! I'm excited to take on some more challenges and probably end up accidentally making softie hate me forever!

Pair #10

YanmegaMan - Afaahiti

Hey guys, I'm Yan, but most people know me as Superior Jake. I really, really love pasta and EM user Tobi. Please support me to feed my pasta addiction.

Drachus - Vairao

Hey guys I'm Sam or Drachus, whichever you prefer. I'll probably flop but hey least I'll have fun doing it!



The Fantasy Draft will also be run on this forum! When the hosts begin the draft we will allow you to draft up to 4 people, one every 30 minutes or every 10 people.

about 7 years

Congratulations to rs1993 for winning this season!!! Congrats also to Ripple and hedger for second and third respectively!!!

And a big congratulations to FFSierraDamnThomas for winning the draft with a score of 217!!!

1. FFSierraDamnThomas - 217
2. karthikbk - 202
3. nattless - 194
4. Chanman123 - 193
5. Jeff - 185
6. alexroberts - 184
7. munchyoshi - 180
8. MonteCarrlo - 178
9. XFire - 173
10. Jpriced - 172
11. tillie - 172
12. Cammy - 147
13. itxLuca - 146
14. hals - 144
15. FannyChmelar - 142
16. sammy - 136
17. Spadez0 - 135
18. qrstuv - 99
19. jgriff - 96
20. matt - 95
21. SirAmelio - 90
22. loris - 89
23. Lelmoo - 76
24. ShiroWhite - 64
25. coolkidrox123 - 26
about 7 years

hedger won Immunity and once again gave it up, this time to Ripple! The last person voted out of this game and the final member of our jury is......Lobo!

1. FFSierraDamnThomas - 192
2. Jeff - 185
3. munchyoshi - 180
4. MonteCarrlo - 178
5. karthikbk - 177
6. XFire - 173
7. Jpriced - 172
8. nattless - 169
9. Chanman123 - 168
10. alexroberts - 159
11. tillie - 147
12. FannyChmelar - 142
13. Cammy - 137
14. sammy - 136
15. Spadez0 - 135
16. hals - 129
17. itxLuca - 121
18. qrstuv - 99
19. jgriff - 96
20. matt - 95
21. SirAmelio - 90
22. Lelmoo - 76
23. ShiroWhite - 64
24. loris - 64
25. coolkidrox123 - 26

The only 2 people who can win the draft are now FFSDT who has rs1993, and karthikbk who has both hedger and Ripple!
about 7 years

Ripple won Immunity! RIP Schikgil!

1. FFSierraDamnThomas - 187
2. Jeff - 185
3. MonteCarrlo - 178
4. munchyoshi - 175
5. XFire - 173
6. Jpriced - 172
7. Chanman123 - 168
8. karthikbk - 164
9. nattless - 156
10. alexroberts - 146
11. FannyChmelar - 137
12. sammy - 136
13. Spadez0 - 135
14. tillie - 134
15. Cammy - 131
16. hals - 122
17. itxLuca - 121
18. jgriff - 96
19. matt - 95
20. qrstuv - 94
21. SirAmelio - 90
22. Lelmoo - 76
23. ShiroWhite - 64
24. loris - 64
25. coolkidrox123 - 26
about 7 years

Schikgil escapes Redemption Island! arisuu and Dunn join the jury! 5 people left means top everyone:

1. Jeff - 185
2. FFSierraDamnThomas - 184
3. MonteCarrlo - 178
4. Jpriced - 172
5. munchyoshi - 169
6. XFire - 163
7. Chanman123 - 161
8. karthikbk - 158
9. nattless - 150
10. alexroberts - 140
11. FannyChmelar - 136
12. sammy - 136
13. Spadez0 - 135
14. Cammy - 131
15. tillie - 128
16. itxLuca - 119
17. hals - 116
18. jgriff - 96
19. matt - 95
20. qrstuv - 93
21. SirAmelio - 90
22. Lelmoo - 76
23. ShiroWhite - 64
24. loris - 62
25. coolkidrox123 - 26
about 7 years

hedger gave up immunity again, this time to Ripple; arisuu is voted onto RI; and softie joins the jury! Top 5:

