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SurvivorORG Season 2 Tahiti

over 7 years

SurvivorORG Season 2: Tahiti - Blood vs. Water


Cast Reveal & Draft:

Season Intro: (Thanks Schikgil!)

A HUGE CONGRATS to rs1993 (Charlie) for winning SurvivorORG to Ripple (Claire) and hedger in a 7-2-1 vote!!!! It was an absolutely insane game! Congrats Charlie, and good game Ripple and hedger!!!

Congrats to Schikgil for also winning FAN FAVORITE and Lobo for winning the POTS, beating Schikgil and Lobo! Congrats guys!

Thanks again to the wonderful cast for such a great season!

Here is the voting doc:

Here are some fun stats about the game:

Thanks again to everyone! You all played great and it was a pleasure hosting for all of you! Thanks to all hosts (Vibrage, Ahrre, Nadine, MegaRaptor789, jbomber732, marry, and Knife)!

Be on the lookout for Season 3, coming soon!!!

Papeete Tribe

Ripple's Opening Speech:

rs1993's Opening Speech:

hedger's Opening Speech:

ISamEI's Jury Speech:

feist's Jury Speech:

Drachus's Jury Speech:

eat's Jury Speech:

hasdanta's Jury Speech:

softie's Jury Speech:

arisuu's Jury Speech:

Dunn's Jury Speech:

Schikgil's Jury Speech:

Lobo's Jury Speech:

about 7 years
rs1993's Opening Speech:

Here is how it will work: the jury will have 48 hours to make their speeches and/or questions, as well as for the three finalists to respond to their questions. After that, the jury will have 48 additional hours to cast their vote for the title of Sole Survivor. Remember that votes are final!
about 7 years
you're muted for a reason, now f*ck off
deletedabout 7 years
"vindictive player" go f*ck yourself u ugly cat roleplaying freak of nature i've never played a vindictive game in my life and u have no idea what my playstyle is like
about 7 years
about 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
Lobo's vote on Charlie saying "Sorry you got fourth" is honestly the funniest thing I have ever read.
about 7 years
The votes are in.

First vote......


Second vote.......


Third vote........


Fourth vote................

17th person voted out of Survivor: Tahiti - Blood vs Water and the 10th and final member of our jury…..

Lobo, the tribe has spoken.

Ripple, rs1993, and hedger have made it to the final 3! They have 48 hours to make their speeches!
about 7 years
the ultimate gag would be voting hedger out now
about 7 years
wooooh go claire!!!!
deletedabout 7 years
Me making FTC?

More likely then you think
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years
The results are in for our Final Immunity Challenge!


hedger wins final immunity!

But we have an announcement...

hedger has given immunity to Ripple. Ripple is making it to FTC.

Your votes are due tomorrow at 11 PM EST. One of you has made it this far, but your journey ends tomorrow. So close, yet so far. Good night, and good luck.
about 7 years
about 7 years
about 7 years
Schikgil is the 16th person voted out fo Survivor: Tahiti - Blood vs Water, and the 9th member of the jury.

The final 4 are working on their Rites of Passage before they will be given their grueling final immunity challenge!
about 7 years
should have been dunn
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years
Ripple wins immunity! Votes are due tomorrow at 11 PM EST!
deletedabout 7 years
GO SCHIK!!!!!!!!!
about 7 years
about 7 years
Dunn and arisuu become the 7th and 8th members of the jury. Schikgil returns to Papeete, and the final five kick off their next Immunity Challenge!
about 7 years
On RI, Dunn and Schikgil, for the 3rd straight time in a row, stay alive! softie is eliminated as the 6th member of the jury.

On Papeete, arisuu has been voted out!

The next 48 hours will be spent on the final Redemption Island duel. Who will join Ripple, rs1993, Lobo, and hedger in the final 5? Find out soon!
about 7 years
On RI, Schikgil and Dunn both stay alive! hasdanta is eliminated and becomes the 5th member of the jury.

softie has been voted out of the Papeete tribe, joining Schikgil and Dunn!

Only 1 more person voted off will head to Redemption Island. 2 more duels remain to determine who will re-enter the game.
about 7 years
arisuu wins immunity!

Votes are due 1/16/18, at 10 PM EST.
about 7 years
On Redemption Island, Schikgil and Dunn both survive to see another day! eat gets last place and is eliminated, becoming the 4th member of the jury.

hasdanta was also voted out of the Papeete tribe, joining Schikgil and Dunn!