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why do u still visit sandbox

about 7 years

honest question

about 7 years
I usually have to go thru here to get to vivor
about 7 years
Courtesy of Jimbei
about 7 years
Rub a lubba dub duuuuuuuuub
about 7 years
about 7 years
about 7 years
So when I finally choose to give up, my family will see what a no lifer I was on this site
deletedabout 7 years
looks like a lot of folk here are missing some quality blister chatbox psots so i'll try to be more consistent in the coming weeks
deletedabout 7 years

dooze says

^^ he's only interested in micromanaging the current owners

about 7 years
bc i really like closed setups and i don't like the 10 downvote and 10 upvotes system which has nothing to do with this thread but i wanted to tell you that. Maybe 10 downvotes for " hiding " a comment ( which you can simply click and people can see it, which is also dumb ) it's kind of ok but there is no reason for the 10 upvotes.
about 7 years
sandbox is dead viva la bakerswag
about 7 years
good thread btw
about 7 years
despite not having friends in here, i used to visit sandbox mostly for the chat because it was really entertaining to read . now, i feel like its completely dead. so, i just take a look at forums to see if there is any good thread and rarely play games
about 7 years
about 7 years
to townside
about 7 years
The daily chat thread keeps my awareness of time in check
about 7 years
There's a game here? I thought all we did was go into chats and ritualistically kick people out of them.
about 7 years
its where i come to get away from the toxins of the internet.
deletedabout 7 years
sometimes it's nice to hang out in a community that's not so uptight
about 7 years
i dont rly have any other sites that i go on besides facebook and rarely reddit so i kinda just come to scroll wall/sometimes play games
about 7 years
about 7 years
honestly, i'm only here to talk to people lamo i could care less about this game
about 7 years
wasn't worth the 6 hour wait tbh
about 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
Bebop is a shite mod
deletedabout 7 years
But honestly, it's just a way to cope with the sad world I have outside of epicmafia lol