1. FFSierraDamnThomas - 179
2. Jeff - 175
3. Jpriced - 172
4. MonteCarrlo - 168
5. munchyoshi - 162
about 7 years
rip Jpriced
about 7 years

arisuu wins immunity! hasdanta is eliminated from tahiti! softie replaces him! Top 5:

1. Jeff - 175
2. FFSierraDamnThomas - 174
3. Jpriced - 172
4. MonteCarrlo - 161
5. munchyoshi - 159
about 7 years
Lol eat went from 24 to 20 to 29
about 7 years

Schikgil says

why did schik lose 30 points all of a sudden

ha nice try
about 7 years
why did schik lose 30 points all of a sudden
about 7 years
My bad good catch ffsdt

1. FFSierraDamnThomas - 170
2. Jeff - 161
3. Jpriced MonteCarrlo - 152
4. Chanman123 - 151
5. munchyoshi - 150
about 7 years
why did eat lose 4 points all of a sudden
about 7 years
lets go dunn
about 7 years

Congrats to Lobo for winning Immunity! eat is eliminated from RI and hasdanta takes his spot after being voted out!

1. Jeff FFSierraDamnThomas - 161
2. Jpriced MonteCarrlo - 152
3. Chanman123 - 151
4. munchyoshi - 150
5. karthikbk - 149
about 7 years

hedger won Immunity - but gave it up to arisuu! A tie vote led to Schikgil getting rocked out and replacing Drachus, who was eliminated from RI. Top 5:

1. Jeff - 157
2. FFSierraDamnThomas - 155
3. Jpriced - 152
4. MonteCarrlo - 148
5. Chanman123 - 147
about 7 years
Let's go softie Dunn and arissuuu
about 7 years

Lobo wins Immunity! feist is eliminated from Redemption and Ripple replaces her after being voted out! Hello Top 5:

1. Jpriced - 152
2. FFSierraDamnThomas Jeff - 148
3. MonteCarrlo - 144
4. Chanman123 - 143
5. XFire1994 - 138
about 7 years

Lots going on! Feist switched places with her loved one, Lobo, on Redemption Island, Schikgil won immunity, and SamE was eliminated from Redemption Island with Drachus replacing him after Tribal! Top 5:

1. Jpriced - 152
2. Chanman123 MonteCarrlo - 139
3. Jeff - 137
4. FFSierraDamnThomas - 136
5. karthikbk XFire1994 - 133
about 7 years

Dunn wins another immunity and Lobo is sent to Redemption after softie idoled him out!

1. Jpriced - 144
2. MonteCarrlo - 135
3. Jeff - 131
4. FFSierraDamnThomas - 129
5. Chanman123 karthikbk - 125
about 7 years

hedger wins reward and Dunn wins immunity! ISamEI joins eat on Redemption Island! Welcome Monte to the Top 5:

1. Jpriced - 136
2. Jeff - 125
3. MonteCarrlo - 124
4. sammy - 123
5. Chanman123 - 121
over 7 years

softie wins immunity and eat is sent to Redemption Island! No change to the top 5 again:

1. Jpriced - 128
2. sammy - 123
3. Jeff - 121
4. Chanman123 - 117
5. karthikbk - 113
over 7 years

The merge is finally here and hedger made it off RI! No change to the top 5:

1. Jpriced - 120
2. sammy - 119
3. Jeff - 113
4. Chanman123 - 111
5. karthikbk - 110
over 7 years

After the swap came another Afaahiti Immunity win! Here's the Top 5:

1. Jpriced - 120
2. sammy - 117
3. Jeff - 113
4. Chanman123 - 111
5. karthikbk - 108
over 7 years

Top 5:

1. sammy - 104
2. Jpriced - 100
3. Chanman123 - 96
4. Jeff karthikbk - 95
5. FFSDT - 94
over 7 years

The Top 5 after Afaahiti swept both Reward and Immunity and yuujin was eliminated:

1. sammy - 91
2. karthikbk - 82
3. FFSierraDamnThomas Jeff - 80
4. Chanman123 - 78
5. munchyoshi - 77