collectively, my fondest memories are any time I got to blatantly circlejerk with MrBernke, ruiyang, etc
however, a very specific fond memory is probably the time we were down to 2 town 1 maf, I was maf, and I used Tamabot's commands to make it vote with me, thus winning the game.
deletedabout 7 years
it jsut dawned on me that bebop and jimbei were actually friends pre-backstab
gotta be when sandbox was first created before all u newfgs ruined it. playing some epic srs sandbox games w/ bigpikachu, lognam, biggity, nojames and snowday
my fondest memory would have to be the time i "forgot" my password for this website, which inadvertently lead to a series of events that would result in my walls getting absolutely blown out
1) hosting my 50p game setup for the first time 2) playing the hell out of every man for himself 3) remembering a time before everyone only played literally one setup 3a) remembering a time before closed roles and people actually made setups
A double guiser game where I was guised by two users simultaneously (chris and another I forget). They had equal role priority, so rather than one guising as the other, they both became guised as me while I could still talk from the graveyard under my name because EM jank stacks.
deletedabout 7 years
gotta be when sandbox was first created before all u newfgs ruined it. playing some epic srs sandbox games w/ bigpikachu, lognam, biggity, nojames and snowday